Moderator Candidates

  • 11-29-2015, 02:46 PM
In fact I might add, I am thinking of taking an leave of absence. I have been hobbying for about a year and a half now and I have experienced many things with a reasonable range from "bad", "weird", "lame", "meh" , "impressive" to "Amazing". I was greatly inspired by the good ones and shattered by the bad ones, grateful for the ones that exceeded my expectations, and of course heart broken for the ones that could have happened but fell through.

I thank you for all for your positive input and support, especially those who helped me in the beginning and continued to helped me to understand the guidelines and rules ( Scrap, El Gato, AAG, Hobby, Jack Johnson the Captain and so many more, even Luigi - because we can learn things from everyone, even if it is something we should not do ourselves. Lol)

I thank all the courtesans that I had a chance to meet so far, I wish all the best, regardless of my experience with them.

I don't know if I will be back soon, but if I do I sure look forward to it. Lol
Don't wish me luck, luck is for suckers, wish me success.

Have a great time everyone. LOL
pyramider's Avatar
Shouldn't the next modtard be dead? The dead mod squad do an outstanding job.
rjdiner's Avatar
Any mod assigned will already be an experienced mod! I've nominated Von Spieler! Originally Posted by Optimator
Well that guy is out for sure. That endorsement is the kiss of death. No lol.
vrgontx's Avatar
Even though I just moved to south TX I have been doing a lot of reading and I would like to nominate Rockchip
Several good people have been brought up. I would suggest Empty Wallet. He is fair minded, smart, and has a sense of humor, which a mod should have.
I wouldn't even consider that job.
bistraight69's Avatar
Moderator Wanted out of town candidate?
Jack Johnson's Avatar
I appreciate the nominations even though it sounds like a thankless job. It is also, however, a necessary one. If each member would review the guidelines on a monthly basis, as a simple reminder of the few rules we all must live by, there would be few infractions and little need for mod intervention. At the same time, it is painfully obvious that too many have never even thought of reviewing the guidelines and some are oblivious to their existence.

I am not an original member of the board, but I got here as quickly as I could and am extremely grateful to be a member. As a married man and member of the legal profession, I would have been far too cautious to indulge in the hobby without it. My activities were limited to AMPs. This site provides the level of discretion necessary to my participation. I would consider accepting the position in an effort to protect this board and that discretion.

I am fully aware there are many others that could also perform well as a moderator. I do think it is important, however, to have representation from the Valley and avoid concentrating board moderation in Corpus. Just my opinion.

Now, I just want to get back to mongering!
Thanks Mr. Smith. Based on recent feedback, here's a possible slogan: A vote for EW is a vote for pussy.

Good points Jack. The one about equal representation appears to be trending. For those having trouble finding the guidelines, here you go: .
dearhunter's Avatar
Just a curious can some of you be for allowing those among you who have multiple handles (hobbyist & agency) and be for adhering to the guidelines?

Luigi is the only one among the RGV crowd willing to stick his neck out there and discuss it in the open where it would come to the attention of modtardville.

He would be a terrible modtard..........that speaks volumes about the rest of you.......ijs

Luigi is the only one among the RGV crowd willing to stick his neck out there and discuss it in the open where it would come to the attention of modtardville. Originally Posted by dearhunter
But I'm 3 hours from the RGV! South Texas is as big as Oklahoma!

He would be a terrible modtard..........that speaks volumes about the rest of you.......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
That's an understatement!
hobbylover's Avatar
Just a curious can some of you be for allowing those among you who have multiple handles (hobbyist & agency) and be for adhering to the guidelines?

Luigi is the only one among the RGV crowd willing to stick his neck out there and discuss it in the open where it would come to the attention of modtardville.

He would be a terrible modtard..........that speaks volumes about the rest of you.......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
Luigi is not part of the RGV but rather Corpus Christi, which makes him closer to San Antonio than the RGV...

I'd think the king of the modtards with over 20k posts would know the difference; does that say volumes about the rest of the mods? I don't think so. ijs...
pyramider's Avatar
Like I said ... the dead make fantastic modtards.
dearhunter's Avatar
It is all the same shit are stuck with each other.

It can take 3hrs to get across Houston.
It is all the same shit are stuck with each other.

It can take 3hrs to get across Houston. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I disagree! With 489 listings in Houston vs 67 for ALL of S Texas?
Shit, you can drive passed more whores in 10 minutes than I can in an hour!

At least in Houston you have a pretty good idea who they're working for and you don't have mods working to get free pussy!
Just a curious can some of you be for allowing those among you who have multiple handles (hobbyist & agency) and be for adhering to the guidelines?

Luigi is the only one among the RGV crowd willing to stick his neck out there and discuss it in the open where it would come to the attention of modtardville.

He would be a terrible modtard..........that speaks volumes about the rest of you.......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
OLM brought up the multiple handle issue early in his deluge. It was primarily directed at TF and the HH. You provided this...

You are still mistaken.

GL18 allows any member of this board to seek special permission to have a second handle. That permission is not automatic and comes with a plethora of conditions IF granted. The permission is not granted at the local modtard level.

Any member here with multiple handles is in violation of GL18, unless that permission is sought and granted. Originally Posted by dearhunter
You may have thought you were being helpful, but you did not clarify who did or did not have special permission.

OLM did come back to the issue as his deluge was winding down. This time his focus was more general, except for some special attention to one member. I would attribute any negative responses at that point to fatigue and frustration with OLM's deluge. You were absent in that discussion.

You failed to specify early whether those with multiple handles had special permission or not. Your failure to clarify this early makes bringing it up now disingenuous. ijs

A theme of your posts has been something like, "You get the ___ you deserve." I have visited other Forums on this site, and I have seen agitators, pimp sightings, accusations of multiple handles, accusations of mod favoritism, etc. If you are saying South Texas is especially bad compared to the rest of the site, I'm not buying what you're selling.

And let's flip your theme around: the site gets the members it deserves. ijs