"Question everything" is racist (black "jogger") shooting

LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe just Maybe it was all he could come up with in a last ditch attempt to save his own life (been there no options). Originally Posted by Inquiring1
You mean charging two guys brandishing firearms? "save his life"?

If that fantasy was "a plan," then all should learn from it, who don't already realize the flaws in it. I "assume" your personal experience of charging two guys with weapons pointed at you turned out favorably for you, because you are posting! Right?

Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin had different results ... most I've heard about do.
Inquiring1's Avatar
to the point of the thread.. even if these guys are Murderers, or shot the Jogger without cause, we don't know that racism was any type of motive. it is tiresome to hear constantly. blacks kill whites in much higher numbers, but nobody calls those hate crimes. they certainly aren't love crimes. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Okay please provide the reference our or feelings or point of view will probably never be the same. but man I'm tired of people creating facts.
each racial group kills their own racial group in higher numbers than any outside racial groups that's because you spend more time and usually live around people of the same racial group

I really don't have any other comment on this issue except that because that is a fact in any country and any City in the entire world

The only other thing I will say is on topic is that people should really think about their words because it really scares women of color to spend time with men who exhibit micro aggressions toward people of other races. I know for me it definitely is scary to think about being in a hotel room with a man who says negative things about my race or to think we are always in the wrong..this is already a dangerous profession and I don't want to add having a Target on my back for being a person of color on top of that

just something to think about.

I'm not saying this just for this thread just many threads I have seen that have honestly scared me which is why I typically stay away from them.
pleasurem's Avatar
Uh, well, he wasn’t jogging, so that’s BS... and, like some others I’m not certain of all the facts, but it looks like he made his own bed!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I don't believe in jumping to conclusions. Let time play out and then make a decision about what happened in this case. Those two redneck looking motherfuckers definitely look the part but everyone deserves their day in court before they are convicted.

Well technically not everyone deserves their day in court. Guys like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dalmer should have had their fucking heads blown off before they even went to court. Psychos like them are definitely a waste of tax payer's money to bring them to court. I believe in treating people like them as a rabid dog and you just put them down with no questions asked or answered.
  • oeb11
  • 05-13-2020, 08:15 AM
LM- perhaps in retrospect the heinous mass murderers youmention - it seems a revengeful punishment for their murders.
Stillm- to go that route - and put rule of Law and due process in the trash can for some- means it is trashed for all - and that is exactly what the DPST's desire - a Rule of their narrative Only and no due process for anyone differing in their opinion.

It is Soviet russie socialism and/or orwellian totalitarianism they desire.
Let's not fall into their trap.

All the above had their crimes prosecuted in open court - and got just sentences.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Well technically not everyone deserves their day in court. Guys like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dalmer should have had their fucking heads blown off before they even went to court. Psychos like them are definitely a waste of tax payer's money to bring them to court. I believe in treating people like them as a rabid dog and you just put them down with no questions asked or answered. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

I like how you think. I've had the same thoughts about certain types of people like that including terrorists who carry their hate with them.

declare them rabid and put them down.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
There are some actions in people that are inexcusable because of their evilness. You don't waste a trial. You have an "accidental shooting" to their head.

You don't hurt women and many other things to me. If you do that, you deserve a special something in your temple to put you down for good because you are useless and a harm to everyone in this world. And people shouldn't have to worry about you being pissed off at everything and taking your anger out on them... go see a fucking therapist if you need to. You don't kill people.

Just my thoughts.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Okay please provide the reference our or feelings or point of view will probably never be the same. but man I'm tired of people creating facts. Originally Posted by Inquiring1
your post is not sufficiently articulate for me to understand what you are attempting to say..
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I wouldn't worry about it, Chung. It's probably just best to leave it alone.
LM- perhaps in retrospect the heinous mass murderers youmention - it seems a revengeful punishment for their murders.
Stillm- to go that route - and put rule of Law and due process in the trash can for some- means it is trashed for all - and that is exactly what the DPST's desire - a Rule of their narrative Only and no due process for anyone differing in their opinion.

It is Soviet russie socialism and/or orwellian totalitarianism they desire.
Let's not fall into their trap.

All the above had their crimes prosecuted in open court - and got just sentences. Originally Posted by oeb11
I agree - if the District Attorney can't prove the guilt of a mass murderer maybe we need new prosecutors.

We are supposed to be a civilized country. While guys like Manson deserve the death penalty, they should not be summarily executed until they get a trial.

(Unless Charles Bronson did it - then I'm cool with it)

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
LM- perhaps in retrospect the heinous mass murderers youmention - it seems a revengeful punishment for their murders.
Stillm- to go that route - and put rule of Law and due process in the trash can for some- means it is trashed for all - and that is exactly what the DPST's desire - a Rule of their narrative Only and no due process for anyone differing in their opinion.

It is Soviet russie socialism and/or orwellian totalitarianism they desire.
Let's not fall into their trap.

All the above had their crimes prosecuted in open court - and got just sentences. Originally Posted by oeb11
I know this is the political forum, but I am neither right nor left. I don't like Trump and I don't like Biden.

I'm just talking about putting evil animals down. I grew up on a ranch. You know when an animal is off. You put that animal down and you don't try to rehabilitate that animal. You kiss that animal goodbye and put that animal in the ground and you don't look back. You don't waste your time trying to fix that rabid animal. You put it down and you bury it and you never look back at it with any regrets for doing what needed to be done.

It's just my opinion. It has nothing to do with politics. I'm simply talking about just being normal, civil, human and respectful to people and fuck those psycho weirdos who clearly are not who rape and/or kill people. Fuck a trial. You put those rabid animals down without hesitation... that's just my opinion and not worth a debate because my mind won't change.

Not everything is about politics in this world. Most is about just about being a good human being and that means absolutely nothing about politics and it's completely about your heart. Argue about politics all you want. Just have a caring heart and focus on the big picture in your life... trust me, whatever it is, it sure the fuck is not politics for you.

Stay safe and be well folks!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
I hope NO ONE posting in here gets accused of something they ACTUALLY didn't do AND gets lynched for it ... or summarily executed without Due Process. Especially if they believe in suspending the Bill of Rights.

In one of the buildings in which I learned about "due process" there was a Latin saying carved across the main entrance that translated something like this ....

"A society is judged by how it treats its worse citizens and not its best."

But I suppose that's a challenge when one views people as wild "animals" and treats them as such. Generally speaking our criminal justice system has worked, but like any system it is not perfect .... it is operated by human beings.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't believe in jumping to conclusions. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
There are some actions in people that are inexcusable because of their evilness. You don't waste a trial. You have an "accidental shooting" to their head.

Just my thoughts. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
And I have every reason to believe that if it were determined that your "jump" to the "conclusion" was incorrect, you would avail yourself of all your legal remedies to marginalize, minimize, and/or eliminate the "reparations" appropriately assessed for your error ... including a lawyer, litigation, and all appeals of any "unacceptable" consequences of the litigation verdict by a "jury of your peers"!

That's just the kind of person you are!
And I have every reason to believe that if it were determined that your "jump" to the "conclusion" was incorrect, you would avail yourself of all your legal remedies to marginalize, minimize, and/or eliminate the "reparations" appropriately assessed for your error ... including a lawyer, litigation, and all appeals of any "unacceptable" consequences of the litigation verdict by a "jury of your peers"!

That's just the kind of person you are! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Excellent post. It is odd that a man with "three Ivy League degrees" is posting those two things so fundamentally at odds with each other and yet he can't even see his contradiction, and further, can't even be bothered to consider if he is wrong.


I'm just talking about putting evil animals down. I grew up on a ranch. You know when an animal is off. You put that animal down and you don't try to rehabilitate that animal. You kiss that animal goodbye and put that animal in the ground and you don't look back. You don't waste your time trying to fix that rabid animal. You put it down and you bury it and you never look back at it with any regrets for doing what needed to be done.

It's just my opinion. It has nothing to do with politics. I'm simply talking about just being normal, civil, human and respectful to people and fuck those psycho weirdos who clearly are not who rape and/or kill people. Fuck a trial. You put those rabid animals down without hesitation... that's just my opinion and not worth a debate because my mind won't change.

... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."

- R. W. Emerson (who actually did take a degree from the Ivy League)