MistyLong NCNS

Kerwil always gives sound advice. I would take it OP Originally Posted by tbone2u
Yeah sure. He didn't give any real advice except to take off running like a bitch. He wanted to throw some coal into the fire. Yeah, Mondays are so cool.
Let's see. Kerwil has been around a little over 8 yrs., so that makes a little over 10 reviews a year. You've been around less than 2 months, which puts you on a pace to get 12 or 13 this year. So who's spending more time on hobby women?

Maybe you should spend more time on research. Originally Posted by NordicJag
Yeah sure. He has seen more than 85 women in his hobby lifetime. Use it or lose it. Research easy lays like you do? I will think about that approach once I get to your age. Thanks.
LOL!!! That's funny. Best of luck to you and make sure that when the next chick goes off on you, you walk away instead of trying to hook up with her, provider or civilian. Originally Posted by kerwil62
That's all you had to say. The it's your fault tone and that the NCNS is on you are all tough talk bullshit. This woman had good reviews even though they are kind of old but I still gave her a break because of those reviews.
NMEufdaST8's Avatar
Originally Posted by NMEufdaST8
Yeah sure. More advice?
NordicJag's Avatar
Yeah sure. He has seen more than 85 women in his hobby lifetime. Use it or lose it. Research easy lays like you do? I will think about that approach once I get to your age. Thanks. Originally Posted by telephoneman

I think that should be "IF" you get to my age.
I think that should be "IF" you get to my age. Originally Posted by NordicJag
Yeah sure. More like if "I want to." Dinosaurs can't roam forever on the earth.
Telephone my friend.................

Me thinks you dodged a bullet.... in this case.... 2 bullets my friend........

NordicJag's Avatar
Hey OP. How are you doing on that car date request?
Telephone my friend.................

Me thinks you dodged a bullet.... in this case.... 2 bullets my friend........

.............. Originally Posted by threshold

I think so.
Hey OP. How are you doing on that car date request? Originally Posted by NordicJag
What? You need a ride to the store or something?
What? You need a ride to the store or something? Originally Posted by telephoneman

LOL........!!! That was a good comeback.....!

Telephony man....you got some good advice but you seem to know everything.
Good luck with that. I don't know what your previous mandle was but it will come out in time.
Telephony man....you got some good advice but you seem to know everything.
Good luck with that. I don't know what your previous mandle was but it will come out in time. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Yeah sure. I will accept good advice but I don't play the blame game. I see that some of these guys get a kick out of showing off their acquired experience and get cocky. Thanks for the lack of expertise.
kerwil62's Avatar
Yeah sure. He didn't give any real advice except to take off running like a bitch. He wanted to throw some coal into the fire. Originally Posted by telephoneman

Better to "take off running like a bitch" than try to go see some chick that was foul on the phone and she NCNS me then I come here to complain about it.

Yeah sure. He has seen more than 85 women in his hobby lifetime. Use it or lose it. Research easy lays like you do? . Originally Posted by telephoneman
Yes I've seen way more women than the 85 I've reviewed, but that ain't shit compared to a few guys on here that have seen/reviewed more than 400. And researching "easy lays" along with a great experience is what experienced hobbyists do.

That's all you had to say. The it's your fault tone and that the NCNS is on you are all tough talk bullshit. This woman had good reviews even though they are kind of old but I still gave her a break because of those reviews. Originally Posted by telephoneman
That was all that needed to be said. You may look at it as tough talk bullshit, but it's the truth. You don't give someone you're PAYING a chance after she gave you an attitude on the phone. It doesn't matter how many good reviews she have.

I've been NCNS'd before(not by an ECCIE provider). They happen on both sides. To me it's not much of a big deal because I have my money along with options. No need to be tripping. It's way too much pussy out there.

You'll be alright.