Encounter: Hara at KFest…not good.

2balls75's Avatar
Sometimes I feel it’s pointless to ask the bookers what the girls look like. They probably work from home and have never even seen the girls except for the website pics. Hell idk
He can absolutely be mad if the girl doesn’t match pictures. Nobody expects it to be 100%, but at least get the build right. These studios have lied when asked basic questions about the girls builds/ age in the past. I can’t tell you how many times I would ask the lovely angels booker/ HDS booker/ sunflower booker about approximate age range and body build and they would blatantly lie just for turn out. I don’t know why y’all are going so far out of your way to defend these practices. Some of us can’t hobby splurge because of our finances. I’d absolutely be mad if I saw a girl who the booker confirmed to be so so age and build and then when you get there she’s overweight with a bad attitude. I also straight up asked the blossom K booker once if the girl wasn’t as advertised can I switch to another girl and they said no. They’re not all cool about it. Originally Posted by SpringFest
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No one is defending the studios for using photos they get from the girls. The studios want the best photos, and reliable photos as well to prevent negative posts. You also as a consumer need to realize most girls heavily filter their photos (Hell look at Maya at AS Now, she looks 0% like that). With that being said, the bookers also get catfished as well.

I have never had an issue with the Booker when I tell them, before I confirm an appointment, if the girl does not match or even close they understand they also want to prevent reviews such as this. If a studio gives you a sorry your SOL if you cancel or change, screw em don’t go back why waste your limited budget on something you will not enjoy. With that being said, multiple posted in the past had posted that they said something to the Booker about girl not matching etc and got a discount or something in the future (believe Harry or Henry Swanson posted this in a review/comments.) moral of the story, make the Booker know it and if the Booker has issue with it, find a better studio that cares about its visitors.

If you are limited budget and looking for a reliable thing, I would suggest find some eye candy that you enjoy and one who will be for awhile. If you look, Blossum/SFG rotate girls like they are a NASCAR pit crew. GL/AS/KF seem to be the one with girls who have been here more than a month or have said they will say.. Nana at GL, Cici/Maya at AS, Angel/Momo are ones who have extended their stays. If you’re worried about catfishing then find a long term stayer and ride it out with them.
veloztec's Avatar
First, thanks for the review on her.

I will get bashed for this, and I have to admit I have not seen Hara.. but just my input here on the review from my short time in the studio game..

1-these girls get turned off at times if you try to bypass shower.A-they want you clean and up their standards (not saying someone doesn’t match them but in general). Also, it is a way to kind of connect/vibe with individual I believe.
2-Doing a HHR is a much more compact time. Along with time slots are usually done out in HR blocks. Also with HHR no real reason to try for MSOG as well.

It very much seems like as well these girls(Hara included) are YMMV, with that being said she has a good and bad review.. OP as well, it seems to have a very high standard (no issue with that we all should expect a certain level), but OP also has given out a lot of NOs or “up to you”. Not trying to downplay anyone’s reviews (they are all appreciated), and not throw stones but verdict should still be out waiting on Hara. Originally Posted by Armydude89D
I agree with Armydude on these points. Very accurate and on-point.

I still think this MF’er is a promoter or part of the Agency circle, but I am fair and objective - Let’s call a spade a spade.

These are good points indeed. Follow them and be happy with your sessions!
And tip well to girls who do good TUMA & DFK & make you happy!
Chung Tran's Avatar
He can absolutely be mad if the girl doesn’t match pictures. Nobody expects it to be 100%, but at least get the build right. These studios have lied when asked basic questions about the girls builds/ age in the past. I can’t tell you how many times I would ask the lovely angels booker/ HDS booker/ sunflower booker about approximate age range and body build and they would blatantly lie just for turn out. I don’t know why y’all are going so far out of your way to defend these practices. Originally Posted by SpringFest
I go back to my statement, that no photo anywhere for anyone has ever been even a close match. If you think they ''should'', you might as well exit the scene. They never will.

Why would Studios ''lie for turnout''? You are one individual, one session out of many. This Website has discussions about bad practices. Studios want customers to be happy.

The Booker likely doesn't know what the ladies look like. Why ask them? Ask Guys here, who have seen and reviewed them. I'm happy to share about those I've seen. My review said ''nope, Hara is not 5'4, 120, try 5'6, 130''. A bit thicker than the Site said, but hardly alarming.

I bet the Ladies submit their own ''BIO's'', with fake pic, and self-stated body measurements. Nothing else makes sense. And you expect a damn Booker to confirm or deny the veracity? That strains credulity.
> They do make more in 30 minutes vs. an hour, but that is a red herring. When you consider they have to work just about as hard ,(and much harder in the 30 minutes session, vs. spreading the work over twice the time), and you can't just book two 30 minute sessions back-to-back, to compensate for a single hour appointment.

That and the good studios do a decent cleaning after each session. More HHR sessions = more time spent cleaning, showering, douching, more dirty towels more risk, etc.

I always assumed the HHR session were a "bad value" specifically to disincentivize it.

> I bet the Ladies submit their own ''BIO's'

They 100% do because there's this one girl in the Dallas scene right now who obviously took her pics with an iPad. Her Bio even says something about being a selfie queen.
Chung Tran's Avatar
> They do make more in 30 minutes vs. an hour, but that is a red herring. When you consider they have to work just about as hard ,(and much harder in the 30 minutes session, vs. spreading the work over twice the time), and you can't just book two 30 minute sessions back-to-back, to compensate for a single hour appointment.

That and the good studios do a decent cleaning after each session. More HHR sessions = more time spent cleaning, showering, douching, more dirty towels more risk, etc.

I always assumed the HHR session were a "bad value" specifically to disincentivize it.

> I bet the Ladies submit their own ''BIO's'

They 100% do because there's this one girl in the Dallas scene right now who obviously took her pics with an iPad. Her Bio even says something about being a selfie queen. Originally Posted by janusinstereo

Excellent summary. Hopefully Guys will start to understand that the Studio Website pics are ''for entertainment purposes'' only. I believe there is a disclaimer on the Sites, saying as much. Everyone knows the Jack Shack Sub-AMP pics are fakes, why would you suspend credulity to think Hara looks like the airbrushed 18 year old on the Site?

The good news is Hara is a good-looking Lady. And delivers great service if you give her enough time to deliver her magic.. You simply need an hour, no shortcuts.
Mostly often just a close approximation to get attention quickly.

Jun is blonde? Okay. Post a pic of a blonde Asian girl.

Purple has a bob cut? Okay. Post a pic of an Asian girl with a bob cut.

She got three tits? Okay, post a pic of that chick from Total Recall.
Excellent summary. Hopefully Guys will start to understand that the Studio Website pics are ''for entertainment purposes'' only. I believe there is a disclaimer on the Sites, saying as much. Everyone knows the Jack Shack Sub-AMP pics are fakes, why would you suspend credulity to think Hara looks like the airbrushed 18 year old on the Site?

The good news is Hara is a good-looking Lady. And delivers great service if you give her enough time to deliver her magic.. You simply need an hour, no shortcuts. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Holy Hell…can you be even more of a promoter than you are?!? You trying to convince everybody here or yourself how great this girl is? You’re wrong about pics never looking like the girls; the pics of Cristal and Asa from AS were THEM. Some photoshopped pics but it was them.

You’re also wrong about how you can’t have a good time in a HHR with an Asian Studio girl. I’ve had plenty great HHR sessions.

You’re getting really obvious about what you’re trying to do here, man. Give it a rest.
TheTopG655's Avatar
It can be worded however y’all like but original poster was deceived into seeing a gal that wasn’t his type. We’re here to prevent that from happening to each other. It’s a shame he had to take one for the team, but I’m not sure you guys would have given an accurate description of her by how this thread was going. Y’all only put the FYI in the comments of the other review because he pointed it out
It can be worded however y’all like but original poster was deceived into seeing a gal that wasn’t his type. We’re here to prevent that from happening to each other. It’s a shame he had to take one for the team, but I’m not sure you guys would have given an accurate description of her by how this thread was going. Y’all only put the FYI in the comments of the other review because he pointed it out Originally Posted by SpringFest
Yup, agreed. And when guys leave reviews that dare say anything negative about the girls (e.g. OP's experience with Hara in this review). all the gaslighting is really getting out of control and really needs to stop.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Yup, agreed. And when guys leave reviews that dare say anything negative about the girls (e.g. OP's experience with Hara in this review). all the gaslighting is really getting out of control and really needs to stop. Originally Posted by AspenCalifornia
Nonsense. I don't question anything about his review, in terms of the services rendered. I did (and do) say that a half hour session leaves you vulnerable to receiving fewer ''services''. That's as obvious as fat on a Pig. I also said the pics don't ever look like the Ladies. They don't. You can pull out an odd example like Asa, but everyone knows her from years back, and her pic did not get produced from an Agency, given that she's an Owner. Prolongus knows that, so using Asa as his example is disingenuous.

I don't care if you like or dislike Hara. I don't give two fucks. But half hour sessions are notoriously disappointing, which is why almost nobody does them.
TheTopG655's Avatar
Macy’s pictures look like her lol
Yup, agreed. And when guys leave reviews that dare say anything negative about the girls (e.g. OP's experience with Hara in this review). all the gaslighting is really getting out of control and really needs to stop. Originally Posted by AspenCalifornia
I've left negative reviews and never gotten guff or push back about it.

It really depends on the actual review.

There was some drama here a month or two back where a long termer closed their Eccie account because even tho their session was filled with all the initalisms and acronyms you could put in the Activities field, and in spite of him admitting he got what he wanted, he still put the girl on blast.

Sometimes mongers can be an odd duck with weird expectations, the same type of goof who is mean to waitresses for odd reasons.

These girls are real people and sometimes you go on an off day. It happens. I don't think there's anything egregious in OPs review. His later claim of bait and switch is a valid thing to point out, if he feels it was particularly bad.

Macy’s pictures look like her lol Originally Posted by SpringFest
Maya's resemble her for sure, as an example.

But thinking of OP's situation, if he saw those blonde pics for Jun and booked with her he'd probably feel catfished. I figure he'd be right to feel that way even tho Jun is the GOAT.
Date: Week of Sep 11
Name: Hara
Phone: Provides after screening
Email Address: None that I know of
URL / Website: www.kfestival.net
City: FB
State: Texas
Address: Off north of Royal Lane, east of I-35
Activities: See ROS
Hair Length and Color: Straight jet black half way down her back.
Age: Mid to late 30’s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian

Physical Description: Not anywhere near the site pics, completely different girl. Much thicker than what is shown. Not fat, just solidly thick similar to Momo. I’d say 5’4”, 135-140 lbs., thick thighs and calves. Nice B/C naturals. Clear skin, didn’t notice any tats.

Recommendation: Sorry, nope. Originally Posted by Prolongus
She's already off the website
Nonsense. I don't question anything about his review, in terms of the services rendered. I did (and do) say that a half hour session leaves you vulnerable to receiving fewer ''services''. That's as obvious as fat on a Pig. I also said the pics don't ever look like the Ladies. They don't. You can pull out an odd example like Asa, but everyone knows her from years back, and her pic did not get produced from an Agency, given that she's an Owner. Prolongus knows that, so using Asa as his example is disingenuous.

I don't care if you like or dislike Hara. I don't give two fucks. But half hour sessions are notoriously disappointing, which is why almost nobody does them. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Not really sure why you chose my post to go on a rant and not the other two. My post did not list any names or anything specific, so I'm not sure why you're getting defensive.
My (simple) point was that when someone posts a "No" review or a review that has details considered negative, belittling / trivializing their experience is really not necessary. Everyone on here can acknowledge that we all like different things so obviously our sessions are never going to be identical. If someone had a bad encounter, THAT IS OKAY. It may not be what you consider "fair", but at the end of the day they're just sharing their experience. If the reviewer is a consistent bomb thrower, troll, lies about details, etc., that is different.

And I couldn't care less if OP's session with Hara was 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 2 hours. The studio offers 30 minute sessions, he paid money.....why in the world would that be his fault it didn't go very well?!?!? Does he share the blame? Maybe. But why does it default to being his fault and zero acknowledgment that the girl is at fault? Zero blame on the girl and zero blame on the studio for accepting the 30 minute appointment (when you said 30 minute appts are notoriously disappointing). Making mongers feel like a negative encounter is their fault is the definition of gaslighting.