Congressman denied access to immigrant facility

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You have to understand the typical Obamaton. They take to being lied to like they also take to anal fucking. They just love it when Obama gives it to them.
want2c's Avatar
It seems that everyone is getting caught up in "Mass Distraction". My theory on these kids coming to America is centered around the cartels. The word has been put out that they will be given safe passage and citizenship if they come to America. I believe the cartels have put the word out. It gives them access to a large amount of kids that will go unnoticed if they come up missing.
They do not have to worry about transport, these kids come to them. Human trafficking has become there second highest illegal trade, for the cartels. It's the 21st century cattle hearding.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This does remind me of the "Children's Crusade" of the 13th century.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This does remind me of the "Children's Crusade" of the 13th century. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Damn. You're older than I thought!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This does remind me of the "Children's Crusade" of the 13th century. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How was the JUNK back then! JDIdiot, you sick fuck?
You have to understand the typical Obamaton. They take to being lied to like they also take to anal fucking. They just love it when Obama gives it to them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Almost makes you want to change parties right.
cowboy8055's Avatar
It seems that everyone is getting caught up in "Mass Distraction". My theory on these kids coming to America is centered around the cartels. The word has been put out that they will be given safe passage and citizenship if they come to America. I believe the cartels have put the word out. Originally Posted by want2c
No doubt it's been circulated that if these kids make it to the U.S. there's little chance they will be turned back.

I'm sure the cartels, coyotes, human traffickers are all too happy to help. Lots of cash to be made shipping these kids to the U.S. The Mexican gov't has a hand in this as well. They used to be tough on their southern border. Not so much these days. Scores of Central Americans are literally hoping trains to travel through Mexico to get here. The Mexican gov't is permitting this. Thanks Mexico.
if these kids make it to the U.S. there's little chance they will be turned back. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
I wonder if one of these kids might one day grow up to be a US Senator like Ted Cruz.
It seems that everyone is getting caught up in "Mass Distraction". My theory on these kids coming to America is centered around the cartels. The word has been put out that they will be given safe passage and citizenship if they come to America. I believe the cartels have put the word out. It gives them access to a large amount of kids that will go unnoticed if they come up missing.
They do not have to worry about transport, these kids come to them. Human trafficking has become there second highest illegal trade, for the cartels. It's the 21st century cattle hearding. Originally Posted by want2c
It's no theory. The Democratic cartel signaled that children that come will not be turned away. Coyote Obama accomplished it by several decrees he made to ICE. ABC followed some of the kids up thru Central America, to the border, then to Baltimore for a Federal Court date. When that date came, the children did not appear in court and weren't at the residence they were staying.

Any blood is on Obama's hands.

Any blood is on Obama's hands. Originally Posted by gnadfly
And I suppose you would also like to put the blood of the 4500+ American soldiers who died in Iraq, "on Obama's hands."
It's no theory. The Democratic cartel signaled that children that come will not be turned away. Coyote Obama accomplished it by several decrees he made to ICE. ABC followed some of the kids up thru Central America, to the border, then to Baltimore for a Federal Court date. When that date came, the children did not appear in court and weren't at the residence they were staying.

Any blood is on Obama's hands. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Be sure and give the do nothing republicans a free ride, as they have sat on their ass and did nothing about immigration. You dimatards are a joke just an bunch of O'Blamers.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And I suppose you would also like to put the blood of the 4500+ American soldiers who died in Iraq, "on Obama's hands." Originally Posted by bigtex

An oldie but not such a goodie
An oldie but not such a goodie Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The truth hurts, doesn't it JDIdiot?
boardman's Avatar
I wonder if one of these kids might one day grow up to be a US Senator like Ted Cruz. Originally Posted by bigtex
I wonder how many of these kids will be voting against Cruz in his next election.
Kids can't vote.