Low Rates

Grace Preston's Avatar
How many threads do you plan on starting about rates?
How many threads do you plan on starting about rates? Originally Posted by GracePreston
I know!!! Has things got this desperate?
  • Sami
  • 02-04-2014, 08:27 AM
Why another thread? This one is the same by you that is next thread below.

If those ladies want to charge this, let them be. They are seeing a total different clientele, they are taking a lot of chances, no need to worry about them. Focus on your business, no need to waste energy worring about other ladies and their rates.
gimme_that's Avatar
They should merge the threads for her.
Marshpirate's Avatar
Why another thread? This one is the same by you that is next thread below.

If those ladies want to charge this, let them be. They are seeing a total different clientele, they are taking a lot of chances, no need to worry about them. Focus on your business, no need to waste energy worring about other ladies and their rates. Originally Posted by Sami
Coupons! We need coupons!
No, just kidding. Agreed, as i understand it, BP has been the starting point for many an established provider. As with most of society today, I think that economic circumstances as well as other various reasons cause a majority of BP providers to take that risk to increase traffic flow.

Grace, my grandson is a sock monkey freak! Looking at your avatar, I think he's on to something! Very nice!
I'm sure she was fugly right? Why don't people provide links to these threads lol.

But on the same token........

I read your blog on your website about your struggles with bacterial vaginosis last year and your thoughts about it and how you had to make extra careful your hygiene was up to par regularly to make sure it didn't exacerbate your VaJJ issues at that time............

Realistically, what type of clients would you expect from divulging that? Super delete that. I don't want to read that on a providers about me page.........

Although I'm sure some uncircumstantial vaginal issues occur with most ladies from time to time and that's understandable.....they won't blog about it on a site they advertise on. Originally Posted by gimme_that

Since you keep posting this same threAD, I'm guessing you truly want our feedback. I'm going to second gimme_that on his statement.

If you want to improve your "brand" and command higher rates and good clientele, then you may want to think some of the info you share on your blog.

I don't know many guys who want to read about your personal hygiene issues, bacterial vaginosis, or that you now understand daily showers are an important thing. This information will likely scare away many of the men you seek.

You seem like a great lady. Sweet and caring. I'd guess you're very nurturing and that you attract clients looking for that type of provider. Someone who makes them feel happy and safe. I cant believe one guy feels happier of safer knowing about your hygiene issues. Maybe you could start a blog that isn't attached to your business. One more directed at non clients.

You control your business, like I said on other your other thread, stop complaining about the stuff you can't control. What other ladies charge has nothing to do with your business. All you can do is make yourself as desireable as possible to your target market.

Regardless, I enjoy your posts (even when you repeat them). Good luck!
Grace Preston's Avatar
As an addendum to what Mynx had to say-- let me add this.

If you are going to use a blog as a marketing tool, then you MUST use it effectively. Guys who enjoy blogs are reading them to find out more about YOU. Not your business, not your issues, but you. You've got to start with finding interesting topics to write about, then write and write WELL. Interesting stories, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You must SELL yourself as an educated, intelligent woman in order to attract the type of clientele that a blog is generally designed to attract.

If you are not a great writer, consider paying someone to post to your blog, provide updates, etc. Blogs are great tools when they are properly utilized.
As an addendum to what Mynx had to say-- let me add this.

If you are going to use a blog as a marketing tool, then you MUST use it effectively. Guys who enjoy blogs are reading them to find out more about YOU. Not your business, not your issues, but you. You've got to start with finding interesting topics to write about, then write and write WELL. Interesting stories, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You must SELL yourself as an educated, intelligent woman in order to attract the type of clientele that a blog is generally designed to attract.

If you are not a great writer, consider paying someone to post to your blog, provide updates, etc. Blogs are great tools when they are properly utilized. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Extremely good advice, Grace. If I ever start a blog, I'll be asking for your advice!
Doodle23's Avatar
Oh come on girls, a ladies bacterial infection in her vagina is a huge turn on. Don't be prudes. Some people on this forum really make me second guess not only this hobby, but humanity as a whole. If you are forced to sell someone why posting about their vaginal infections is not a wise thing to post then they are already too far gone. I would be completely grossed out if a girl I was dating told me this and wouldn't want to have sex with her again, and that is free pussy at that.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
I was on Backpage last night surfing ads and I came across a provider that was charging $30 for a quick visit, $40 for 30 minutes and $60 for an hour. I can only wonder what type of clientele she attracts... Originally Posted by XoticSynn
Really, why do you care, it has nothing to do with you, you charge what you want and she charge what she wants. it doesn't make you look better by bringing it up.
How are others rates affecting you XoticSynn?
How are others rates affecting you XoticSynn? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
My question also.

PS. ~P, every time I see your showcase, I want to book a snuggle session! xoxo
.... Cus it's Snuggle Season!
xtrem's Avatar
  • xtrem
  • 02-04-2014, 07:20 PM
My question also.

PS. ~P, every time I see your showcase, I want to book a snuggle session! xoxo Originally Posted by LilMynx69

I prefer the lounge myself yum,yum!
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
I know!!! Has things got this desperate? Originally Posted by LilMynx69