The GOP and Hispanic voters — bad gets worse

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is no substantive difference between the two parties, so who really cares? It won't make any difference if the Republicans implode. In fact, it might be a good thing. People may begin to search for a party with real values and convictions, and who actually cares about them.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
the problem with socialism you run out of other peoples money. Democrats keep voting your selves raises, ask ask Greece and France how that's working Originally Posted by travel56
What raises are you talking about? Medicare? Social Security? Please clarify... Your post sounds like something right off of Glenn Beck's show.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is no substantive difference between the two parties, so who really cares? It won't make any difference if the Republicans implode. In fact, it might be a good thing. People may begin to search for a party with real values and convictions, and who actually cares about them.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Keep repeating to yourself ... Just quit trying to pawn that bullshit off as your own.
Keep repeating to yourself ... Just quit trying to pawn that bullshit off as your own. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Tell everyone who has posted on this thread. Which side would you walk through?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The left, of course.

Are you playing games here? OK. YOU BEAT IT OUT ME!!!! THE LEFT! THE LEFT! LEFFFFTTTT!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hanoi COG is now advocating for the Equal Rights for Heifers Movement!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
From the postings I gather that you can't tell the difference between American voters who happen to be hispanic and illegal aliens from latin American countries.

2/3rds of the former want border security.

Here is the link to the poll but it is lengthty
Yep. Why the GOP isn't paying attention is beyond me. They have bought into the phony notion that amnesty must be passed to save the party.

From the Mclaughlin story.................

From the postings I gather that you can't tell the difference between American voters who happen to be hispanic and illegal aliens from latin American countries.

2/3rds of the former want border security.

Here is the link to the poll but it is lengthty Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Poll: 60 Percent of Hispanics Back ‘Enforcement First’ Approach to Immigration Reform

A majority of Hispanic voters think legal status to illegal immigrants should be granted only after a goal of stopping 90 percent of future illegal immigration has been acheived, according to a new survey by GOP pollster John McLaughlin.
Since everybody seems to think the Hispanics will get into lock step behind the Democrats, and reap all of the benefits that the Black Community has enjoyed over the past decades, where will we be building all of the huge government housing projects to herd them in to.

I' m sure they also look forward to 16 percent unemployment, 75 percent out of wed lock births, a huge incarceration percentage per population, and fictionally illiterate kids graduating from high school.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
let me guess, Jackie... You hate blacks more than browns, but they're moving up fast on the outside...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-10-2013, 01:50 PM

mount the wall in the middle and tightrope until it ends,, look around, if you don't like your options, reverse course, get off the wall and go play golf or something
[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1053359257]let me guess, Jackie... You hate blacks more than browns, but they're moving up fast on the outside...[/

Just telling it like it is. I know a lot of Hispanics, I work with a lot of Hispanics, and one of my best friends is Hispanic. None of them I know want to suffer the same fate that Blacks have under Democrat handouts.

Hispanics know that the way to get ahead in a free market economy Is to work. Not wait for the Government to take something from someone else and give it to you.
So far, the Hispanic community has been spared from a band of leadership (poverty pimps) who want to keep their community broke on the democratic plantation while they and theirs live well; ala Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, et al.

Time well tell if hispanics are smart enough to not repeat the mistakes of the black community.
So far, the Hispanic community has been spared from a band of leadership (poverty pimps) who want to keep their community broke on the democratic plantation while they and theirs live well; ala Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, et al.

Time well tell if hispanics are smart enough to not repeat the mistakes of the black community. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Typical clueless arrogant shitheaded republican comment. Yes, the blacks are dumb and it will be so interesting to see if the brown people are dumb too.

One thing's for sure....they ain't as dumb as you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes, the blacks are dumb and it will be so interesting to see if the brown people are dumb too. Originally Posted by timpage
Another example of lib-retard racism captured for posterity.