CL Adult Services DOA

does not really effect me as i have not used craigslist to advertise in quite a while. There are plenty of ladies here to choose from so no worries right? Originally Posted by 214JULES
There are plenty to choose from on here is right, but I liked the adult gigs section as it was where I met a few ladies that needed a bill to be paid, had a sudden expense occur, ect. and needed money for that purpose. They were "non-pro" and it was refreshing to not have to worry about her next appointment coming in early or wondering how many guys she has been with on that day before you. I have one girl who I have seen a few times and there is no clock watching, no cell phone ringing, ect. It is just a date that has a happy ending.
PaganGuy's Avatar
A lot of ladies posting on 'NSA' casual encounters hook you in the first email and ask for a donation anyway.. that will just increase.. but at least it will mean there are more ads there posted by actual women and not bots trying to lure you into some phishing site.
cowboyesfan's Avatar
There are plenty to choose from on here is right, Originally Posted by bigdog0311
What makes you guys think they will stop with Craigslist?

There will always be another election and they will always need another fall guy.
I saw it coming a couple of weeks ago when read a news article of the AG's filing lawsuits. I see several different ways to look at the results of it, but what sticks in my craw is I believe craigslist has pussied out. Any major newspaper in this country will fight the government to no end to protect their right to a "free press" Craigs copped out, not wanting the heat. They do not allow openly illegal ads for sex, but they should not be shut down by the goverment for allowing "gray area type ads". The government in my opinion does have the right to prosecute anyone placing an obviously illegal ad, but not the right to shut down venues of questional content.
They are going after craigslist not because of any real legal issue, but because of voter pressure, church groups and such putting political pressure on them. Originally Posted by whosit57