Ladies what would it take . . . or just how much . . . $$$???

Bare minimum 60k a year but would prefer it be in the neighborhood of 100k if I'm going to leave this alone for good.
At bare minimum, mid 50's. But, considering that this is paying my way through med school, it would really have to be considerably more.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
I would employ one if they were otherwise qualified...subject to HR giving me the go ahead.
pmdelites's Avatar
reeltalk - great question
women - great answers.

50-60 hrs a week in a real world job?? holey moley - what kind of job would that be?!? that would definitely cut into your deliteful pleasures time. :^O

i'm in software development. when i was a developer, i rarely worked late nites or long weekends [prolly cos of who i worked for, not the pressure cooker of startups]. 20 yrs ago, i left development for another part of software projects and havent worked more than 40-45 hrs a week since then. some travel but never more than 1 week/month. for a while, i was on an IRS project and they didnt want you in the building after 6pm [all but one of the IRS staff were gone by 4pm]!! and being where i am in life, i sure as hell wouldnt want to have a job where i had to work that much for what i'm making now or even less.

like el gato said, even if one of you women were to take this hypothetical offer, unless it was funded w/ a fixed-income annuity, you know it wouldnt be "until retirement". companies go out of business, close whole divisions, lay off workers, cut salaries, etc. even govt jobs are no longer the secure employment they once were.

my employer cut back in 2009 and didnt give out salary increases in 2009 or 2010. we might get one this year. all the while, the company had record revenues and profits. and in the meantime, my group has gone from about 30 folks to 10-15 cos the other left for greener pastures.

i am very grateful that the great women i've met in this sub-culture do what they do for me and the other guys. i know it is a difficult and demanding choice.

but, and that's a very BIG BUT, if i were offered a job paying $100K w/ health, medical, vision benefits, funded retirement plan, 25 vacation days and 10 holidays a year, i just might consider it for a while.

in the eternal words of the bieber-ster, never say never.
I like this thread. Too bad I don't have an answer though.

No idea how much I would need.I live pretty simple, I don't need much.

However if I won the lottery that would be great, thats a rather insane large amount of money. You can buy a whole new life with that. Lol.

Good thread
When I hosted the investment classes last year, I really paid attention. I will be able to retire completely in 5-6 years. I won't go into details but like I said, r-e-t-i-r-e-m-e-n-t. I've been taking care of you guys, now it's time to take care of myself

Would I hire an ex-provider? It depends on the person. Some providers are dependable, smart and savvy. Some are just flaky. It's an individual thing.
Spikebaby's Avatar
In the words of Danny Devito.... "5 Million dollars!"

clubpro's Avatar
You know, if you really want to know - check out and you can see what's out there. Sorry if everyone already knows about this site, but I only learned about it a month ago from one of my old dancer friends. She and her best friend have found their "Sugar Daddies" for now at least are more than a little happy going out to dinner, shopping and a little travelling instead of dancing. If they don't screw this up, they will both make considerably more than $70k if you annualize the first couple of months.

Hmm, is this the future?
A ring on my finger...preferrably the left ring finger.

ItalianaPrincess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess

That's what would take for me too. I make the money. I'm just single right now.
pmdelites's Avatar
When I hosted the investment classes last year, I really paid attention. I will be able to retire completely in 5-6 years. I won't go into details but like I said, r-e-t-i-r-e-m-e-n-t. I've been taking care of you guys, now it's time to take care of myself

Would I hire an ex-provider? It depends on the person. Some providers are dependable, smart and savvy. Some are just flaky. It's an individual thing. Originally Posted by Dharma
having taken a completely different career path and made completely different investment choices in my life than everyone else, after many years of employment, my income and my net worth have slowly and steadily increased to the point where i can see retirement in 4 or so years. when the group i was in at TI got sold, i took all my profit sharing, 401k, and pension money and am now my own retirement pension provider.

but, i've traveled quite a bit, own a home free and clear, very little debt [a bed from Mattress Firm and a car loan], and for the past ten years been able to enjoy incredible delites with incredible women here in the DFW area and a few other cities.

a few tips to younger folks.
* save/invest early!!!! i didnt start saving in IRAs or 401ks until i was in my mid- to late-30s. i could probably be retired by now if i had.
* invest safely and wisely. i never bought real estate as an investment - based on what happened in the 80s, 90s, 00s, that's good news and bad news.
* take on as little debt as possible to be able to use more of your income for savings, investing, and LIVING!!

i'll amend what i posted earlier...
but, and that's a very BIG BUT, if i were offered a job paying $100K w/ health, medical, vision benefits, funded retirement plan, 25 vacation days and 10 holidays a year, i just might consider it for a while.

make that $150K and 40 days off per year for two years and i would seriously consider it. as long as i liked the job. :^)