Are People Really Voting For “Kabama”?

One of the more ridiculous conspiracies posted in the Political Forum. It’s not a mystery what happened here. Kamala is now “totally acceptable” because of how much democrats HATE Trump and his divisive politics. There are many people who will hold their nose, including many Republicans for Harris, rather than live through another four years of the chaos of a Trump presidency. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Exactly. I would vote for a dead skunk long before contemplating casting one for the orange treasonweasel. 1000 times over.
Voters either want Communism or they are too stupid to know how destructive Communism will be. Originally Posted by farmstud60
There's nothing in the United States body politic that resembles communism. Absolutely nothing. We have corporate oligarchy enabled fascism and totalitarian despotism. Your ignorance is showing. It's really ugly. Please cover it
Millions of voters are perplexed how Kamala could go from “non gratis” status to totally acceptable in just a few short weeks.

The answer might be simple. They believe that with Kamala, they will get that much wanted “Obama 3d term” that they all yearn for.

So, we can call the next administration the “Kabama” administration, because we all know who will really be calling the shots. The Obama Bunch will keep Kamala drunk and happy, insignificant and out of the way.

His Holiness will be speaking in prime time tonight.

The king is dead. Long live the King. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Lawd a mighty Ms. salt block.

Nebulous gibberish all you've got? President Obama has nothing to do with the Democratic Party agenda or it's workings. Absolutely nothing. Both parties are completely controlled by the donor class, multi billion dollar profit per quarter corporations and multibillionaires. Both subsidized by the workingman.

It would be quite helpful if you actually had some talking points that were policy related and somehow connected to reality. Even if only coincidentally.
Here in Houston it appears that all the residents of Forest Park Westheimer and Memorial Oaks are leaning towards voting Kamal.

They won't listen to reason and seem very stiff in their liberal views.

And to top it off they're all registered to vote and seems like they have received their mail in ballots.

No matter what I tell them, they won't listen to reason. It's like their brains have decayed and they won't move an inch from their positions.

Just like in 2020! And there are more residents now at both places than there were in 2020. It's like folks are dying to be there! Originally Posted by Michael8219
There's absolutely nothing "liberal" in the Democratic Party platform. Under Biden or Kamala. Your illusion of choice is either corporate oligarchy enabled fascism or totalitarian despotism. I bet it would behoove us to change that dynamic, prolly.......

At least I now know why we can't have anything nice.
More of a vote against a guy that, when he isn’t breaking laws, prides himself on name calling, mocks a crippled man or generally embarrassing himself every other time he opens his mouth.
More of a vote against a guy that, when he isn’t breaking laws, prides himself on name calling, mocks a crippled man or generally embarrassing himself every other time he opens his mouth. Originally Posted by Charley3
Michael8219's Avatar
Originally Posted by AwesomeAce
Yes. The problem is/are concerted democratic operative(s) up or on Mr. Trump’s behind. The situation is resolved then another repeat article or flimsy suit is conjured up.

You have to understand that you’re not voting just for Kamal or Trump but the party platform they represent.

Unfortunately the deceased tend to vote democratic or worse there’s always a Box 13 to be counted after midnight or the next morning. And others that vote for Kamal will vote for her because they’re anti-Trump or for “reproductive rights” or because of their “feelings.”
Yes. The problem is/are concerted democratic operative(s) up or on Mr. Trump’s behind. The situation is resolved then another repeat article or flimsy suit is conjured up.

You have to understand that you’re not voting just for Kamal or Trump but the party platform they represent.

Unfortunately the deceased tend to vote democratic or worse there’s always a Box 13 to be counted after midnight or the next morning. And others that vote for Kamal will vote for her because they’re anti-Trump or for “reproductive rights” or because of their “feelings.” Originally Posted by Michael8219
That is all just a jumble of words that only make sense to you. I have zero idea what you're talking about. I suspect you don't either.

... I surely understood Michael's post there, Ace.

Truth and Honesty are never difficult to understand.

Which is why Kamala can't find voters... Oh where, Oh where
did all those boxes and boxes of Biden voters go?? ...

They're NOT reflected in the polls much-any...

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
Yes. The problem is/are concerted democratic operative(s) up or on Mr. Trump’s behind. The situation is resolved then another repeat article or flimsy suit is conjured up.

You have to understand that you’re not voting just for Kamal or Trump but the party platform they represent.

Unfortunately the deceased tend to vote democratic or worse there’s always a Box 13 to be counted after midnight or the next morning. And others that vote for Kamal will vote for her because they’re anti-Trump or for “reproductive rights” or because of their “feelings.” Originally Posted by Michael8219
More nonsense. Any suit against “The Orange Cheato” (sounds like a bad superhero) is well deserved. If they were conjured as you propose then he wouldn’t have been found guilty so many times.

By your use of the phrase “box 13” you are also alleging election fraud. Hasn’t that been debunked already. He lost the last election fair and square.

Trump is a fraud, loser and a giant baby whose continued insistence that he was cheated is going to lose him the next election.

Millions of people are going to vote for Kamala Harris because Trump is the worst candidate.
No, the people who dislike Trump, just won't vote. They know that she is even more dishonest than sleepy Joe. All the claims she makes if elected, she has had 3 1/2 years to do so and has done zero!!
No, the people who dislike Trump, just won't vote. They know that she is even more dishonest than sleepy Joe. All the claims she makes if elected, she has had 3 1/2 years to do so and has done zero!! Originally Posted by onthemovie
Wait. Harris has been the POTUS for the last 3 1/2 years? That's like saying Pence didn't build the wall. But I understand...the right likes to hold the left to a standard they could never meet themselves. It's almost flattering.

I doubt very much that you have any idea what people who dislike Trump are willing do on election day. Any sort of facts or other insight that substantiate that thought?
... I surely understood Michael's post there, Ace.

Truth and Honesty are never difficult to understand.

Which is why Kamala can't find voters... Oh where, Oh where
did all those boxes and boxes of Biden voters go?? ...

They're NOT reflected in the polls much-any...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
LOL. Guess we will all see on election day. The polls don't seem to bear all that out.

Congrats on being able to decipher his post. I don't understand most of yours either since you appear to think it's necessary to type in some strange dialect with hard returns and no paragraphs or punctuation. It actually detracts from your point if you're trying to make one.
Michael8219's Avatar
AA,sounds like you were banned but have re-registered another user name eight days ago. Why?
AA,sounds like you were banned but have re-registered another user name eight days ago. Why? Originally Posted by Michael8219
No idea what you mean. I registered a week or two ago. Is this question on topic?