If John Boehner called a clean vote up or down vote, the problem is over.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Boner fucked up when he sent the bill to senate with the defunding as an amendment.
He should be removed as speaker or he needs to learn the Constitution.
Has the CR bill to fund your move passed yet JL ?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Boner fucked up when he sent the bill to senate with the defunding as an amendment.
He should be removed as speaker or he needs to learn the Constitution. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Read the Constitution yourself. ALL spending bills come from the House as do all taxes. It is working it's way through the courts but since the SCOTUS called Obamacare a tax rather than a fine a constitutional question has been raised.

The Senate is holding on to several bills that would alleviate the situation but they are not even voting "present". Like Obama, they are AWOL.

There is no constitutional requirement to forward a "clean" bill. Unlike the lies told by Obama this has happened many times before. The House gave Nixon bills with requirements, ditto Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush. This is nothing new but there has been one change. In every case, the president negoiated and Obama refuses.
chefnerd's Avatar
Read the Constitution yourself. ALL spending bills come from the House as do all taxes. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Try reading the constitution yourself JD. Nowhere does it refer to spending bills originating in in the House. Two things and TWO THINGS ONLY must originate in the House -- Impeachment proceedings and REVENUE RAISING BILLS.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-06-2013, 11:12 AM
raise revenue, defund a LAW ... same thing.

if you're a moron, and JD is a moron
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The Republican GOP has passed multiple CR spending bills to fund the NIH, Veteran Services, NPS, and other parts of the government..............the Democrats have said NO. For example:
The House passed a Veterans Affairs spending resolution on Thursday, the fifth "mini" spending bill of the week that was sent to the Senate in an effort to reduce the impact of the government shutdown.

In a 259-157 vote, members passed the Honoring Our Promise to America's Veterans Act, H.J.Res. 72.
http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-actio...goes-to-senate Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How is it you and therock18 and I are still posting, along with LovingKayla? Assup the jackass said we are all the same person, didn't he?
Oh, he is a stupid mother fucker who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about, isn't he?
Looks like Assup is wrong again, and has been made to look like a total faggot dick sucking shithead pig eating fuckhead.
Hey Assup, we are all posting - report us to the moderators and get bitch slapped like your faggotty friend Randy4Dicks who wants to stop cumming on your face, and has threatened to cum on mine - though I'd shoot the son of a bitch if he tried to assault me thusly.
At least temporarily.

Does anybody deny that? Even the idiot Whirlytard? A straight up fund the government bill with no strings attached passes. Period. He just won't call it. Originally Posted by timpage
What problem are you referring to?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-06-2013, 02:21 PM
, and has threatened to cum on mine - though I'd shoot the son of a bitch if he tried to assault me thusly. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Quit flirting with Randy!
chefnerd's Avatar
Boehner will not call for a clean vote. He painted himself into this corner along with the rest of the GOP back in 2009-2010 when he, McConnell, and Kyl flat out said no offer, no votes for this bill, EVER.