ROCKIN BRANDY I'm a girl trapped in a man’s body... HELP!

Mr.Crowley's Avatar
Oooh someone is about to learn the posting guideline on directed personal insults!

See you can say asshole, what you cannot do is say to fun2come
"YOU dont even know me ASSHOLE" that is an insult directed at fun2come, and a infraction of a posting guideline.
I was refering to the stement about providers not wanting to see someone thats seen me. No need for em to know... Thats what discretion is for.

QUOTE=Mr.Crowley;1054649521]I don't think there's that much risk of mistaking.

I don't want to offend any TS providers, you do not claim "What they don't know, won't hurt them"

That is fucking bullshit!!!!![/QUOTE]
Mr.Crowley's Avatar
And that's better how? Providers are Eccie members as well. What they don't have the right to properly screen themselves?
Still Looking's Avatar
Well RB the post in the Welcome section got you a certain amount of exposure. This thread will do so as well. How you post will dictate weather that's for the good or bad. Why not use it as an opportunity help people understand and perhaps even change minds.
3daygetaway's Avatar

I might get turned down by some providers in the future--ones that do their homework on past reviews and posts. But unless YOU make it a priority to make me a pariah here, I think I'll be okay.

(and as for the best friend getting a sex change: no, I wouldn't jump his bones, but I'd damn sure finger fuck him and inspect his box! And further, he'd let me--not because he's always wanted my fingers inside him, but because he would appreciate the novelty and value my acceptance of him/her.)

I'll do better--I'll invite you to come along and take pictures!
Beagle's Avatar
"Gender is the range of physical, biological, mental and behavioral characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity." (wikipedia)

While RB may be a biological male, she is considered to be female from the cultural perspective. Her official documents, psychological state and physical appearance (for the most part), all point to her as being a female. RB's identification to being a female since birth is characterized as gender identity disorder.

The question as to whether a guy is considered to be homosexual for fucking a post op transsexual, would be largely semantics. Simplistically, homosexuality can be defined as sexual attraction to the same sex/gender. Again, depending on which definition of gender (biological vs culture) you can argue that a person is/is not a homosexual.

Personally, I feel homosexuality is better defined by the sexual attraction to the masculinity/feminine traits. Ask yourself if you would be sexually attracted to a woman who looks like a man.

And would you be sexually attracted to a biological man, ie. transsexual, who looks like a woman?

If you never found out about her history, you'd be going on about your life happy to have scored a hot chick.

I doubt the agenda of this thread was to call RB out for not having full disclosure in the WW. RB's backpage ad states in no uncertain terms that she is a post op transsexual. Besides, it doesn't take a genius to notice that some of RB's physical traits are still masculine.

What this looks like is SL started this thread to amuse some of his fellow brethren. It's not that bad passing a funny remark or two in the WW, but to put someone on the spot by starting a new thread......that's entertainment at RB's expense and going overboard. Arguably, RB's best response is to ignore this thread and let the topic die on its own. But anything she has to say will likely be dissected and used to instigate more response. It's a game/entertainment for some of you guys, but toying with someone else's emotions on a board she relies on for income.......that's a low form of entertainment....
Whispers's Avatar
How do I define that? By the F on my goverment issued , ID, Birth Certificate and passport, whi c h is inrefutable, you only know cause I had the respect to tell, and that gets me nothing but shit.

What is getting you more shit is the concept that you might keep it from some and not be forthcoming. Personally, I have not judged you ror said a negative things. What I have said is what you can expect to get here on the boards. This is a "review and information" oriented website. This disclosure is going to be yours to wear,,,, whether you wish to or not. It is too important to simply sweep under the rug and I highly doubt there will be a review of you ever posted where it is not brought out that you are a man.

In regards to all of your IDs.... If you find yourself in a legal squabble here in Texas and it comes out and the court is aware you were born a male, then your store bought and judge shopped papers will fall by the wayside..... It's an issue here in texas that has yet to be resolved in your favor dude....

Anyways im done fueling the lonely people who get entertainment from trying to bring others to their level.

No your not..... I'll bet you are far more drama prone than the avg lady around here as most prissy boys can be...

All ive got to say to the guys is WHAT ANYONE ELSE DONT KNOW WONT HURT EM,

How can you say that? What if some incredibly homophobic, ultra conservative dude fucks you and later comes to realize your a dude like him and it causes him serious emotional damage? You are being INCREDIBLY irresponsible with a statement like that.

bring it! Im hot, tight, and ready and we will be just as descrete as you could ever need! Let me show you how good it can be! Muah!
Showcase coming soon! Originally Posted by RocKin BraNdy
At this point.... I believe you just crossed the lines and asked for business in CoEd which is another posting violation.....

You were born a dude.....
You will never bear children...
Your DNA is that of a man.....

Everything else is Modern Medicine and a Legal Field where Attorneys prostitute themselves more than prostitutes....

Whispers's Avatar
....... toying with someone else's emotions on a board she relies on for income.......that's a low form of entertainment.... Originally Posted by Beagle
Yet it will be entertainment to many....

At the core here though is HIS belief that what someone does not know will not hurt him.....

That is a selfish and self serving statement.

I have no problem with his presence here.

TS's have been a part of this community for a while and for the most part are left alone....

More than one person is concerned enough to comment and raise the issue that Rockin Brandy is a Post Op Tran-sexual when he neglected to mention it..........

He challenges the comments and opens it up for debate and DEBATE will always occur on this board over these issues.......

As a Foster Parent in Florida and California I worked with several teenagers and their counselors and therapists that were males with identity issues..... A large percentage are confusion, parenting issues, environment and a variety of other issues.....

I consider myself to be a very open minded individual....

BUT..... personally, if I were to find out that I had been with post op transexual presented as a female it would disturb me a lot. I know it would anger me greatly..... I think that is information I deserve when making a decision to spend money. I believe everyone deserves it.

If he wants to DEBATE whether he is male or female it is going to be debated......

If he simply runs his ads and goes about his business he will be the newest novelty act in the community and will get some business.... and for the most part will get left alone so long as he is open about his background.....

He is the one controlling the controversy surrounding him.
Whispers's Avatar

I might get turned down by some providers in the future--ones that do their homework on past reviews and posts. But unless YOU make it a priority to make me a pariah here, I think I'll be okay.

It's your decision..... personally I don't have the time to make it an issue to make sure guys that see a TS are known to everyone.... There are more than a few..... However.... It is known that the information DOES get out and there will be ladies that will not see men that do...... Why? Because there are guys that will not see a lady that sees a guy that does....

You could see this dude and fuck his store bought pussy........ Some lady see you that does not know it..... and then later SHE gets put in the limelight for fucking a guy that fucks other guys and it trashes her business......

Keep in mind that in all of that the only ones getting hurt are you and other ladies..... Not anyone that brings it up....

(and as for the best friend getting a sex change: no, I wouldn't jump his bones, but I'd damn sure finger fuck him and inspect his box! And further, he'd let me--not because he's always wanted my fingers inside him, but because he would appreciate the novelty and value my acceptance of him/her.)

IMO... That is simply sick man.....Just my opinion..... But one I am sure is shared by others....

I'll do better--I'll invite you to come along and take pictures! Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
You won't find me following you around to bring up the subject but when you do bring it up you will find I have an opinion on it....

Does your curiosity stop at Post Op?

If he was preop and a week before surgery wouldn't his DFK, HJ and Greek be the same quality? Other than the penis thing why not patronize the PreOps?

While your at it... Isn't a PreOp just a Prissy Gay Dude? What's wrong there?

Do you see where this goes?

As people run down these scenarios you take on a risk factor they want nothing to do with and your decisions will impact ladies you see....

Do as you feel the need to do...... The wisest thing for you would be to never discuss it...
SL - shouldn't you be adding her to your BBW's, TS, and Ugly girls list? Where did that go anyway? What's the harm in helping her do well after this slap fest?

You really kinda resemble Tattoo from Fantasy Island with hair...wait, are you Tattoo? I gotta go check that pic again...
Well, well, well!! I take a few days off for Thanksgiving and her is where we wind up.

First off, everyone now knows that Rockin Brandy is a post op Transexual. It would seem to have been fully disclosed both here and in a review. Let's leave it at that, shall we?? Or do I need to quote a few posting guidelines here, (remember, it's a violation if I believe your intent was in violation of the guideline and based on the number of RTM's I have, others do as well.) such as #1, #3, #4, and when all else fails #16. Now before you all start protesting #16, read it carefully. She can talk about it, but unless she asks you a direct question regarding medical info (including the psychology involved), you are not allowed to mention it. It is certainly Ok to feel the way each of you feels about this controversial subject, but it is not ok to abuse another member because of said feelings.

So, since you asked SL, here I am and I would recommend finding something else to amuse yourself. Nice to know I was missed.

Whispers's Avatar
Absulutely NOT, just citing a recent news flash. Do some reseach before blowing up. Originally Posted by fun2come
From the CDC updated Nov 20th 2013

"Transgender communities in the United States are among the groups at highest risk for HIV infection."
yeah and according to that link 90% of em were african american, gonna pick on those? Im not. Also those stats are because many trans GENDERED (non surgical) TG folk naturally have lots of anal sex, which I do not even offer. Chances are my man made vag actually has LESS chance of transmitting a disease than probably genetic females, and most certainly much less than anal sex... Whats the point of all this? Just hate to see me get a client that bad? Dude you must have better things to do than try to pick at me... What did I do to you?

From the CDC updated Nov 20th 2013

"Transgender communities in the United States are among the groups at highest risk for HIV infection." Originally Posted by Whispers

GneissGuy's Avatar
Welcome Brandy. I hope things go well for you.

I'm glad to see you're not trying to fool anyone, since you've posted it in your showcase and profile.

Let me recommend you put "TS" in your userid, and say something in your signature line. In the signature line, it will appear in every post.

Lots of guys see a cute picture in an ad and don't bother to do a lot of checking before calling. They might not see the notes in your showcase, profile, or other threads.

You may not realize the degree to which some guys will be enraged if they find out "after." Although I suspect you do know if you've lived with this issue for this long.

I've been around this hobby for years, and I was a mod on the predecessor to this board. I've seen the shitstorms and the bad things that happen over very minor things. I can only imagine how some of the batshit crazy guys would react if they found out after.

Do be extra careful. There are some bigots, assholes, and outright dangerous people out there. Even for a person born female.

To be clear, your status doesn't bother me. I won't get intimate with you, but I'll treat you with respect.
To put TS in my name would mean I have a penis (in the hobby world). Look im disclosing which I dont HAVE to do and I have the same rights as any other female in here. Keep in mind if I didnt disclose no one could question my being like any girl here. Im not going to see anyone without them knowing, and if any guys did just look at a pic and not read then they are asking for issues of some sort.

Welcome Brandy. I hope things go well for you.

I'm glad to see you're not trying to fool anyone, since you've posted it in your showcase and profile.

Let me recommend you put "TS" in your userid, and say something in your signature line. In the signature line, it will appear in every post.

Lots of guys see a cute picture in an ad and don't bother to do a lot of checking before calling. They might not see the notes in your showcase, profile, or other threads.

You may not realize the degree to which some guys will be enraged if they find out "after." Although I suspect you do know if you've lived with this issue for this long.

I've been around this hobby for years, and I was a mod on the predecessor to this board. I've seen the shitstorms and the bad things that happen over very minor things. I can only imagine how some of the batshit crazy guys would react if they found out after.

Do be extra careful. There are some bigots, assholes, and outright dangerous people out there. Even for a person born female.

To be clear, your status doesn't bother me. I won't get intimate with you, but I'll treat you with respect. Originally Posted by GneissGuy