Thank the Tea Party!

Old-Tyrant... What do you stand for?

The Constitution as it's written? or Tyranny?
Is this what you stand for Old-Tyrant?

1.To oppose the Constitution because it is based on a belief in God Almighty.

2.To eradicate marriage which they see an institution of slavery to men, women and to children.

3.To free women from the confines of marriage and the domination of men.

4.To free children from the confines of parents. They established through the court systems that the government is the ultimate parent in any given household and not mom or dad. Government can and will intervene in the raising, disciplining, education and even medical treatment of any and all American children.

5.To break down the conventional family unit because Anything conventional and or normal needed to go and because of the afore mentioned slavery issues.

6.To allow free sexuality in all forms. The epitome of Liberal expression and definition can be found in what happened in the muddy farm field at Woodstock when the enlightened and freed souls rolled in the mud in various states of drunkenness, engaging in sexual activities with whomever. From the combined need to break down families, marriage and to allow for all expressions of sexuality comes the Liberal/Progressive notion towards same sex marriages. Ironically, they hate marriage but they fight for Gays to have it!

7.To make drug use legal.

8.To establish equal rights for men and women in all aspects, with the caveat that you can be equal but you are not allowed to exceed anyone. That would alter the balance of their socialism. Still this didn’t keep the Feminist Liberals from demanding rights for women at the expense of men and children.

9.To provide freedom of choice in reproduction so long as the woman has all the choices and all of the rights and men get left out of the matter (after conception that is) and children are, of course, killed.

10.To protect the environment from humans even if some humans have to die so the trees and the owls and the bugs can live. Michael McCloskey of the Sierra Club explained that it is okay if thousands of Africans die of malaria and other mosquito born diseases because their deaths help the environment.

11.To thwart population growth. Their goal is ZERO population growth. They would like humans all around the world to stop producing offspring.

12.To establish civil rights for all mankind in America. No matter where your citizenship is, you will be treated to all civil rights as an American even if you aren’t American.

13.To defend a person’s right to die. What they really advocate is the right to kill. Most euthanasia cases require that someone else kill a person. They don’t advocate suicide, they want assisted deaths.

14.To eradicate religion. Any expression of faith in Judeo-Christian values is deemed to be fanatical. But Judeo-Christian religion has to move aside for their Humanist religion.

15.To commandeer the public school system as a means of indoctrinating Americans.

16.To ensure that Universities remain a breeding ground for Liberal notions, no matter how radical or how lacking in educational value.

17.To usurp the judicial/legal system. Many of the Counter Culture Revolutionists opted to go into Law so they could change the system from within.

18.To evermore be against the norm and status quo. No matter how much they accomplish—they is still so much to be against.

19.To be suspicious of all government— even theirs.

20.To thwart the spread of capitalism. Corporations are the enemy. Money is a means to an end. The value of a dollar is measured only in what they can accomplish with it.

21.To ban handguns. Self protection is not necessary when you can call on them. And hunting is just wrong. Kill the unborn babies, but leave Bambi alone!

22.To modernize the U.S. military—not with weapons but through social engineering, like gays in the military and co-ed barracks.

23.To care and direct the lives of Americans from the cradle to the grave. They tell when if you can be born and when you should hang it up and die.

24.To keep a culture of entitlements. The only way to keep the masses beholden to them is to supply them continually with what they "need".

25.To ensure an atmosphere of fear and dire consequences to any and all who disagree with their assessment. The sky is always on the verge of falling in the Liberal Camp. It’s Global Cooling one day and then Global Warming the next. The trees are all about to die and the tsunamis will wash us all away. The animals will all go extinct while we all die because the cows passed gas and coupled with our BBQ fires and aerosols, the ozone got depleted.
Old-Tyrant... Do you hate Muslims as much as Christians? We all know how much you hate Christians. Do you like Muslims because of their tolerance?

Here is some good reading for you, Old-Tyrant.
Old-Tyrant, Do you support the current administration using the IRS as a weapon on their opposition?

Do you agree with this administrations disdain for the military? You know killing old vets.

Old-Tyrant... do you agree with private Manning getting a sex change operation? as old vets are allowed to die.
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  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2014, 09:07 PM
Had a party nominated someone I could vote for I most certainly would have, but sadly the wackos tend to dominate the primaries, thus giving us few decent options. Couple that with the fact that some truly good candidates never get that far because they choose not to be attacked ruthlessly by their opponents--and we have had about two decades of second rate nominees. Or worse.
Had a party nominated someone I could vote for I most certainly would have, but sadly the wackos tend to dominate the primaries, thus giving us few decent options. Couple that with the fact that some truly good candidates never get that far because they choose not to be attacked ruthlessly by their opponents--and we have had about two decades of second rate nominees. Or worse. Originally Posted by Old-T
You did your part to bash any candidate who believed in Christianity.
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  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2014, 09:26 PM
I was going to respond to your string of stupid comments on this page point by point, but decided I actually have some productive things to do so I will keep it more general. You are so closed minded and set in your ways that a long reply is not worth my time.

First, you demonstrate a clear inability to see shades of gray: you offer o my two options to situations which in reality have a continuum of answers.

Second, your wording on most your points is anything but unbiased.

The reality is I agree with some of the points you state, disagree with some, and think most are improperly asked.

But to address three--and I admit I selected them in part to tweak your nose in public and see how you respond:

1. I see nothing wrong with Woodstock, and I don't believe it was in any way an organized attack on marriage. I am surprised you do not support it as it was a great e ample of free enterprise and capitalism at work. Have you turned into a socialist, attacking initiative and free enterprise? Looks like I had you pegged wrong Comrad!

2. I don't hate Christians, Muslims, or any other religion. I do mock and ridicule ANY Thumpers no matter what book they pound their fist on. The louder they thump the more likely they are to selectively read their own scriptures and focus only on the he'll and brimstone parts. And the intolerance of course.

3. Drugs? You mean like alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine?

Maybe tomorrow i'll address some of your other dumb ill written points. Maybe.

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  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2014, 09:36 PM
You did your part to bash any candidate who believed in Christianity. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Nope. Wrong again IIFFy. I bash those who hide behind their religion as an excuse to spout intolerance, or who want to turn the US into a theocracy based upon their interpretation of their religion. Generally I like people who actually follow their religion with humility--as most religions preach. When is the last time you really took the sermon on the mount seriously? Three people I revere greatly are/ were Sister Theresa, the Dali Lama (the real one), and Pope John Paul II. You can add Billy Graham as well. That doesn't mean I necessary believe exactly as they do, but I respect them as true men/women of their god. I don't hear them thump.
Nope. Wrong again IIFFy. I bash those who hide behind their religion as an excuse to spout intolerance, or who want to turn the US into a theocracy based upon their interpretation of their religion. Generally I like people who actually follow their religion with humility--as most religions preach. When is the last time you really took the sermon on the mount seriously? Three people I revere greatly are/ were Sister Theresa, the Dali Lama (the real one), and Pope John Paul II. You can add Billy Graham as well. That doesn't mean I necessary believe exactly as they do, but I respect them as true men/women of their god. I don't hear them thump. Originally Posted by Old-T

Since you are such a fan. I have picked out a special Billy Graham sermon for your anti-Christian personality.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whoever said you were a complete imbecile was wrong, Slobbrin. I think you've got plenty or room for growth as an imbecile.
Whoever said you were a complete imbecile was wrong, Slobbrin. I think you've got plenty or room for growth as an imbecile. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You eat shit but you are afraid to get it on your back hooves... weird... Shit Eater

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  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2014, 11:27 PM
You don't listen well, do you. Anti thumper is not at all anti Christian.

Poor IIFFy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor, slow Soobbrin!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I got your point, OT. The problem isn't the funding, it how government prioritizes. Some of the items you mentioned, such as the VA medical system should be fully funded. So reallocate money from stupid projects, there are plenty, and fund the important things. The fact is government MUST quit spending so much. When cuts come, reprioritize. Don't whine.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You don't listen well, do you. Anti thumper is not at all anti Christian.

Poor IIFFy. Originally Posted by Old-T
Kudos to you Old-T for attempting to debate with Slobbrin. But you know, talk like that just goes in one ear and in the other...

Oh yeah, Whiny sees your point...LMAO!