immigration court kids mess

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"The penalties for prostitution are severe—ranging from whipping to execution. But there's a loophole in Islamic law called sigheh, or temporary marriage. According to Shiite interpretation, a man and a woman may enter an impermanent partnership with a preset expiration date. There's no legally required minimum duration (a day, a week, anything goes) and no need for official witnesses—unless the woman is a virgin, in which case she needs the consent of her legal guardian. An Iranian who's wary of arrest can simply escort a prostitute to a registry, obtain a temporary contract from a Muslim cleric, and then legally satisfy his sexual needs."

Yep! get caught with a hooker, just marry her! ah that wonderful and tolerant religion of Islam!! they have a loophole for everything as long as you say Allahu Akbar 5 times and marry the girl. i like the " preset expiration date" part. don't you? is that like the expiration date on that carton of milk i bought yesterday? bahhaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
if one finds themselves into a rock and a hard place with muslims, convert to shia. its a better bet than sunnis.

as i recall you can also do this "marriage" arrangement to get out of rape charges in Iran too. All good under the all seeing eyes of Allah, yeah sugar britches?
it goes under the saying... you break it, you own it.

nice loop holes for that religion.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
are the women from the middle east just stupid or what Originally Posted by Hotrod511

not stupid, its the culture and the rules the men over there set.
Parents get separated from their kids for pretty much any crime. Why is this any different? Originally Posted by Bart.Pimpson

And since DNA tests show a # of those kids are NOT related to those claiming to be their parents, What exactly does that first idiot judge think should happen now?

The "story" of the Times' poster child was that a mother paid a coyote $6000 and left her moderately well-to-do husband and two children to drag this third child over a thousand miles -- subject the child to horrors that it was entirely within the mother's power to avoid -- to knowingly and willfully violate U.S. immigration laws. No one is to blame except for the parent(s) who undertake to violate U.S. law ... for your likes to argue otherwise is mendacious bullshit. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Which is why i have never understood, WHY WE CAN'T charge these parents with CHILD ENDANGERMENT??!