Is there any honesty on this board anymore..

hedster's Avatar
I hate complaining but look yes I answer ISO alot I'm looking for a lay like you. Guys if you see some replies you pick the one you want. If I get you to conversate with text messages all you have to say yes or no. I wasted an hour after giving up the damn address already. Guys you know how it feels too. And if you feel like you are not comfortable seeing me I do not try to talk you into anything you do not want to do. Please respect my time this all I ask is respect here. Also to be upfront thanks. Originally Posted by SexyPlatinum
SP, Life happens...
sometimes things get sideways even if you do everything by the proverbial book.

Drink a toast to the other 90% of hobbyists who did you right.
TrueCowboy's Avatar

a consumer pays for the services and has nothing left over. so, the consumer is in the red. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Actually, we end up in the pink. And with this girl it's a great place to be! Don't get me wrong, I would love to sell my cock to bitches.

That said, I've never considered banging bad ass chicks as a loss. This is WAY cheaper than trying to date civvies and getting fucked out of time and money.

Just me, I guess?
SP, I totally feel your pain. I spend part of my day trying to acquire new customers. Like the hobby, most of my potential customers are aware of my products/services and they approach me. I spend time to educate them on how my stuff can make a difference, demonstrate and sometimes even going the extra mile building prototypes to help them see the value. After all this, they just walk away and some don't even have the courtesy to say they will not be using my stuff. Ignored followups.
blowmypop23's Avatar
Time wasters suck but everything is cyclical so hopefully it's just a little funk you can power through.
Wait...there was honesty on this silly freekin hooker board??
KittyLamour's Avatar
Wait...there was honesty on this silly freekin hooker board?? Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Honesty??? Where??? I missed it.
trexxxs's Avatar
Honesty??? Where??? I missed it. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Here's honesty: I'm lying.
Bobster36's Avatar
SP - I've met you several times in vastly different locations within Dallas county. Like nearly all providers, your most recent ad (10/1) does not indicate a location. Unless a hobbyist has a bunch of free time, he needs to know your location before even considering making an appointment for your consulting services. You might eliminate some of the tire kickers if you add an approximate location to your ads.

If you're in Addison, "Beltline/DNT" is sufficient. Many providers list "Galleria area" which tends to be too vague. Some are at Midway/635, others are at Arapaho/DNT. Big travel time difference, esp during rush hour.

In summary, you're awesome and I'll see you many times again. That said, if your ads continue to exclude approximate location, my 1st text will always be location request. After I get your response there will be some time gap for me to figure out if I can get there and back within my available time frame.

And I'm single! For the married hobbyists, it becomes even trickier!
I wish there was a way to tell the percentage of iso fulfillment

Nothing more annoying than the desperate girls responding to every iso they are never a match and I'm sure besides them we guys get very few responses

And I'm sure the same goes for the girls tons of time wasters on there and I do notice most are newbies with no reviews not that I'm not a newbie with little reviews but they could be like me with p411 who knows I could be wrong
My showcase tells you all details of my location schedule and everything. That is why we have a showcase. You guys should look at them so you can do your research. I'm not putting everything in my add because outside can also see my ads. And oh why is it everytime I say something I have that one person that tries to correct my spelling or something. And isn't that kind of hijacking a thread. Guys I am not going let this place change my personality. I come here to have fun so how about stop all the time wasting and ncns. Hopefully today will go better.
  • DSK
  • 10-03-2015, 11:45 AM
I honestly would like to see more taint on icky. How is that for honesty? Originally Posted by pyramider
Honestly, you are boring as hell with the repetition. Get new material!
Hnm let me save my pennies so i can see SP
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
My showcase tells you all details of my location schedule and everything. That is why we have a showcase. You guys should look at them so you can do your research. I'm not putting everything in my add because outside can also see my ads. And oh why is it everytime I say something I have that one person that tries to correct my spelling or something. And isn't that kind of hijacking a thread. Guys I am not going let this place change my personality. I come here to have fun so how about stop all the time wasting and ncns. Hopefully today will go better. Originally Posted by SexyPlatinum
Often, men do not read.

They look at pictures, first. Then, rates. And a few will actually peruse your website and generally, those are the guys that I adore!

To answer your question about the spelling, etc. There are some members of this board that fancy themselves as being grammarians. I used to be like that and then, I started to see it as being rather rude and unnecessary, although I do see the value in writing a complete sentence.

Or being able to express yourself well, with the written word, and you seem to do that just fine with that (and complete sentences, too!).

Also, the whole back and forth before an appointment and what goes with that? That's part of our job, and it's the part that I do not like, either. But you have to just accept that a large number of "inquiries" are probably not going to result in an appointment.

So in time, you'll learn how to navigate your calls, and e-mails, and have more success with not dealing too often with time wasters.

Hope this helps. I'll still get annoyed especially when I've been dealing with someone for a long time, and in the end, we don't visit with each other. It's a drag.

But it's just a part of this business. I do hear of some females who will say that they NEVER have a ncns, or guys cancel. I cannot help but wonder if they're telling the truth.

SP, as you know there are a lot of if ands and butts on here.

I just hope you have a great fun safe day and weren't so far away
People I am going to be who I am period. I do not pretend in real life nor am I about to do that on this board. How I write on here is the way you will read it. I am southern and yes I have my accent still. If you want it proper guys sorry for being true to myself then lol. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day because I am having a blast.