Police questioning suspects in referee decapitation

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  • Old-T
  • 07-07-2013, 02:52 PM
FACT; soccer is most popular in the most liberal of nation states; talk to most of fans/members of soccer clubs in european countries and you find they love their unions, their national healthcare (that is what Obamazombies tell us), their gun control and the rest of the euro-socialism.

Now Rugby players are a whole other group...likely conservative/libertarian. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Others agree.

I posted my source with links; feel free to post your own source backing your bullshit claim.

http://www.thepostgame.com/blog/dish...orts-interests Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well now, Lying Dirtbag, if you were a poster I respected (which I don’t) or one I thought could be educated (which I don’t) then I would take time to write a detailed critique of your treacherous deceitful comments—but to be blunt you are not worth that much time. I will respond at all only to enlighten any newbies who might not have read enough of your hate mongering to know what a lowlife you are, and how every post you make should be read with a dubious mind and a box of salt. It’s good to have a second box of salt available to liberally (pun fully intended) throw on you and watch your slug like persona shrivel away.

Just a few reasons to laugh at you—not with you—on this thread:

You make a statement that “soccer is most popular in the most liberal of nation states”. When called on the point as being a red herring you throw up a meaningless chart and reference that (1) does not even refer in any way to the “most liberal of nation states”, but only to the US it seems; (2) Talks about “Republican Skew” and “Democrat Skew”, two ill defined terms that you assume mean conservative and liberal when that leap of illogic is dubious at best, and another DizzyBoy knowing lie at worst (my five cents is on the latter of course); (3) The author makes some truly BAD statements that call into doubt the rest of the article, even if it did have anything to do with your supposed point. For example he/she says, “those who identified as Republicans seemed to enjoy golf the most”, which is NOT supported by the graphic. The graphic says that golfers are most likely to “Skew Republican”—not at all the same thing.

Now to “my bullshit claim”. If you remember (I know it’s hard for you since you are very adept at “forgetting” anything that points out how wrong and stupid you are, but stay with me a moment) my “bullshit claim” was that soccer is the most popular sport in almost every country. It doesn’t really need a reference (as I pointed out above you are a lying scum when you claim your reference supports your stupid claim) but since I’m a nice guy here’s a reference: http://mostpopularsports.net/by-country

And in the interest of fairness, you didn’t ONLY comment on soccer, you commented on Rugby as well. Without a quote, reference, or anything other than your bullshit. It wouldn’t surprise me if you have no clue about the game, couldn’t tell the difference between Union and League rules, or name one player on the US rugby team that was supposed to play in the Olympics but didn’t. (Bet you are scurrying to look it up on Wiki or something as you’re reading this!) But somehow you have no shame spewing a stupid comment about the fact that rugby players are conservatives or libertarians.

I could add more, but no sense slapping a defenseless opponent. You've been shown (again) to be the liar we all know you to be. More pure unadulterated DizzyBoy lies and vomit.

But then that’s what we love about Ol’ Diz, he’s consistent! Your fingers would probably cramp to the point of disuse if you actually tried to be honest in one of your posts.

its boiled down to soccer is a liberal sport

TFF Originally Posted by CJ7
It is quite funny that in Trendy's warped little one track mind that the followed occurred because soccer is a "liberal sport."

"Ref and player argue, ref stabs and kills player, fans then kill ref, then decapitate him and follow that up by putting his head on a stake."

All of this because soccer is a "liberal sport." That's rich!!!!!

How do you spell idiot? Trendaway, of course!
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  • CJ7
  • 07-07-2013, 03:17 PM
moral to the story:

never carry a knife to a soccer game
LOL...looks like you hit a liberal nerve, Whirly, good job.
LOL...looks like you hit a liberal nerve, Whirly, good job. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
As opposed to Frick high fivin' Frack (aka Hanoi COG"s "Sweet Ass").

In this particular instance, Frack decided to high five Frick!
As opposed to Frick high fivin' Frack (aka Hanoi COG"s "Sweet Ass").

In this particular instance, Frack decided to high five Frick! Originally Posted by bigtex
Heh?... BjTex> <Xesib Rider
  • 07-08-2013, 11:44 AM
As opposed to Frick high fivin' Frack (aka Hanoi COG"s "Sweet Ass").

In this particular instance, Frack decided to high five Frick! Originally Posted by bigtex
Have you seen that piece on bloomberg concerning solar power and renewable? ...
Have you seen that piece on bloomberg concerning solar power and renewable? ... Originally Posted by CJOHN
Marshy, is that you?
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  • Old-T
  • 07-08-2013, 08:00 PM
LOL...looks like you hit a liberal nerve, Whirly, good job. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Nope. Just pointing out a few bits of illogic in Dizzy's post. I know, I shouldn't take such glee in it--he makes it WAY too easy with his penchant for stupid comments, but sometimes I can't help myself..