Questionable Review Resulted In Me Being Outed. Game on.

Whispers's Avatar
Don't get caught with yours pants down! Originally Posted by chitowntransplant69
#11 - Review "Quacking" , a term which describes openly proclaiming falsehood in reply to a review, will be strongly discouraged by our staff. If you believe a review to be false, use the RTM function to report it to your local staff.

I'm surprised staff is involved in anything more than dealing with your public claims.

That being said. The OP is persona non grata with many members and staff and perhaps in the excitement to think there may be reason to get rid of him finally they jumped off without thought
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... That being said. The OP is persona non grata with many members and staff and perhaps in the excitement to think there may be reason to get rid of him finally they jumped off without thought Originally Posted by Whispers
Well yeah, but sometimes the entertainment value alone is worth it.
TryWeakly's Avatar
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Guideline 24 allows moderator leeway; in fact, insists upon it. Note:

#24 - Disputed reviews will not be removed by staff unless the request is made by the thread starter. In situations such as this, the proper protocol for addressing a review in question is to post a rebuttal to the review in that city forum's coed discussions area. Staff will be happy to do some basic investigation to confirm the validity of such reviews, however removal will only take place when requested by the thread-starter or in extreme cases where it has been proven false, there is an admission by the reviewer that the review is indeed false, or the reviewer failed to cooperate with staff's efforts to confirm validity. In cases where a reviewer is found to have posted a review of a session which did not take place, or posted blatantly false information within a review, the reviewer will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of staff, which could lead to loss of posting privileges. Along those same lines, if the reviewed party is found to be making false or inaccurate claims to staff in an attempt to trigger staff action against a reviewer or the removal of a review, that party will also be subject to consequences, up to or including temporary or permanent loss of account access. These measures exist to preserve the integrity of the info.
I say PARTY ON boys.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-25-2018, 07:57 PM
Well, Tiny Tree,
I am surprised it has taken this long for you to trip on your own idiotic persona. You have spent months ranting and posting things that a comatose zombie would find hard to accept. You have posted stuff about ladies on here that were intended to annoy them, and the ficticious nature of your postsnever seemed to bother you--and whether they found your posts annoying didn't bothet you either.

So now you are upset that someone questions a review you did of them? And you think that your stellar reputation for honesty will get you a lot of sympathy here?

Wow. Really?

And somehow you thought it was cool to misuse a company car--I guess you are above the rules in that area too.

I am not sure if your self-inflicted wound is more from your personality, your stupidity, or your ego--most likely a combination of the above.

I can't wait to hear the next chapter of "As The Treetop Squirms" soap opera.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Where's that butthurt triplicate form? Does he need to fill that out?
  • sydmo
  • 01-25-2018, 08:20 PM
I seriously doubt any of the claims or details he posted are even true, it's just more BAIT. He most likely doesn't have a company car and he probably doesn't have 15k to his entire net worth, and if I'm wrong about the goofy motherfucker, my sincere apologies.... and it's fuckin Hilarious couldn't happen to a more deserving dick - lol
Treetop78759's Avatar
I would like to say a few things and then I am going to log off and never ever return to our community.

Before I continue let me make one thing crystal clear. I'm hurting inside.

The reason I wrote the review of sweet sweet Ariel was to share information. Many questioned the validy because she was kinda as big as Orca. Same with the reviews I wrote on Foxy Lady and Fran with Cuddle Buddies. All I wanted to do was contribue and I'm hurting because nobody believed me.

Most of you old fat dudes hobby to get the young pretty gals you couldn't get your entire life. I always got the hot chicks and the mom's of my friends. The only way for me to get the undesirable chicks like all of you are used to is to pay.

I wanted to repeat and do an overnight date with Ariel but guess what? She doesn't want to ever see me again. That also hurts really bad.

Lastly, I've been called some really bad name. Fucktard, dipshit, ass wipe, rat, racist, stupid, retarded, idiot, dickless, moron, tiny tree, pusswad and many others. That's what hurts the most. My Eccie brothers and sisters calling me names.

This also reminds me of the time I was asulted and strangled by a well known provider. Everyone blamed me and that hurt.

If you want to take it back it's too late. Once I post this I'm going to log off and never come back.

There is nothing you people can say that will change my mind. I'm going for good. Don't try and stop me because it won't work.

I really am so don't try and stop me. It's a done deal. Delivered and sealed and signed.

I'm dead serious about leaving for good so goodbye to a group of individuals who I once considered my family.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-26-2018, 12:14 PM
So, what can we summize from this? I will give me guesses:

--This "good bye" post has little if any hint of sincerity, or you wouldn't throw gratuitous insults to multiple ladies on your way out.

--Your demise was completely your own doing, starting with your Spa soap opera.

--There is no way you are leaving. You may well retire the Tiny Tree alias, but you probably have several others already lined up to replace this one.

So, enjoy you (very brief) "retirement".
Samcro84's Avatar
I would like to say a few things and then I am going to log off and never ever return to our community.

Before I continue let me make one thing crystal clear. I'm hurting inside. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Promises promises on first line. Second line you need to grow a set.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
...........and these are the days of treetards life........
  • sydmo
  • 01-26-2018, 01:12 PM
...........and these are the days of treetards life........ Originally Posted by Stewie griffen

next comes the youtube videos facebook rants treetard, he's a goofy ass motherfucker that's for sure lol
nuglet's Avatar
If you have access, it's an interesting trail he's on.. and also being documented by our departed FirePhoenix on Facebook, "As the worm turns"... not that I believe for second that he's gone.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Well Treetopped is apparently gone.
... I am going to log off and never ever return to our community...
...Once I post this I'm going to log off and never come back...
...I'm going for good...
...I really am so don't try and stop me. It's a done deal. Delivered and sealed and signed...
...I'm dead serious about leaving for good so goodbye to a group of individuals who I once considered my family. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
So there we have it. Five, yes five (5) specific promises.
But should we start a betting bracket by days, or weeks, or perhaps hours, as to when he'll be back? Applies to new handles also.