Exactly when did the US let, or aid, Pakistan in getting the bomb? Pakistan has nothing to do with Obama's treason. You're deflecting again.

And the government worker strikes again with stupidity; When did the liberal academic community start deciding who could study what? Iran has been providing training and IEDs to the insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan. Are you sure you've read a newspaper? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Really? Through Atoms for Peace, which started in the 1950s. Pakistan built their first nuclear reactors with the aid of the US. They were built by an American company for shit's sake. I'm waiting to see you wriggle out of this one.
lustylad's Avatar
So you admit that situations change over time? As long as the leader was someone of our choosing, our puppet, it was ok.... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

No you fool, you can't be this stupid. (Or maybe you can!) It has nothing to do with who is in charge. As long as a country remains a signatory to the NPT it is committed to using nuclear technology for peaceful purposes only. Iran has not withdrawn from the NPT. Instead, it is negotiating to move the goalposts. Its uranium enrichment activities and its failure to allow full IAEA inspections are direct violations of the NPT.
No you fool, you can't be this stupid. (Or maybe you can!) It has nothing to do with who is in charge. As long as a country remains a signatory to the NPT it is committed to using nuclear technology for peaceful purposes only. Iran has not withdrawn from the NPT. Instead, it is negotiating to move the goalposts. Its uranium enrichment activities and its failure to allow full IAEA inspections are direct violations of the NPT. Originally Posted by lustylad
No, you fool! It has everything to do with who is charge. If it's someone we can keep under our thumb, we don't give a shit. If it's someone we can't control, that's when we jump in guns blazing. I understand the goddamn NPT, Iran doesn't give a shit. How is that my fault? We're the only country that has dropped a bomb, don't forget. And then we were like, oh sorry, now let's just use it for peaceful purposes. We're good at pulling shit like that. Do as I say, not as I do.
lustylad's Avatar
No, you fool! It has everything to do with who is charge. If it's someone we can keep under our thumb, we don't give a shit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Your argument sucks! We've sold nuclear power plants and technology all over the world to scores of countries that signed the NPT. Don't force me to list them all. Just take my word for it that the list is so large only a fool like you would argue they were all "under our thumb".

I understand the goddamn NPT, Iran doesn't give a shit. How is that my fault? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
It's not. It only BECOMES your fault if you accept all of Iran's NPT violations and codify them into a new treaty that sets a terrible precedent and blows a gaping hole through all of the carefully constructed, decades-old architecture of nuclear non-proliferation.

We're the only country that has dropped a bomb, don't forget. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Yep. I will never forget how many Americans are alive today because their fathers and grandfathers were spared from invading Mainland Japan! A Democrat named Harry Truman made the call and never regretted it. And the US is viewed much more favorably today in Japan than we are inside your disloyal maggot-eaten brain, undercunt.

Your argument sucks! We've sold nuclear power plants and technology all over the world to scores of countries that signed the NPT. Don't force me to list them all. Just take my word for it that the list is so large only a fool like you would argue they were all "under our thumb".

It's not. It only BECOMES your fault if you accept all of Iran's NPT violations and codify them into a new treaty that sets a terrible precedent and blows a gaping hole through all of the carefully constructed, decades-old architecture of nuclear non-proliferation.

Yep. I will never forget how many Americans are alive today because their fathers and grandfathers were spared from invading Mainland Japan! A Democrat named Harry Truman made the call and never regretted it. And the US is viewed much more favorably today in Japan than we are inside your disloyal maggot-eaten brain, undercunt.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Goddamn you're thick. They aren't all under our thumb. I referenced one country, you put words in my mouth about all the rest of the countries. What is funny is that you nor I have any bearing on what Iran does or doesn't do regarding their nuclear program. Do I want them to have a nuclear bomb? Of course not. Israel will never let that happen. It's much more in their immediate interest than it is ours. I never said us dropping the bomb was wrong, more words you put in my mouth. It was absolutely the right call. The fact still remains that we are the only ones to drop any. So you have to understand how other countries would feel when we start telling them what to do.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Has Iran invaded its neighbors recently? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You evidently have had your head up your ass and didn't notice what Iran did in Lebanon, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.

Iran Completes its Conquest of Lebanon
By Sean Osborne November 27, 2010

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s long-term conquest of the Republic of Lebanon is a fait accompli. Once again the agenda of the Islamic Republic has not only trumped that of the inept and feckless Western Powers but it is in fact a de facto usurpation of the imminent, and so-called “inviolable” United Nations Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) indictments in the case of the 2005 assassination of Prime Minister Rafiq HARIRI....

According to documentation in the U.S. Library of Congress, Hezbollah has, from its inception in 1982, been a forward deployed element of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) when a small contingent of Pasdaran, a/k/a the “Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution,” a/k/a the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, arrived and set up shop at Baalbek in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley in 1982.

You evidently have had your head up your ass and didn't notice what Iran did in Lebanon, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I know for your old ass, 1982 was like yesterday, but to some of us that's ancient history.

Better luck next time, chicken dick
lustylad's Avatar
Goddamn you're thick. They aren't all under our thumb. I referenced one country, you put words in my mouth about all the rest of the countries. What is funny is that you nor I have any bearing on what Iran does or doesn't do regarding their nuclear program. Do I want them to have a nuclear bomb? Of course not. Israel will never let that happen. It's much more in their immediate interest than it is ours. I never said us dropping the bomb was wrong, more words you put in my mouth. It was absolutely the right call. The fact still remains that we are the only ones to drop any. So you have to understand how other countries would feel when we start telling them what to do. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

You are such a weasel! Each time I pound your arguments to shreds you try to walk them back and say you meant something else. I don't have time to address all the weasel flip-flops you just made in the above post. Slap more grease on, undercunt! Keep flopping!
Not once, not twice, but many many times..............but like all his pledges (excepting his "transform America" pledge), they are phony statements.

June 5, 2008, in Cairo: "I will continue to be clear on the fact that an Iranian nuclear weapon would be profoundly destabilizing for the entire region.It is strongly in America's interest to prevent such a scenario."

June 8, 2008, to AIPAC: "The danger from Iran is grave, it is real, and my goal will be to eliminate this threat.... Finally, let there be no doubt: I will always keep the threat of military action on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel."

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

November 7, 2008, press conference: "Iran's development of a nuclear weapon, I believe, is unacceptable. And we have to mount an international effort to prevent that from happening."

February 27, 2009, speech at Camp Lejeune: "(W)e are focusing on al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan; developing a strategy to use all elements of American power to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon; and actively seeking a lasting peace between Israel and the Arab world."

January 27, 2010, State of the Union address: "And as Iran's leaders continue to ignore their obligations, there should be no doubt: They, too, will face growing consequences. That is a promise."

July 1, /2010, at the signing of the Iran Sanctions Act: "There should be no doubt -- the United States and the international community are determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons."

May 19, 2011, speech on the Middle East: "Now, our opposition to Iran's intolerance and Iran's repressive measures, as well as its illicit nuclear program and its support of terror, is well known."

May 22, 2011, in an address to AIPAC: "You also see our commitment to our shared security in our determination to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.... So let me be absolutely clear -- we remain committed to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons."

October 13,2011, press conference after meeting with South Korean president: "Now, we don't take any options off the table in terms of how we operate with Iran."

November 14, 2011, press conference: "So what I did was to speak with President Medvedev, as well as President Hu, and all three of us entirely agree on the objective, which is making sure that Iran does not weaponize nuclear power and that we don't trigger a nuclear arms race in the region. That's in the interests of all of us... I have said repeatedly and I will say it today, we are not taking any options off the table, because it's my firm belief that an Iran with a nuclear weapon would pose a security threat not only to the region but also to the United States."

December 8, 2011, press conference: (In response to question about pressuring Iran): "No options off the table means I'm considering all options."

December 16, 2011, speech to the General Assembly of the Union for Reform Judaism: "Another grave concern -- and a threat to the security of Israel, the United States and the world -- is Iran's nuclear program. And that's why our policy has been absolutely clear: We are determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons...and that's why, rest assured, we will take no options off the table. We have been clear."

January 24, 2012, State of the Union address: "Let there be no doubt: America is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and I will take no options off the table to achieve that goal."

March 2, 2012, interview with Goldblog: "I... don't, as a matter of sound policy, go around advertising exactly what our intentions are. But I think both the Iranian and the Israeli governments recognize that when the United States says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, we mean what we say."

March 4, 2012, speech to AIPAC: "I have said that when it comes to preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, I will take no options off the table, and I mean what I say That includes all elements of American power: A political effort aimed at isolating Iran; a diplomatic effort to sustain our coalition and ensure that the Iranian program is monitored; an economic effort that imposes crippling sanctions; and, yes, a military effort to be prepared for any contingency."

March 5, 2012, remarks after meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu: "... I reserve all options, and my policy here is not going to be one of containment. My policy is prevention of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. And as I indicated yesterday in my speech, when I say all options are at the table, I mean it."

March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

March 14, 2012, remarks after meeting with David Cameron: "...And as I said in a speech just a couple of weeks ago, I am determined not simply to contain Iran that is in possession of a nuclear weapon; I am determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon -- in part for the reasons that David mentioned... We will do everything we can to resolve this diplomatically, but ultimately, we've got to have somebody on the other side of the table who's taking this seriously."

September 25, 2012, speech to the United Nations General Assembly: "Make no mistake: A nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained...the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

Get ready America, Obama is about to flip on all his pledges. But this one is the big kahuna.

lustylad's Avatar
I know for your old ass, 1982 was like yesterday, but to some of us that's ancient history. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Between the insults some of us are trying to impart the lessons of history so the next generation doesn't have to repeat history's mistakes. George Santayana was right.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I know for your old ass, 1982 was like yesterday, but to some of us that's ancient history.

Better luck next time, chicken dick Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Try reading and comprehending the 2010 date on the article, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) occupied Bekaa Valley in 1982, and it's still there, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.
You are such a weasel! Each time I pound your arguments to shreds you try to walk them back and say you meant something else. I don't have time to address all the weasel flip-flops you just made in the above post. Slap more grease on, undercunt! Keep flopping! Originally Posted by lustylad
And yet you have time for all this other bullshit. You haven't pounded shit except your pud. Your reading comprehension and general grasp of the language is shockingly tenuous. I guess from now on I'll be forced to converse with you in simple sentences. As long as you think you're winning, that's what's important. I wouldn't want to snatch the one, good thing in your life away from you.
Between the insults some of us are trying to impart the lessons of history so the next generation doesn't have to repeat history's mistakes. George Santayana was right. Originally Posted by lustylad
I went to school. Don't need you to teach me about shit. Don't you come at me with that foreign shit, this is 'Merica dammit.

(yes, I know who he is, just so you don't get your panties completely twisted)
Try reading and comprehending the 2010 date on the article, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) occupied Bekaa Valley in 1982, and it's still there, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I read it, chicken dick. And I repeat, 1982. We've been in Guantanamo a lot longer than that. Still there.

You just keep trying though. You'll get there one day. (no he won't)
I B Hankering's Avatar
I read it, chicken dick. And I repeat, 1982. We've been in Guantanamo a lot longer than that. Still there.

You just keep trying though. You'll get there one day. (no he won't) Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You evidently still have your head up your ass, because the article is recounting that Iran accomplished in 2010 what it started in 1982, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.

Iran Completes its Conquest of Lebanon
By Sean Osborne November 27, 2010

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s long-term conquest of the Republic of Lebanon is a fait accompli. Once again the agenda of the Islamic Republic has not only trumped that of the inept and feckless Western Powers but it is in fact a de facto usurpation of the imminent, and so-called “inviolable” United Nations Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) indictments in the case of the 2005 assassination of Prime Minister Rafiq HARIRI....

According to documentation in the U.S. Library of Congress, Hezbollah has, from its inception in 1982, been a forward deployed element of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) when a small contingent of Pasdaran, a/k/a the “Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution,” a/k/a the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, arrived and set up shop at Baalbek in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley in 1982.
