Do the math....a starting Chicago teacher gets $77,500 for 185 days of work, or $420 per day.

An starting electrical engineer earns $57,000 for 260 days of work, or $219 per day.

The Chicago school teacher (and every teacher in the US) is overpaid compared to other professions. And these numbers don't include the pension and other benefits that are lavishly paid for by taxpayers. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
An electrical engineer is not shaping young minds for the future.
You are an imbecile. Spread out has nothing to do with it.

To understand how outrageous a Chicago starting teacher's salary (not including extravagant benefits); compare apples to apples.....a starting teacher's 8 month salary is equivalent to a $116,000 a year position.

They are over paid for what they do and what they produce.

Compared to starting salary of other "professions" they are overpaid by a factor of 3. These other professions work 12 months a year.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
$77k over 12 months - 6416.67 gross

$116k over 12 months - 9666.67 gross

Your contention they're overpaid is unfounded. They're paid what the market will bear, as are the other jobs you listed. You think the government should step in and start controlling salaries now?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Privatize schools. Good teachers will be paid what they're worth, and bad teachers won't be protected by the system.
Privatize schools. Good teachers will be paid what they're worth, and bad teachers won't be protected by the system. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Republitard answer for everything
MrThom's Avatar
I am so anti union, that I am confederate.
Budman's Avatar
WR, you are so far off base that it isn't even funny. Regardless of how the compensation is paid out the bottom line is how much it equates per day worked. Many teachers do elect to have their pay spread out over 12 months while some have their pay spread out over the school year. It doesn't change the pay per day.
WR, you are so far off base that it isn't even funny. Regardless of how the compensation is paid out the bottom line is how much it equates per day worked. Many teachers do elect to have their pay spread out over 12 months while some have their pay spread out over the school year. It doesn't change the pay per day. Originally Posted by Budman
Looks like he's another hard core liberal trying to defend their union voting base's salary and actions whilst looking for a "bath house" boy to stretch some of the wrinkles out of his "balloon knot" ! He must be SOOO proud of that Common Core ed-jumacation he grad-ge-ated with !! No wonder he gets that "itching and burning" sensation 'round his sphincter when confronted with REAL math from the REAL world !!
WR, you are so far off base that it isn't even funny. Regardless of how the compensation is paid out the bottom line is how much it equates per day worked. Many teachers do elect to have their pay spread out over 12 months while some have their pay spread out over the school year. It doesn't change the pay per day. Originally Posted by Budman
The bottom line is that they're being paid a salary. Whether you space it out over 6 months, 12 months or 1 month, they aren't making more than that number. That 4 months they're off, even if they're receiving a check, it's not the same as receiving a check for not working. That pay is figured on 8 months of work. Whether they space it out or not, that pay doesn't change.
Looks like he's another hard core liberal trying to defend their union voting base's salary and actions whilst looking for a "bath house" boy to stretch some of the wrinkles out of his "balloon knot" ! He must be SOOO proud of that Common Core ed-jumacation he grad-ge-ated with !! No wonder he gets that "itching and burning" sensation 'round his sphincter when confronted with REAL math from the REAL world !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
If you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about, I'd pay more attention. Teacher's play an important role in society, shaping the minds of children and encouraging learning. If you can't see that importance, I feel actual pity for you.

I would bet that you have no idea what common core even is. You heard one of your republitard heroes pissing and moaning about it and decided it was no good. Or you saw one of those ridiculous memes or videos being circulated, that had nothing to do with common core. I'm hardcore, you got that much right. I'm hardcore about knowing as many true things and as few false things as I can. I don't let people who possess less intelligence than myself, inform my opinion on things that actually matter. I would love to hear you lay out the course against common core and why it's no good. Step by step, explain to me why it's a bad idea and what your idea is to fix education.

Here's a little example of common core math, and how you probably already use it in your everyday life

What is 26 plus 17? How would you do it in your head, not written down.

Would you maybe say that 26 plus 4 is 30, take that 4 from the 17, leaving you 13, plus the 30 is 43? You've just done common core math. People already use common core methods every fucking day.
Budman's Avatar
The bottom line is that they're being paid a salary. Whether you space it out over 6 months, 12 months or 1 month, they aren't making more than that number. That 4 months they're off, even if they're receiving a check, it's not the same as receiving a check for not working. That pay is figured on 8 months of work. Whether they space it out or not, that pay doesn't change. Originally Posted by WombRaider

They have 3 or 4 months to work another job and supplement their income. In your mind if you only work 1 month per year and make $10,000 you are underpaid. It doesn't matter that you sit on your ass for 11 months. The only thing that matters is you only make $10,000 per year.

This thread flew right over this idiot's head.

The bottom line is that they're being paid a salary. Whether you space it out over 6 months, 12 months or 1 month, they aren't making more than that number. That 4 months they're off, even if they're receiving a check, it's not the same as receiving a check for not working. That pay is figured on 8 months of work. Whether they space it out or not, that pay doesn't change. Originally Posted by WombRaider
If you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about, I'd pay more attention. Teacher's play an important role in society, shaping the minds of children and encouraging learning. If you can't see that importance, I feel actual pity for you.

I would bet that you have no idea what common core even is. You heard one of your republitard heroes pissing and moaning about it and decided it was no good. Or you saw one of those ridiculous memes or videos being circulated, that had nothing to do with common core. I'm hardcore, you got that much right. I'm hardcore about knowing as many true things and as few false things as I can. I don't let people who possess less intelligence than myself, inform my opinion on things that actually matter. I would love to hear you lay out the course against common core and why it's no good. Step by step, explain to me why it's a bad idea and what your idea is to fix education.

Here's a little example of common core math, and how you probably already use it in your everyday life

What is 26 plus 17? How would you do it in your head, not written down.

Would you maybe say that 26 plus 4 is 30, take that 4 from the 17, leaving you 13, plus the 30 is 43? You've just done common core math. People already use common core methods every fucking day. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you admit that you are versed in Common Core there flamer. I WAS RIGHT !! Thanks for proving me right. And I hate to tell ya, but some of us learned math before you libs politicized "education" as another way to control the masses and to get the Teachers unions to bow before you all and reap their union dues for more "walking around money to give to the "brothas" to "
guard the polls and count the "absentee" cemetery voters. Thanks for playing, (and being played !!) lib !!
Just as there are in any occupation, there are good teachers and bad. Don't blame all teachers because there might be a few bad apples.

Speaking of which, I once heard of a former West Texas teacher that was so good at teaching, she taught her incompetent husband to read a book upside down.

Now that's a damn good teacher!

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
—George W. Bush
They have 3 or 4 months to work another job and supplement their income. In your mind if you only work 1 month per year and make $10,000 you are underpaid. It doesn't matter that you sit on your ass for 11 months. The only thing that matters is you only make $10,000 per year. Originally Posted by Budman
Why do you need to use another example that has nothing to do with this? If you work one month a year and make 77K, whether you space it out over a month or 12 months, it's still 77K.
So you admit that you are versed in Common Core there flamer. I WAS RIGHT !! Thanks for proving me right. And I hate to tell ya, but some of us learned math before you libs politicized "education" as another way to control the masses and to get the Teachers unions to bow before you all and reap their union dues for more "walking around money to give to the "brothas" to "
guard the polls and count the "absentee" cemetery voters. Thanks for playing, (and being played !!) lib !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
As I suspected, you have no idea what common core is. You're simply parroting what you heard someone else say. Common Core is not the politicization of education. Anyone who told you that is lying to you. How in the fuck can you politicize math? Explain that to me, Einstein. Do you even listen to what you're saying? You're the worst kind of stupid. So teacher's unions give their dues to black people? How does that work?

What's hilarious is that you're being played. And you don't even know. You think you do, but you don't.