
I know that this isn't about haircuts but we will have to watch and see what happens a bar in bingo got busted for serving in the establishment. The police were called for a suspicious activity complaint and found them serving drinks. They might lose their liquor permits.

Pimpin' Ain't Easy .....whew Originally Posted by Zollner
.....try and keep up....
Zollner's Avatar
Actually they can make a decent living. It's an all cash business and they report almost nothing to the IRS. Kind of like waitrons and bartenders. Originally Posted by jokacz
For some the underground economy works well, others not so much.
rooster's Avatar
Actually they can make a decent living. It's an all cash business and they report almost nothing to the IRS. Kind of like waitrons and bartenders. Originally Posted by jokacz
That is a generalization that is not true for all. Sure, like any cash biz, there are those who cheat. But there are many others who keep their books straight and stay within the system. Same with waitrons and bartenders. And some don't have any choice. They work for people who keep the books for them.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Waitron??.. Really?.. Yuck! Even my spell checker hates that word.
Both of you, please bitch slap yourselves in the pussy for using that term.
You're lucky Plastic Man didn't notice.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Waitron??.. Really?.. Yuck! Even my spell checker hates that word.
Both of you, please bitch slap yourselves in the pussy for using that term.
You're lucky Plastic Man didn't notice.
Originally Posted by Willie Wanker

Jordan Peterson and Gad Saad are simultaneously throwing up at the use of that word.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
cip shaving cream shave ????
jokacz's Avatar
Jordan Peterson and Gad Saad are simultaneously throwing up at the use of that word. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Let me know when it hits Youtube.