How did "Hon" become so prevalent in this business

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I got use to BooBoo
DallasRain's Avatar
being a true southern gal..I use the words sugar,baby,dear and luv frequently...I rarely say hun

In public I use is a derivative of my work name and similar to my RW I just feel comfortable using it.

plz dont take offensive if I call you sugar,baby,dear or is just how I was raised!
tinman483's Avatar
Just don't call me late for dinner!
bule84's Avatar
I hate being called hun, it sounds condescending to me for some reason. I also hate to be called Bud by another guy. I don't mind pet names, in fact I like them....but I hate Hun...
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
I married a waitress. I think it is the standard vocabulary everywhere in the nation that waitresses call all their customers 'Hun'. I assumed it was short for 'honey'.
Solemate62's Avatar
Guess it’s my age of 74 but when a female refers to me as ‘hun’ I gotta admit it gives the grey ego a jumpstart! That said the term that annoys me the most is “You guys” like when I’m leaving a restaurant with my wife after a lunch and the person at the door says “Thank you guys, have a nice evening.”
re: "You Guys"

LOL. You CLEARLY did not grow up in the midwest where "you guys" = "y'all."

Because I did not grow up down here, the thing I HATE (abhor?) is being called "Ma'am"

Or Western PA where it's "Yinz" or Philly where it's "Youse"
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Just a contraction for:
Honey bunch
Honey bear
Honey bee
Honey bunny
Honey buns
Honey lamb
Honey lips
Honey love
Honey muffin
Honey pie
Honey plum

But, I swear if the civie and the pros I date actually use the exact same label, I'll think all women are telepathic.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I hate when the tool is just unwrapped and they say "well hi big boy "
Someone uses that on me, I KNOW they're lying.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
... Because I did not grow up down here, the thing I HATE (abhor?) is being called "Ma'am" Originally Posted by B Three
I attended an event today, a lady at the door greeted me as she was operating a clicker to count how many farmers had entered the event. I called her "ma'am" and she went into a monologue about how much she hates "ma'am".

Now there were two ladies standing there, the first lady had more teeth, the second lady only had one tooth showing, and they were both grey haired [mostly white haired].

I explained that after so many years on Active Duty I am firmly in the habit of calling the ladies "ma'am", and she backed down.

It seems the lady with one tooth has a husband who is a retired marine [he came when she called him], so she understood the etiquette.

Eventually the first lady [with multiple teeth] seemed to wind down and lose interest in chewing me out for the insult.

I am so glad that neither of those women are my wife. I hate getting old, but being married to something like that, ... I dont know if I would ever be sober again.
Solemate62's Avatar
I hate when the tool is just unwrapped and they say "well hi big boy " Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Better that then asking you if you’re a post-op!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Someone uses that on me, I KNOW they're lying. Originally Posted by Nerdfun
Better that then asking you if you’re a post-op! Originally Posted by Solemate62

I'm older so no rise till she works now

So I have gotten "who ya pleasing with that"

soon they gagging then WELL Hi big boy
...the thing I HATE (abhor?) is being called "Ma'am" Originally Posted by B Three
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