1st for everything....

elghund's Avatar
my reviews state i have a tattoo, but i have anything like that or birthmarks removed in my pics due to discretion & my tattoo is def one of a kind. it's small & discreet but you never know who is lurking on here and if it was in my pics it would be a dead give away as to who i am. same reason why my face is blurred out. i don't see anything wrong with it. and if there is that much problem with a tattoo, then maybe he isn't worth seeing to begin with if he is that picky. don't let it bother you, i hear crap about my pics all the time Originally Posted by naughtynikki84

Nikki, I can't believe anyone would give you a problem with your pics!! You are awesome!!

Good grief, what's the world coming to, when someone actually complains about a pretty lady showing us her beautiful body...........I think, from what I've seen, that a some people on these boards need to get a reality check.....

Some people are just assholes, and there is no pleasing them until they get their pound of flesh.
In my business and probably yours as well, remember the 80-20 rule. 20% of your clients will inevitably drain 80% of your energy!