if it looks like an Antisemite and quacks like an antisemite...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where's Josef Mengele?

I'm sure he'll show up as an invited guest to Twitler's first SOTU.

Meanwhile, you keep looking the other way, dipshits. It's gotta be hard trying to defend your actions all day every day.

Reap what you sow.


Top Trump Adviser Faces Calls For Resignation After Reports Of Ties To Nazi-Aligned Group
Sebastian Gorka proudly wears a medal from a Hungarian group that collaborated with Nazis during World War II.

WASHINGTON ― A top counterterrorism adviser to President Donald Trump faces growing calls to resign after a series of news reports alleging he has ties to a far-right Hungarian group with historical links to the Nazi party.

Sebastian Gorka was photographed during the January inaugural ball wearing a medal that foreign policy news site LobeLog later identified as a symbol of membership in the Hungarian Order of Heroes. The group, known as Vitézi Rend in Hungarian, collaborated with the Nazi government during World War II, according to the State Department. Members of the group are ineligible for American visas.

Gorka did not respond to LobeLog’s request for comment. He later told Breitbart that the medal belonged to his late father, Paul Gorka, who “was awarded a declaration for his resistance to a dictatorship.” The Forward followed up with a series of reports alleging that Sebastian Gorka spent years immersing himself in far-right, anti-Semitic political organizations in Hungary, and is a sworn member of the Vitézi Rend. Gorka ignored requests for comment on the article and instead issued a denial to a friendly reporter at Tablet after The Forward published the allegations.

Three Democratic senators on Friday called on the acting deputy attorney general and the secretary of homeland security to investigate whether Gorka, who was born in the United Kingdom, “falsified his naturalization application or otherwise illegally procured his citizenship” by failing to disclose his membership in the banned Hungarian group. The senators cited The Forward’s reporting.

Gorka did not address the documented ties between the Vitézi Rend and Nazi Germany in his interviews with Breitbart and Tablet ― and neither outlet brought them up. He has written at length about his father’s suffering under the Nazis during World War II and under the subsequent Communist government in Hungary, but he hasn’t explained how his father came to be a member of a group with Nazi ties.

Paul Gorka’s Vitézi Rend membership is not the only indication that the Gorka family fostered connections to anti-Semitic fringe characters.

After the failed 1956 effort to overthrow the Soviet government in Hungary, Paul Gorka and his soon-to-be-wife Susan fled the country, eventually settling in England, where Sebastian was born in 1970.

Years later, Susan Gorka crossed paths with David Irving, a British author known for his anti-Semitic revisionist accounts of World War II. Irving gained international notoriety in the 1990s during an unsuccessful libel suit against a historian who had accused him of being a Holocaust denier. But he was already a controversial figure decades before the lawsuit. In 1977, he published a book called Hitler’s War, which asserted that Adolf Hitler was unaware of the Holocaust.

Irving met Susan Gorka in the 1970s while he was working on a book about the 1956 Hungarian revolution, he told The Huffington Post in an interview. He suspected his interpreter was “tendentiously” translating his interviews, and later concluded the interpreter was a Hungarian spy. He began searching for a new Hungarian speaker who could go through translations of previous interview transcripts to make sure they were correct. Susan Gorka volunteered, he said.

In the resulting book Uprising!, Irving asserts that the Hungarian revolution against the communist government was “primarily an anti-Jewish uprising” ― an assessment disputed by mainstream historians.

“The whole conclusion of the book is dead wrong,” Eva Balogh, an emeritus professor of Eastern European history at Yale University, said in an interview. Balogh, who left Hungary after the revolution, was the first to notice Susan Gorka’s work with Irving.

“I went through that revolution and I remember it pretty well, there was no sign of anti-Semitism as far as I could see it,” Balogh said. “This is a figment of [Irving’s] imagination and his prejudice.”
Sebastian Gorka did not respond to a detailed list of questions about his mother’s work with Irving, and his own views on Irving’s books. According to Irving, Susan Gorka shared his belief that the 1956 uprising was motivated by antipathy toward Jews. “Most Hungarian exiles do believe that,” he said. “They regard the uprising as starting as an anti-Jewish program.”

In the introduction to Uprising! Irving thanked Susan Gorka as one of four interpreters who made the book possible. He also listed two interviews in London with Paul Gorka in 1974 and 1978 in the section on sourcing.

Irving said he stayed in touch with Susan Gorka for several years after the book was published in 1981, and met Sebastian Gorka “two or three times.” He said he has since lost touch with the family. He had never heard of the Vitézi Rend, he said.

Irving’s past relationship with the family, Balogh said, “shows what kind of milieus the Gorkas lived in.”

Critics of Trump’s administration say the reports of Gorka’s ties to anti-Semitic groups and individuals reflect a broader problem.

During last year’s presidential campaign, Trump’s nativist immigration policies gained him popularity among neo-Nazi groups. As a candidate, he was slow to disavow an endorsement from former KKK leader David Duke. As president, he delayed before condemning a series of threats against Jewish community centers across the nation. Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro told reporters last month that Trump had suggested the threats could be false flag attacks intended “to make others look bad.”

The White House statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day notably lacked any mention of the Jewish people ― 6 million of whom were killed in the Holocaust. Asked to concede that the omission was “questionable,” Gorka told conservative talk show host Michael Medved the controversy was “asinine” and “absurd.”

And Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, recently praised the anti-Semitic French philosopher Charles Maurras, who once blamed World War II on Jews. According to his ex-wife, Bannon objected to his kids going to school with “whiny” Jews.

In every instance of alleged anti-Semitism, members of the Trump team have offered some sort of denial, excuse, spin, or misdirection. But connections between Trump administration officials and anti-Semitic fringe characters continue to emerge.

“That Sebastian Gorka cannot even deny he has links with a Nazi-affiliated organization is symptomatic of the grotesque Antisemitism that has infected the Trump White House,” the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, one of the groups calling for Gorka’s resignation, wrote in a statement. “How many ducks in the Trump White House must walk, talk and quack Antisemitically before our country wakes up and sees the greater problem?” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're such an idiot liberal. You support abortion, because in your infantile mind we can't tell a women what to do with her body. Then anti-Semitics can feel the way they do about Jews because you can't tell a person how they are suppose to feel. Abortion essentially is murder. Anti-Semitism is just a state of mind. Get your priorities straight jerkoff.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I AM A COW!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

well! that's a bit too personal isn't it? when did u decide to transgender from a pig?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're an utterly ignorant fuck.

So you believe it's OK for the government -- which you continually complain is over sized and overregulates us -- to mandate what a woman can and can't do with her own body and health, and that there is no ethnic racism outside of your mind.

What fucking shitwagon did you fall off, turd?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
well! that's a bit too personal isn't it? when did u decide to transgender from a pig? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I wasn't aware that was a transgender procedure, ye dolt.

The more you attack, the dumber you sound.

I think I know now why you and your fellow Pepe followers are so bold in this forum.

It's because you either don't have the opportunity to express yourself that way in mixed company -- I.e. Wives, parents, corowkers, police -- or you haven't got the balls.

Either option basically qualifies you as fucking chickenshit cowards.

I fart in your general direction.
lustylad's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
"Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms."

President Donald J. Trump, State of the Union Message, Feb. 28, 2017.

Keep trying, oinkboy.
You're an utterly ignorant fuck.

So you believe it's OK for the government -- which you continually complain is over sized and overregulates us -- to mandate what a woman can and can't do with her own body and health, and that there is no ethnic racism outside of your mind.

What fucking shitwagon did you fall off, turd? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I am not for Abortion stupid. I don't care what you ignorant liberals call it, I call it murder. I am not for racism either, but you can't expect everyone to like you based on race or religion. I understand you probably have it pretty rough. You have a crappy personality, which is grounds right there not to like you, plus you're a fucking Jew, most people don't like Jews. Plus I think it's possibility that you're black. So you're a black Jew with a crappy personality. No wonder you're so bitter. I think most of the reason why you get shunted by people is not because you're Black or Jewish, it's because you're a jerk. You can't change the your race or religion but the jerk part you can. Get a strategy going maybe things will start looking up for ya.

desireemcbride's Avatar
Obama hates Jews? Prove that one. Lol!!!
desireemcbride's Avatar
Jim. You must be a skinhead from the south. Ablack jew? Well I bet that Obama and every jew that ever lived as an iq double yours. :-)
desireemcbride's Avatar
And trump is for abortion. Neo maxi are if Tha baby is not white. Abortion will never end because if a mother is 12 and incestually raped, no one would deny abortion . Most would hide the baby in shame and kill it if abortion was illegal. Fact!
desireemcbride's Avatar
*neo maxi skinheads are for abortion with mixed race babies.
desireemcbride's Avatar
@yassup rider. . You are on an escort site being homophobic? If your wife or family saw that. They 'd be broud. Judge not let thee be judged thyself and keep paying for pussy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do some research. I'm only dipshitophobic.

If you want more meat for your moral grinder, go back and read these assholes' posts. You'll find something for every little thing you preach against ... especially hypocrisy.

But thanks for your posts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I am not for Abortion stupid. I don't care what you ignorant liberals call it, I call it murder. I am not for racism either, but you can't expect everyone to like you based on race or religion. I understand you probably have it pretty rough. You have a crappy personality, which is grounds right there not to like you, plus you're a fucking Jew, most people don't like Jews. Plus I think it's possibility that you're black. So you're a black Jew with a crappy personality. No wonder you're so bitter. I think most of the reason why you get shunted by people is not because you're Black or Jewish, it's because you're a jerk. You can't change the your race or religion but the jerk part you can. Get a strategy going maybe things will start looking up for ya.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Most people wipe their asses when they take a shit.

You should follow the mass and wipe your ass.