PSA: Dont give greenbacks in advance

You sent her money in advance? And then she never showed up to the date? Is that my understanding of the situation?
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Does a bear shits in the woods?


So the bear takes a shit. He asks a nearby rabbit - "hey, does shit stick to your fur?"

Rabbit replies "No, why?"

Bear picks up the rabbit and wipes his ass with it.

Whispers's Avatar
OP and anyone else not outing a thief is simply enabling the behavior.

Almost every prostitute that takes money and does not perform has a problem she needs the money for that has grown from one that drove her to be a prostitute to being a thief as well.

And in most cases the prostitute that goes down this path was a well known/reliable prostitute the day before.

never pay till the deed is done. hard to not get what you want or get arrested practicing that little bit of advice.
ffireman's Avatar
Does a bear shits in the woods?


So the bear takes a shit. He asks a nearby rabbit - "hey, does shit stick to your fur?"

Rabbit replies "No, why?"

Bear picks up the rabbit and wipes his ass with it.

Moral: DON'T TRUST ANYONE! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch

Not a polar bear
winn dixie's Avatar
Not a polar bear Originally Posted by ffireman
Don't eat the brown ice.........
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Inb4 the question of "why u no out her?" Simple shes a human with her own shit to deal with, probably needs this more than I need bens and it's probably not personal. Originally Posted by GoodLuckAce
Wow, you are giving her more slack than I would. I understand compassion, and I have been ripped off before as well. I hope she will come through for you.
Welp learned my lesson today.
Basically got the run around for two days and then a 2 word text 7minutes before kick off. Then no reply to my further inquiry.
Mostly mad at myself tbh. I know better but let the hopeful part of me win against common sense.

Inb4 the question of "why u no out her?" Simple shes a human with her own shit to deal with, probably needs this more than I need bens and it's probably not personal. Option opened for her to capitalize with no effort at the cost of my general good will, anyway I hit her up on ven to see if I can recover. Im not holding my breath. Originally Posted by GoodLuckAce
Way too nice. Just put her name out there. She won't do it again. That's as inexcusable as a guy who steals after the deed. No girl should ask for money up front. And you shouldn't have paid up front. That's stupid on both parties.

Is a woman taking a risk by not asking for money up front? Yea, a tiny bit. But they are the one that decided to be in this line of sex working. It's a relatively small risk though (considering the alternative ). 99%+ of guys are honest and are not going to rip you off, especially if you just use some common sense in screening and talking to them.

It's FAR riskier for either party to ask for or deliver money up front. I don't care how nicely you word it and create silly euphemisms like "donation". It's an easy way to get arrested. You simply can't be arrested if you don't 'ask' for any money.

Anyway you should out her because her theft is inexcusable and she is hurting the hobby as well as other girls by doing this. Smh.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Way too nice. Just put her name out there. She won't do it again. That's as inexcusable as a guy who steals after the deed. No girl should ask for money up front. And you shouldn't have paid up front. That's stupid on both parties.

Is a woman taking a risk by not asking for money up front? Yea, a tiny bit. But they are the one that decided to be in this line of sex working. It's a relatively small risk though (considering the alternative ). 99%+ of guys are honest and are not going to rip you off, especially if you just use some common sense in screening and talking to them.

It's FAR riskier for either party to ask for or deliver money up front. I don't care how nicely you word it and create silly euphemisms like "donation". It's an easy way to get arrested. You simply can't be arrested if you don't 'ask' for any money.

Anyway you should out her because her theft is inexcusable and she is hurting the hobby as well as other girls by doing this. Smh. Originally Posted by mathguy
Do you walk out of best buy, go home plug in the tv and then pay for it? Do you get groceries and leave the store with out paying til you go home. Nope! You rip us off and we cant do shit. You rip a professional legal business off you will go to jail and pay the consequences. We do not have that right as this is still an illegal profession. Yes, we know what we have signed up for and it is not to be ripped off. We cant throw you in jail for theft of services and businesses can in the real world. So we put an alert out.. you change your hobby number and come back with a new handle and we are supposed to just take one for the team?

The money goes down when you walk in the door. Why? Because legally I will not ask you for it.. and I shouldn't have to because by you booking with me you understand that you are to pay it. We are all adults right.. we should know how this works. Do I pick it up? Yes sometimes if I havent seen you before or if I'm picking up some kind of nervous or anxious vibes after you excuse yourself to the bathroom.

It's not because I'm a thief it is because I'm a smart girl and will not be ripped off. You get the same service regardless of paying up front. You are legally fucked if you give the money up front or after the session if it is a trap..that doesnt matter what so ever. You still paid for sex. Come on casually sex partners do not throw money down after the deed. You still either offered money for sex or had sex and paid for it! The girl is the one who would be screwed because it happens.. like the guys who say they left the cash in their car, dont have their wallet, only have so and so amount and what not. Nope! I trust you enough not to have to ask for it but that you place it upon arrival. Have I been burned before nope.. but I know plenty of ladies who have and you better believe you wont get passed me if you try it.

If you see reputable girls who actually care about their reps this shit doesnt happen. Do your research. stop seeing these new ladies who havent earned shit. Who have bad tcb and business skills... often already noticeable in previous reviews etc and stick to good ladies who actually want your business.

If you show up to a seedy ass hotel with some new girl who popped up and obviously looks like she is up to no good.. leave if you dont it's on you. I'm sorry but I'm not going to throw away a reputation for 1 appointment. Respect and trust goes both ways. You want something as do I. I have never had any problems from clients who see me.
Agent220's Avatar
Way too nice. Just put her name out there. She won't do it again. That's as inexcusable as a guy who steals after the deed. No girl should ask for money up front. And you shouldn't have paid up front. That's stupid on both parties.

Is a woman taking a risk by not asking for money up front? Yea, a tiny bit. But they are the one that decided to be in this line of sex working. It's a relatively small risk though (considering the alternative ). 99%+ of guys are honest and are not going to rip you off, especially if you just use some common sense in screening and talking to them.

It's FAR riskier for either party to ask for or deliver money up front. I don't care how nicely you word it and create silly euphemisms like "donation". It's an easy way to get arrested. You simply can't be arrested if you don't 'ask' for any money.

Anyway you should out her because her theft is inexcusable and she is hurting the hobby as well as other girls by doing this. Smh. Originally Posted by mathguy
I opt for the fumbling onto a netural area. Somewhere she slyfully notices.

winn dixie's Avatar
I opt for the fumbling onto a netural area. Somewhere she slyfully notices.

Originally Posted by Agent220
Agent220's Avatar
I highly doubt the OP will get his stuff that.

winn dixie's Avatar
I highly doubt the OP will get his stuff that.

Originally Posted by Agent220
winn dixie's Avatar
And why do you always hide your comments in private? I know why ! Come on out to play where everyone can get involved ! But you have never been able to prove anything! So I don't blame you.......
I opt for the fumbling onto a netural area. Somewhere she slyfully notices.

Originally Posted by Agent220
Hmm, well ya not a terrible compromise or suggestion, Agent, but the main problem is that doing such a thing is still illegal and won't protect you or the girl at all. I can't imagine the danger the women are in with the number of men they see (it's bad enough for a male hobbyist to take this risk once, or twice, in a month). I would be absolutely freaked as a female.

Also, even if it's a well established provider how do you know it's not a serious crackdown where they have forced her to do something that's entrapping people? That type of thing has even worried me before. All I'm saying is I don't see the risk reward value here at all. For either party.

Even the comment BL makes about Best Buy is still not without flaw, though I totally understand her point and where she's coming from....absolutely 100% I understand the sentiment. However, take the Best Buy example, or Walmart, or whatever. Actually, yes, many people use the item and never pay. Easily. All you do is "buy" the item and if you are not satisfied with the product, service, device, unit, etc... you take it back for a full refund even though you got 30 or 60 or even 90 days (for many places & products) of 'free' usage. We all do this incredibly routinely. Whether we actually like it or not isn't the issue. They give us our money back and we got lots of usage (i.e. we got it for free).

That is in effect the same thing. In fact it's virtually indistinguishable from the concept of seeing a girl and then deciding you didn't really like the overall level of service, attitude, whatever, and either demanding a refund (going back to the store analogy) or simply not giving her money after the "bad" or "unacceptable" service is performed.

Personally I think women should be way more picky with who they see. Just like men should. I'm certainly going to do it. Part of why I'm even texting you or calling you or PMing you is not even really about the scheduling. Oh sure, partly, of course, but unless I already know you, what I really want more than anything is to find out how you act, what you are like. I'm using it as a baseline for how crazy or not crazy you might be or how much I think we may get along (sorry, just the truth). I want to know if I'm even going to like you. If you act like a nut job, or like you have had a string of 20 men there that day. For one if the first thing you do is act like you are ringing me up for an Xbox, or pushing me through the 15 items or less line at HEB, then I probably don't care to see you. Not unless I'm just super horny and you are so fucking hot that you could catch a swimming pool on fire. That AND your reviews reflect that your service is fucking hotter than the sun (though I take many reviews with a grain of salt bc so many guys are pussies and won't tell the real truth).

Women also should not have to worry about being ripped off. All you gotta do is see decent men who are not whacked out nut jobs, psychos, etc... It's not all that hard to screen it. I just said how I do the same thing with a girl I think I might want to see. Even though they may not realize that's what is happening. I'm screening them just as much as they are screening me. Any girl who thinks otherwise is simply not thinking straight. Most smart guys are doing this. Why? Because a guy has virtually as much risk running into a nutty psycho girl who is cracked out, has needle tracks everywhere or hidden in her feet, is pimped, hates what she does, and/or is just awful in every conceivable way. It may be so bad she should not being do this any more than the vile pig man that insults women and steals from them. Because doing that is the same as stealing from a man via a bad product, bad service, unsatisfactory, etc... (with no recourse like BL said). That's something you would never have to deal with at a Best Buy (hence why I mentioned about the you signed up for this, we signed up for this - it's part of the deal because it's not Best Buy). That street flows both ways. Trust me on that. Oh god how I wish that were not true. LOL. Hobby life would be a lot easier haha (unless of course you just see one or two or three people then you have no issues whatsoever).

Btw I don't know what the private comments mean about BLs temper or picking a fight with her ends badly or whatever was trying to be implied. I'm not privy to all the social issues and dynamics on these boards as I don't visit all that much until very recently. From what I have seen on both Eccie and OH2, though, I will say that BL seems to be one of the more sane, stable, intelligent chicks around. That's a cursory observation but an observation nonetheless. At any rate I have no clue what those private comments are referring to.

Peace everyone, and be safe. That's the moral of my message.

Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
Hmm, well ya not a terrible compromise or suggestion, Agent, but the main problem is that doing such a thing is still illegal and won't protect you or the girl at all. I can't imagine the danger the women are in with the number of men they see (it's bad enough for a male hobbyist to take this risk once, or twice, in a month). I would be absolutely freaked as a female.

Also, even if it's a well established provider how do you know it's not a serious crackdown where they have forced her to do something that's entrapping people? That type of thing has even worried me before. All I'm saying is I don't see the risk reward value here at all. For either party.

Even the comment BL makes about Best Buy is still not without flaw, though I totally understand her point and where she's coming from....absolutely 100% I understand the sentiment. However, take the Best Buy example, or Walmart, or whatever. Actually, yes, many people use the item and never pay. Easily. All you do is "buy" the item and if you are not satisfied with the product, service, device, unit, etc... you take it back for a full refund even though you got 30 or 60 or even 90 days (for many places & products) of 'free' usage. We all do this incredibly routinely. Whether we actually like it or not isn't the issue. They give us our money back and we got lots of usage (i.e. we got it for free).

That is in effect the same thing. In fact it's virtually indistinguishable from the concept of seeing a girl and then deciding you didn't really like the overall level of service, attitude, whatever, and either demanding a refund (going back to the store analogy) or simply not giving her money after the "bad" or "unacceptable" service is performed.

Personally I think women should be way more picky with who they see. Just like men should. I'm certainly going to do it. Part of why I'm even texting you or calling you or PMing you is not even really about the scheduling. Oh sure, partly, of course, but unless I already know you, what I really want more than anything is to find out how you act, what you are like. I'm using it as a baseline for how crazy or not crazy you might be or how much I think we may get along (sorry, just the truth). I want to know if I'm even going to like you. If you act like a nut job, or like you have had a string of 20 men there that day. For one if the first thing you do is act like you are ringing me up for an Xbox, or pushing me through the 15 items or less line at HEB, then I probably don't care to see you. Not unless I'm just super horny and you are so fucking hot that you could catch a swimming pool on fire. That AND your reviews reflect that your service is fucking hotter than the sun (though I take many reviews with a grain of salt bc so many guys are pussies and won't tell the real truth).

Women also should not have to worry about being ripped off. All you gotta do is see decent men who are not whacked out nut jobs, psychos, etc... It's not all that hard to screen it. I just said how I do the same thing with a girl I think I might want to see. Even though they may not realize that's what is happening. I'm screening them just as much as they are screening me. Any girl who thinks otherwise is simply not thinking straight. Most smart guys are doing this. Why? Because a guy has virtually as much risk running into a nutty psycho girl who is cracked out, has needle tracks everywhere or hidden in her feet, is pimped, hates what she does, and/or is just awful in every conceivable way. It may be so bad she should not being do this any more than the vile pig man that insults women and steals from them. Because doing that is the same as stealing from a man via a bad product, bad service, unsatisfactory, etc... (with no recourse like BL said). That's something you would never have to deal with at a Best Buy (hence why I mentioned about the you signed up for this, we signed up for this - it's part of the deal because it's not Best Buy). That street flows both ways. Trust me on that. Oh god how I wish that were not true. LOL. Hobby life would be a lot easier haha (unless of course you just see one or two or three people then you have no issues whatsoever).

Btw I don't know what the private comments mean about BLs temper or picking a fight with her ends badly or whatever was trying to be implied. I'm not privy to all the social issues and dynamics on these boards as I don't visit all that much until very recently. From what I have seen on both Eccie and OH2, though, I will say that BL seems to be one of the more sane, stable, intelligent chicks around. That's a cursory observation but an observation nonetheless. At any rate I have no clue what those private comments are referring to.

Peace everyone, and be safe. That's the moral of my message.

-mathguy Originally Posted by mathguy
Kbf likes the way this chap thinks ^^^^^

I may have to snag your sexy Metaphor slang!