annna wichita nov 2012

Just for the record:

Lilianna and I had words a long time ago, and have since been able to move past that.
We have absolutely no issues with one another at this time, that I am aware of.

PLEASE don't bring me in the drama! I'm doing my very best to stay out of all the arguing.

Kisses to all,
Staci Stacked
Dude this is your job, you want to act like an entitled cunt, be my guest. You have a shitty work ethic.

Feminism =/= agreeing with every dumb hooker I come across
It wasn't your disagreeing Lilianna, it was your name calling and judgement. Putting others down is simply a sign of insecurity. I have risen to the top without having to throw anyone under the bus....even those who clearly deserved it.

Wow! A lesson on work ethic from someone who drove her business into the ground due to her business ethics. You are clearly a piece of work. If I have a shotgun work ethic....then why do I have three times more requests than I can handle....with all positive feedback from site to site. You are quick to judge and clearly do not know me. I may be a cunt, but by no means am a dumb hooker. You, my dear, have made an ass if yourself on a regular basis. Putting others down only makes you look desperate. I build other women up, and quite honestly have lifted you up in private conversations as to some of your posts. Most of the time though I scratched my head and said....does thus women realize that she is putting men and women down left and right.
Ihave all positive feedback, I NEVER have to advertise, I only have to work three days a week, get paid to go on vacation once a month minimum and yet I GET TO WORK ON TIME because this is my JOB and I'm not an inconsiderate, entitled, spoiled brat.

I would also like to point out that none of your WKs are jumping into this maybe because your shitty attitude towards your clients and your inability to be prompt are actually issues for some people.

You can blah blah at me all you want, saying something doesn't make it true. What is true is that at some point in your life a guy was trying to get you naked and told you you were what? A princess? And you took it to heart. You are spoiled, rude, and vapid.

Don't believe me? Reread your appalling post from page one only this time, pretend I wrote it. Got a little prespective now?
KenMonk's Avatar
Has anybody told you that you're the shit Ken??!
All men should follow this simple procedure.... Originally Posted by Gemma34

Sadly no... I wish I could hear it more often though. We should discuss this sometime .
growler's Avatar
I'm not so sure about "inconsiderate". Lilianna there is a way of conveying one's strenghts without being condsecending.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 11-19-2012, 02:56 PM
Please stay on to the main subject of this thread......please.

Thanks in advance.
I'm not so sure about "inconsiderate". Lilianna there is a way of conveying one's strenghts without being condsecending. Originally Posted by growler
No, some people only really listen when you make them mad.

Also, spellcheck ftw!
Back to the OP, I simply listed reasons why it is not a good idea to give advance info, in addition to safety. I have ADHD, a medical disability. Difficulty in tracking time is common. I obviously make up for it in other ways and as far as I know have always made things right with clients when I was in any way unprofessional and hold myself to very high standards.

I have known many providers and I don't know their reasons for being late...but many of them are. My comment was somewhat tongue in cheek.

tongue in cheek-

When a statement is "tongue in cheek" it is ironic, slyly humorous; it is not meant to be taken seriously, however its sarcasm is subtle.

Though not meant to be taken seriously, it is not overt joking or kidding around, it is "gently poking fun". A "tongue in cheek" statement may have a double meaning, some sort of inuendo or is witty in some way, particularly to the speaker. The tone or the context of the statement may make it to be taken seriously by the listener.

So who's dumb? I'm sorry that you didn't get the memo on me being a spoiled princess. It is absolutely true and only because I spoil everyone around me...and the love freeflows. There's nothing that you could do to make me mad Lilianna. I have actually been getting calls and emails all day from people laughing about how your comments are literally opposite of everything that I am.

Why are people not posting? We all got the memo on you being a drama queen long ago.

41 yes reviews on ECCIE and counting....I obviously must be doing something right.

*apology Staci, my intention was not to involve you, simply the first of many incidents I could recall of people being attacked out of the clear blue sky*
Yes, well thought out, constructed properly, and logic based.

The exact opposite. Literally. Ahem.

*apology Staci, my intention was not to involve you, simply the first of many incidents I could recall of people being attacked out of the clear blue sky* Originally Posted by Ari816
No worries, I just wanted to make it clear that this is not my argument! lol
ok, so i went to go find her incall. she gave me a residence address, she said there were two men working on a car, said they were her neighbors. Ask i came up her address, these guys didn't look too friendly, More like pimps trying to rob. I wanted to see this girl but I couldn't find any reviews and her two neighbors just gave me a bad feeling. So i didn't partake. i still see her ads on BP. Have a good one.
The DarkSide's Avatar
Lilianna has a habit or a propensity to speak her mind without self editing, some and probably most would call her a bitch, I agree with Ari and WK for her!
The DarkSide's Avatar
Damn I was on the money calling that bitch out
Maverick 07's Avatar
Lilianna I dont know you and doubt I would ever want to. You do sound like you have stupid stripper syndrome...Ive worked in the industry over the years and had to assist women who have fallen off the pole once to often. . whatever you do get some professional help cause you are one piece of work. You dont need to keep bothering the women here as they are doing fine without you and Im sure no one misses you