RESPONSE TO: { Andytdh } & { old ausie }

Given the HUGE number of no-shows by girls that happen all the time, I will never get a room until the girl shows up at the hotel. . . . . that's one of the first rules that a guy learns about the hobby...NEVER get the room before a girl shows up. Now you're asking that a guy do something that goes against everything that he has learned and everything that guys here have been told. . . . You're very new to this site and have a very short history. Guys here have been ripped off for years by girls that no-show and yet you want us to overlook that and follow your "rules" - rules that are set by a girl that is very new to the hobby and doesn't have anywhere near the experience that many guys here do. Originally Posted by travelling_man
There is no such "rule" and there is no "standard" way of doing things in the hobby. You have never taken a survey of DFW hobbyist and do not speak for anyone other than yourself. You come off here as someone who is trying to pressure a young, new provider into doing things the way that suit you by speaking on behalf of all hobbyists and assuming an authority you do not possess.

Whenever I book a room, I get it on hotwire or priceline and already have the room number. I book with reliable providers. My way works for me and I'm sure I'm not the only one who does it that way.

If a guy already has a room number, then the chances of him not showing are much less than if the guy just says he'll meet the provider there and get the room when she shows. I can certainly see why a provider would choose not to see a guy who doesn't have a room.

You should do what works for you, I'll do what works for me, and let Bree Anna do what works for her without brow beating her.
Bree Anna, stick to your gut and don't change. You're one of the few that aren't flakes, genuine and still my favorite. You won't have any trouble booking clients. See you again in a day or two!
rex4998's Avatar
woooo weeeeeee

Hawkeye9's Avatar
well i decided to book another outcall appt: with andytdh... this time we were able to connect & hook up, But when i arrived he only had $$ instead of the $$$ we agreed upon other than the rate shaft he was nice. Said he would make it up to me next time he's in town hopefully he stands by his word....

But im not holding my breath Originally Posted by Thebaddest1
thats beyond eff up. not having the cash when he knows the agreed amount is BS.
I guess guys think they can get away with it because 2 is better than nothing. Just bad!!! Maybe you missed another 300 from another guy.

Honestly I would not try that shit, if I do not have the cash I would just not book.

sorry that happened,
Wildstar's Avatar
Bree Anna,

You are a classy gal and the fact that you care enough to respond to these issues speaks volumes about you...

Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Andy, dude, please. You gritch about NS, so in order to make amends that the chick didn't really feel like she had to make in the first place she agrees to meet you once more...fully under your terms...and you STIFF her by a bill!!! And she didn't go bats-ass crazy on you!!!! Gonzo really doesn't comprehend that. But I don't understand the health care bill either.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
But I don't understand the health care bill either. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW
Nobody does, especially Congress.