
I am going to take the advice of the SEVERAL men and women who have contacted me, and stay and ignore those who insist on being negative towards any post I make. Thank you again for all your kind words and expressing your desire for me to stay. Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle
Nice going Ms Jezabelle! Good to hear you are staying!

You ought to notify a moderator to have YOUR (this) thread closed before Ms WM continues to spead her cheer in YOUR thread.

GROUP HUUUUGG! Consider yourselves HUGGED...and yes, I just happen to be nekkid!!

Btw...I think most of us understand the need for security...that goes without saying. However, you can take as many precautions as possible and still have trouble...look at the Houston social as an example. So, who's to say what's safe and what's not?
handyGiraffe's Avatar
Group Hug back....
rgvpapi's Avatar
oh gawd I want a naked hug from Nikki again...
Doesn't look like that should change your plans Crimson. However, you'll have to fight OneIbc for her time.

Yeah, I also saw that the poker tournament thread was deleted. It's a shame, it was enlightening. Oh well, good luck to you, and have fun. See you in the Men's Lounge. Originally Posted by swwaustin
Yes, a shame. I found it extremely disturbing to find out that the place it was to take place wasn't her 'own' place but one that belongs a hobbyist.

While I realize some ladies may use places belonging to other guys, I don't mind taking a chance on a 1 on 1 meeting, but not a room full of people I don't know from adam playing a game w/ out of date laws that could easily be construed as illegal gaming.

Where's Mokoa's 'red flag' pics when you need it.
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
No worries Buda, the game is still cancelled. The last thing I wanted was for anyone to feel uncomfortable. I felt that coming to this was a personal choice each would make for themselves. There would have been screening for males and providers alike.

I thought it was a good unique idea that would have been fun. I really love poker, in fact it is a large source of my income. I am well aware of all the laws. And know plenty of people in the poker community to ensure the safety on that end.

I was actually considering using a card room location, but seeing we didn't get that far. It matters not now.

Thank you everyone for your support. I will no longer contributing to senseless arguements. And if anyone feels I am a security risk to see, please pm me and I will answer all questions and try to provide you with some references.

I apologize to everyone involved for all the drama. And I will definitely do my part to have it not happen again.
I am glad you decided to stay. You know how I feel about you and I enjoy our conversations and if you must use your ignore button then use it but don't let anyone, provider or hobbyist, make you feel like you have to leave. You are a big girl and know how to take care of yourself.

Remember what you told me in the beginning? You said 'i don't take shit from anybody!' Tu vas chica!

The other end of the spectrum is hard. I've worked and lived in Corpus to Austin and now San Antonio the high school atmosphere follows. Retirement is an option but after years of providing only you know when it's time to leave.

After reading the thread (before it was deleted) I decided to take rethink things I even took down my website temporary. Less activity on board means less high school behavior I guess. Just know Jez that without you here it will be to quiet in here!

But I still want to play poker.
No worries Buda, the game is still cancelled. The last thing I wanted was for anyone to feel uncomfortable. I felt that coming to this was a personal choice each would make for themselves. There would have been screening for males and providers alike.

I thought it was a good unique idea that would have been fun. I really love poker, in fact it is a large source of my income. I am well aware of all the laws. And know plenty of people in the poker community to ensure the safety on that end.

I was actually considering using a card room location, but seeing we didn't get that far. It matters not now.

Thank you everyone for your support. I will no longer contributing to senseless arguements. And if anyone feels I am a security risk to see, please pm me and I will answer all questions and try to provide you with some references.

I apologize to everyone involved for all the drama. And I will definitely do my part to have it not happen again. Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle
I have nothing against you, hell, I've never met you or even tried to contact you in any way other than the interaction in these forums. You just happen to be on the other side of an issue that troubles me - it could've been any other lady on this board and I'd still have this issue. So don't take this personally.

With the issues you've had 'happen' to you (I say that because none of us go looking for trouble), especially the part of getting another incall because you didn't feel safe at your old one - I just see red flags when I think of that person putting together a game/meet where security on everyones part is an absolute must, be it at 'OneIBC's' apt he got for you or a card room.

Someone who can't control their own security, sure as hell isn't going to have anything to do with my security and hopefully others will think with their upper head and see this as well. As someone mentioned in the deleted thread, I'll wait for the review or the news report.......
sanantonioman37's Avatar
Excellent.........just like one big happy family........which happens to be ounds like real life....... lol
all kidding aside.........I'm glad your staying.
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Once again, Buda, I am not having the poker game so continuing your reasons on why you won't come seems somewhat redundant. I do not feel as though you have anything against me. I have done nothing wrong.

What happened to me in my home .. like I have stated.. could have happened to anyone. The issue has been handled. It had nothing to do with this board or hobbying, like I have said, I only posted the "PRIVATE ALERT" because I wanted to give a heads up to any girls that may see someone that fit the description. I don't expect you to have booked with me any how, with or without that fact. So, it is truly no loss to either of us.

BTW Fiona you sexy thing, I am waiting to show you my naughty box of tricks. lol as previously promised.. lol thanks for your comments and phone conversations. You know I dig you too.

And the classy guy, if you truly want to play poker, pm me and I can fill you in on local games.
Since this thread was started, I spent a whole evening making out with a hottie at Babes and then yesterday fucking the shit out of one of the sweetest young things I've ever seen. Now, I'm trying to figure out who I can do today and Jez, you're on my list!

Is this a great board, or what...
swwaustin's Avatar
Now, I'm trying to figure out who I can do today Originally Posted by johnrock
Now there is a man with a plan. I like the way you think.
caroline!'s Avatar
Jezabelle (luv the name btw) and to all the providers who gets it:

NEVER let anyone from the community intimidate, change, or scare you away. Thought this board is going to be different? Doesn't matter what board, where you are in life, there are going to be HATERS, JEALOUSY, and LOSERS! And then there are some who just doesn't ever STFU!, this is an escort board, whatcha still bitchin about? Don't let their problem become yours.

If I'm going to leave, cancel a party, decide not to do something, my decision is based on MY TERMS, not bc someone is running me off. F! the rest, you do what you want. Don't worry about who likes & dislikes...they don't/NEVER did matter.
With the issues you've had 'happen' to you (I say that because none of us go looking for trouble), especially the part of getting another incall because you didn't feel safe at your old one - I just see red flags when I think of that person putting together a game/meet where security on everyones part is an absolute must, be it at 'OneIBC's' apt he got for you or a card room.
Someone who can't control their own security, sure as hell isn't going to have anything to do with my security and hopefully others will think with their upper head and see this as well. As someone mentioned in the deleted thread, I'll wait for the review or the news report.......
BBudda...with all due respect to you (because I do think you're a doll)...however, some things are just out of our hands. Providers take a high degree of risk each and everytime we decide to meet someone new. Do you think we like meeting someone that would assault or rob us? Of course not...that's why we stress on SCREENING. Even when we do screen...we get some that our fault?

I have to give her kudos for at least being prudent enough to report the issue...with good intentions to keep us safe...because most wouldn't have.

There are providers who have had the exact same problem...or even worse happen to them...and I bet you don't even know about it. And, I would bet that you've probably gone to their incall at one point or another. That's an unseen risk that you take.

How many times do you see phone number changes...or an incall location change...or someone disappears without notice...and returns with two or three different handles? All are RED FLAGS that something isn't quite right.

There are risks no matter what. What I didn't particularly see as "safe," was all the information, that was discussed, in a public thread. IMHO...that information should have been given only after someone had been vouched and by pm. Like I said...that's IMHO.