Which Birthday Was the Most Difficult to Take?

RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
The first one for sure. There I was all cozy in a nice, warm, safe place and then some asshole with cold hands ripped me out, stuck my face in a huge light and started spanking the shit out of me. I'm still bitter about it.
16. Man my friends best my ass
Then 21 was tough. Got real fucked up that took a few days to recover. Still can't drink wine.
30 ok 40 ok
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
Girls in their 20's were calling me "Sir" and doors were being held open for me. What the Hell!! Originally Posted by txcwby6
I'm 53 and haven't slept with a girl in 2 years that didn't call me "daddy" during sex. I guess it's a turn-on for them but it always makes me think "WTF?" LOL!
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 07-30-2014, 02:30 PM
I'm 53 and haven't slept with a girl in 2 years that didn't call me "daddy" during sex. I guess it's a turn-on for them but it always makes me think "WTF?" LOL! Originally Posted by RideFreeInTexas
Ha! Some little hottie starts the "daddy or papi" thing on me and I blow like a premature teenager...that usually teaches them! lol

I'm only mid-40's, but no birthday has really phased me yet.
It's the slow accumulation of time and it's effects that bug me.
The aches and pains, the fading eyes, the expanding waistline, slowing reflexes...
Some days I'll catch myself doing something and thinking,
"Just 5 years ago that wouldn't have happened or wouldn't have hurt so long if it did!"
hawkweed's Avatar
30 I guess, since i haven't joined the 40 club. But I'll have to say it didn't bother me that much.
I think the first one I do NOT get to celebrate will be the hardest
doug_dfw's Avatar
My toughest was 39 !! I stopped counting forward and then counted backward. Next year I will hit 0. After that is is all minus. My target -22. Think of it I could get to vote for 5 more Presidential elections!
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 07-30-2014, 04:55 PM
None of them matter....it's just another day.

But I do remember a specific event that bothered me. It was sometime not too far after 40 and I was taking a shower and I couldn't read if I was holding the shampoo or conditioner. It seemed like happened overnight.
Men at forty
Learn to close softly
The doors to rooms
They will not be coming back to
Donald Justice
billw1032's Avatar
None of them have really bothered me, not even the round numbers. To me it's just a number, and other than a few aches and pains I don't really feel like I'm my actual age. Among the real-life friends I relate to best are ladies (and some guys) from 23 to 39 years younger than me. The one thing I do think about a lot is whether I'm using each day to its best advantage and doing the things I really want to do. That's the hardest part.
Brass Balls's Avatar
I breezed through 20, 30, and 40 without a second thought. But 50 hit me as I realized there was no denying I'm closer to the sunset than the sunrise.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I think watching my kid hitting 16 and then 21 bothered me more than any of mine ever have. I didn't even really think about mine. But his..... it sucks watching them grow up and not need you anymore, but at the same time it feels good knowing that they will be ok without you. Oh the bitter sweet...
None of them matter....it's just another day.

But I do remember a specific event that bothered me. It was sometime not too far after 40 and I was taking a shower and I couldn't read if I was holding the shampoo or conditioner. It seemed like happened overnight. Originally Posted by L.A.
Same here! But at 45, ducked up!
pmdelites's Avatar
Since none of us are immune to time I'm curious which of your birthdays caused you to feel the most uneasy. ... Originally Posted by txcwby6
Which Birthday Was the Most Difficult to Take?
the one after i leave this plane of existence!
but then again, the afterlife might be better!!!

i didnt even really celebrate mine this year - but i was alive and relatively healthy!!!
i'm gonna plan a get together w/ family and friends for a few weeks from now.

and perhaps a threesome or two for myself :^)

...Now, at 61, I'm enjoying the experience of each day as it unfolds. Originally Posted by LucadeJure
i've been doing that for many many moons - long before robin williams quoted "carpe diem" to those guys in "Dead Poets Society".

live life now!!!!!
or you might regret not having lived it to your fullest [whatever you define that to be].

It's just so hard to tell a girl that she has gotten too old for me.