When you only have one candidate anything could happen

You know, I take it back. Palin looks like Elvis. No shit.

Ted thanked Palin for her help, and support during his acceptance speech the night he won the run off election

apparently, he's not too damn smart.

Originally Posted by CJ7
chefnerd's Avatar
One name I see missing is Marco Rubio, who at least at one point was right there with Christie and Bush, although it also appears that the immigration brouhaha has cost him some popularity.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Bush and Christie will be smart enough to have a plan to share. Something positive. Not just "I hate Obama. I hate Progressives. I hate Democrats" like the rest of the retards. People are tired of that shit and they are going to be even more tired of it by November 2016. it just amazes me that the Republicans are not smart enough to start acting like their hero, Ronald Reagan. Speak positively. Have some ideas. Don't be about hatred and intolerance.

But, they just don't get it. Too much Limbaugh, too much RWW radio.

Apparently you weren't listening today. Rush was saying that the GOP had better start sounding positive and push back against the negativity of the dems and Obama.