Obama's Jewish Support Drops 22 Points in New York

joe bloe's Avatar
It can make the difference in Florida where 9% of the total votes in 2008 election were jewish. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That's a good point. Losing one fifth of the Jewish vote in Florida, a swing state, could cost Obama the state and the election.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-13-2012, 08:08 AM
The Fed Chairman(s) for the last 30 years and all their buddies.

They run the country...Not Obama or Bush or Clinton or Bush I or Reagan, these guys in control of the money , run the country. Just ask Jimmy Carter. Originally Posted by WTF
Soros, pulls the strings, you think not? Quit being an ostrich, and get your head out of the sand...
I B Hankering's Avatar
If the Jewish Democratic voting bloc truly crumbles in NY; then Florida (and Romney's chances of an electoral win) is brighter. And that means Romney would be freer to pick a VP candidate who is not a regional play (i.e. NOT Rubio).

A truly conservative hispanic ....any ideas who ?

Chip away at the hispanic vote and Romney could easily pick up Colorado and New Mexico, and possibly Michigan......putting the pieces in place for an electoral thumping !

Here's hoping. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That is the way it is shaping up.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2012, 08:27 AM
My bad. I should have checked again, my memory is not what it used to be. You do realize that Obama is the favorite? You have to bet $155 to win 100. Why do you think I am always trying to get you emotional Tea Nuts to bet me straight up!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2012, 08:32 AM
Soros, pulls the strings, you think not? Quit being an ostrich, and get your head out of the sand... Originally Posted by seedman55
if soros pulled the strings, he would be Fed chairman. They control the money, not Soros. Soros just bets what will happen. So far he has done pretty good. But you are wrong soros can not print money Ber.ikie can!
joe bloe's Avatar
If the Jewish Democratic voting bloc truly crumbles in NY; then Florida (and Romney's chances of an electoral win) is brighter. And that means Romney would be freer to pick a VP candidate who is not a regional play (i.e. NOT Rubio).

A truly conservative hispanic ....any ideas who ?

Chip away at the hispanic vote and Romney could easily pick up Colorado and New Mexico, and possibly Michigan......putting the pieces in place for an electoral thumping !

Here's hoping. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well actually, Marco Rubio is a truly conservative Hispanic, as far as I know. We might be better off with a conservative Mexican-American. Marco Rubio is a Cuban-American. I'm not sure Mexican-Americans identify with Cuban-Americans all that much.

Susana Martinez is the Republican governor of New Mexico and a Mexican-American. I've heard her name mentioned a few times as a possible VP choice for Romney.



Susana Martinez is the 31st and current Governor of New Mexico. Martinez, a Republican since 1995, is the first female governor of New Mexico and the first female Hispanic governor in the United States. Wikipedia

Born: July 14, 1959 (age 52), El Paso
Education: University of Texas at El Paso, University of Oklahoma College of Law
IMO Rubio has RINO stripes on him. Plus the cuban heritage isn't as strong (in peeling off voters) as a mexican american candidate.

Thanks for making me aware of Susana Martinez...................I haven't heard of her....

Well actually, Marco Rubio is a truly conservative Hispanic, as far as I know. We might be better off with a conservative Mexican-American. Marco Rubio is a Cuban-American. I'm not sure Mexican-Americans identify with Cuban-Americans all that much.

Susana Martinez is the Republican governor of New Mexico and a Mexican-American. I've heard her name mentioned a few times as a possible VP choice for Romney.



Susana Martinez is the 31st and current Governor of New Mexico. Martinez, a Republican since 1995, is the first female governor of New Mexico and the first female Hispanic governor in the United States. Wikipedia

Born: July 14, 1959 (age 52), El Paso
Education: University of Texas at El Paso, University of Oklahoma College of Law Originally Posted by joe bloe
Susana Martinez:

In New Mexico, Susana Martinez has cut spending by $150 million without raising taxes, reduced the state workforce by 5 percent, eliminated duplicative taxes on small businesses, and increased local control of schools by opting out of No Child Left Behind.

Hope she is on Romney's list.....hispanic, female, governor, conservative. Alot to like about her.
joe bloe's Avatar
Susana Martinez:

In New Mexico, Susana Martinez has cut spending by $150 million without raising taxes, reduced the state workforce by 5 percent, eliminated duplicative taxes on small businesses, and increased local control of schools by opting out of No Child Left Behind.

Hope she is on Romney's list.....hispanic, female, governor, conservative. Alot to like about her. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Sounds encouraging. Maybe she's cut from the same cloth as Scott Walker and Chris Christie.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
She's be an excellent choice, politically.
joe bloe's Avatar
If the Jewish Democratic voting bloc truly crumbles in NY; then Florida (and Romney's chances of an electoral win) is brighter. And that means Romney would be freer to pick a VP candidate who is not a regional play (i.e. NOT Rubio).

A truly conservative hispanic ....any ideas who ?

Chip away at the hispanic vote and Romney could easily pick up Colorado and New Mexico, and possibly Michigan......putting the pieces in place for an electoral thumping !

Here's hoping. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I prefer the term electoral ass whoopin!
joe bloe's Avatar
She's be an excellent choice, politically. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ebonics seems to be creeping into your language.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I just got my new Rosetta Stone dvd. It be workin'. True dat.
joe bloe's Avatar
I just got my new Rosetta Stone dvd. It be workin'. True dat. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
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  • WTF
  • 06-13-2012, 01:11 PM

This shit cracks me the fluck up!