Jan 6 panel ignores U.S. Constitution

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
Impeached but not convicted . . .twice.

Trump is not my favorite politician, b but I endorse any of his policies.

We had much less in he way of border problems and spent much less money on border control under those policies.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Impeached but not convicted . . .twice.

Trump is not my favorite politician, b but I endorse any of his policies.

We had much less in he way of border problems and spent much less money on border control under those policies. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Trump was acquitted by the U.S. Senate. In the 2nd impeachment 57 Senators voted to convict Trump but 67 votes were needed. Several Republican Senators voted to not convict based on the belief that a POTUS can't be impeached after leaving office.

Regarding immigration, yes, Trump's poicies regarding the southern border were much more effective than Biden's in keeping people from entering this country legally. I certainly disagree with "catch and release". But I do believe Biden's attempts are more humane than Trump's in that Trump's immigration policy was simple -- you aren't coming into this country unless you apply for entry through the "normal" channels, and if you aren't white, affluent, educated, and speak English your chances of entry are minimal. Under Trump, the number of refugees allowed into this country was lowered from more than 100,000 to about 15,000 per year. So while I do not support Biden's plans, I did not support Trump's either.
Trump was acquitted by the U.S. Senate. In the 2nd impeachment 57 Senators voted to convict Trump but 67 votes were needed. Several Republican Senators voted to not convict based on the belief that a POTUS can't be impeached after leaving office.

Regarding immigration, yes, Trump's poicies regarding the southern border were much more effective than Biden's in keeping people from entering this country legally. I certainly disagree with "catch and release". But I do believe Biden's attempts are more humane than Trump's in that Trump's immigration policy was simple -- you aren't coming into this country unless you apply for entry through the "normal" channels, and if you aren't white, affluent, educated, and speak English your chances of entry are minimal. Under Trump, the number of refugees allowed into this country was lowered from more than 100,000 to about 15,000 per year. So while I do not support Biden's plans, I did not support Trump's either. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Did you really mean Trump's policies kept legal immigrants from entering? That is totally wrong, it was illegal immigration his policies stopped.

Nothing humane about Biden's border less immigration policies.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Trump was acquitted by the U.S. Senate. In the 2nd impeachment 57 Senators voted to convict Trump but 67 votes were needed. Several Republican Senators voted to not convict based on the belief that a POTUS can't be impeached after leaving office.

Regarding immigration, yes, Trump's poicies regarding the southern border were much more effective than Biden's in keeping people from entering this country legally. I certainly disagree with "catch and release". But I do believe Biden's attempts are more humane than Trump's in that Trump's immigration policy was simple -- you aren't coming into this country unless you apply for entry through the "normal" channels, and if you aren't white, affluent, educated, and speak English your chances of entry are minimal. Under Trump, the number of refugees allowed into this country was lowered from more than 100,000 to about 15,000 per year. So while I do not support Biden's plans, I did not support Trump's either. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Damn, you were doing so good there for a second but then you went full on Progressive with an "opinion" that I don't believe you can prove but if you can prove your assertion of discrimination based on color or education, I'd sure like to see it.

More humane? Do you really believe that? Record number of American deaths due to Fentanyl being smuggled through our open border. Record number of migrant deaths after being "encouraged" by this President to "come". Sex trafficking of women and children after having been raped along the way by the Cartels running this circus. Homeless immigrants sleeping in the streets because we don't have the resources to deal with them and you call this humane?

You asked me once what my solution to this problem is. Here it is "stay in your country and apply for asylum before you come to this country". Anybody showing up at our border without proof of persecution looking only for a better economic situation, which is not a reason to grant asylum, will be turned away and if found in the country illegally, deported.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Did you really mean Trump's policies kept legal immigrants from entering? That is totally wrong, it was illegal immigration his policies stopped.

Nothing humane about Biden's border less immigration policies. Originally Posted by farmstud60
I meant exactly that. Lowering the number of refugees allowed into this country from over 100,000 a year to about 15,000 keeps people from legally entering the country. Also:

"Legal Immigration Cut in Half, Most Categories Blocked: By 2021, Donald Trump will have reduced legal immigration by 49% since becoming president – without any change in U.S. immigration law, according to a National Foundation for American Policy analysis. An April presidential proclamation blocked the entry of legal immigrants to the United States in almost all categories.

Reducing legal immigration most harms refugees, employers and Americans who want to live with their spouses, parents or children, but it also affects the country’s future labor force and economic growth: “Average annual labor force growth, a key component of the nation’s economic growth, will be approximately 59% lower as a result of the administration’s immigration policies, if the policies continue,” according to the National Foundation for American Policy.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Damn, you were doing so good there for a second but then you went full on Progressive with an "opinion" that I don't believe you can prove but if you can prove your assertion of discrimination based on color or education, I'd sure like to see it.

More humane? Do you really believe that? Record number of American deaths due to Fentanyl being smuggled through our open border. Record number of migrant deaths after being "encouraged" by this President to "come". Sex trafficking of women and children after having been raped along the way by the Cartels running this circus. Homeless immigrants sleeping in the streets because we don't have the resources to deal with them and you call this humane?

You asked me once what my solution to this problem is. Here it is "stay in your country and apply for asylum before you come to this country". Anybody showing up at our border without proof of persecution looking only for a better economic situation, which is not a reason to grant asylum, will be turned away and if ound in the country illegally, deported. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Most of the illegal drugs entering our country are coming through legal ports of entry, not carried by illegal immigrants crossing the border.

"Over 90 percent of fentanyl seizures occur at legal crossing points or interior vehicle checkpoints, not on illegal migration routes, so U.S. citizens (who are subject to less scrutiny) when crossing legally are the best smugglers.

The location of smuggling makes sense because hard drugs at ports of entry are about 97 percent less likely to be stopped than are people crossing illegally between them."


There are 10s of thousands of people either at our border or heading to our border. Do you think requiring them to apply for asylum before starting their trek towards our border is going to stop a single person from doing so? No way.

And when and where did Biden encourage people to come to our border?

“Don’t come over,” Biden said in a March 16 interview with ABC News when asked to articulate his message to hopefuls. “Don’t leave your town or city or community.”


Yes, I consider Biden's attempts more humane thatn Trump's policy, which was to not do anything for those people coming to our border. Both you and I might disagree with Biden's immigration policy but at least Biden is trying to make conditions better in some ways for the people. THis is a complex problem with no easy solution.

Trump was acquitted by the U.S. Senate. In the 2nd impeachment 57 Senators voted to convict Trump but 67 votes were needed. Several Republican Senators voted to not convict based on the belief that a POTUS can't be impeached after leaving office.

Regarding immigration, yes, Trump's poicies regarding the southern border were much more effective than Biden's in keeping people from entering this country legally. I certainly disagree with "catch and release". But I do believe Biden's attempts are more humane than Trump's in that Trump's immigration policy was simple -- you aren't coming into this country unless you apply for entry through the "normal" channels, and if you aren't white, affluent, educated, and speak English your chances of entry are minimal. Under Trump, the number of refugees allowed into this country was lowered from more than 100,000 to about 15,000 per year. So while I do not support Biden's plans, I did not support Trump's either. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well it really doesn't make sense. It's like a Boss trying to fire an employee after they have already quit. This country as well as the rest of the is ran by Mad people. They are greedy, vindictive and generally full of shit.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
They are greedy, vindictive and generally full of shit. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You just described Trump perfectly which is why they are going after his sorry ass.

All that dipshit had to do was be a man and accept defeat and none of this circus would have ever happened. This shit show is all on him for creating it.
You just described Trump perfectly which is why they are going after his sorry ass.

All that dipshit had to do was be a man and accept defeat and none of this circus would have ever happened. This shit show is all on him for creating it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I described all of them. If you think Biden is any different you're a dam fool. These people are criminals and every citizen is a pawn in their game of chess.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Levi, as long as you acknowledge it from both sides old timer, you get zero argument from me. But if you want to bitch about the left without acknowledging the biggest shit stain on the right (Trump), I think that is silly.

The left didn't have a damn thing to do with what happened on 1/6. That was all Trump firing up his goofball trailer park cult.

As far as the OP's assertion that the constitution was ignored, well that's just too silly for me to even dignify. I'll just say Alan Dershowitz is 84 years old. His once brilliant legal mind is no longer the same.
Levi, as long as you acknowledge it from both sides old timer, you get zero argument from me. But if you want to bitch about the left without acknowledging the biggest shit stain on the right (Trump), I think that is silly.

The left didn't have a damn thing to do with what happened on 1/6. That was all Trump firing up his goofball trailer park cult.

As far as the OP's assertion that the constitution was ignored, well that's just too silly for me to even dignify. I'll just say Alan Dershowitz is 84 years old. His once brilliant legal mind is no longer the same. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

I wish the article was still there, it nailed it. And you are wrong about Dershowitz, his policies and arguments haven't changed.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I wish the article was still there, it nailed it. And you are wrong about Dershowitz, his policies and arguments haven't changed. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Yeah, dude. I'm sure he nailed it (sarcasm inserted). That's probably why it was removed from a site I've never even fucking heard of. I blame Hunter Biden's laptop for the removal.

In all seriousness, it's out there in the clouds somewhere if you care to find it and repost it. And make no mistake about it, I don't care if age has had a diminished capacity on his brilliant legal mind, he still probably knows more than 99% of the people (myself obviously included) when it comes to the laws in this country. So if you find it, repost it. I'm sure it is an interesting read.
What story? The link doesn't work.
All you have is a claim that has no facts.
Let me know when you have some proof someone is violating the Constitution.

Plus, somehow I think the real congressman and attorneys would show any proof or evidence to back up this nonstory.
The story is from liberal Constitutional Lawyer, you might want to open your eyes and learn something. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Levi, as long as you acknowledge it from both sides old timer, you get zero argument from me. But if you want to bitch about the left without acknowledging the biggest shit stain on the right (Trump), I think that is silly.

The left didn't have a damn thing to do with what happened on 1/6. That was all Trump firing up his goofball trailer park cult.

As far as the OP's assertion that the constitution was ignored, well that's just too silly for me to even dignify. I'll just say Alan Dershowitz is 84 years old. His once brilliant legal mind is no longer the same. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
If the Democrats possessed talents and virtues that I could give praise to I would. Government has become a Toxic enterprise because of them.