Election question for any lawyers out there

I don't think legal is going to matter. As it stands at 9:56am November 4th, I can't see Trump getting over 269. It will take Nevada to push him over that. Biden is unfortunately in and America is much more stupid than I could ever imagine.
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2020, 09:56 AM
Thank you - yr/hh/multiple handles - for the usual DPST yammering marxist nonsense!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The is pretty clear that all cast ballots must be counted unless the ballot is found deficient. If the SC were to twist themselves into a pretzel and say “don’t count these legal cast votes”, there would likely no longer be a SC. Since they lack any authority to enforce their legal interpretations there would likely be a federalist crisis as voting is determined by the states.

It’s possible a state could continue counting and send electors to the electoral college to reflect their voting. There’s not much a court or anyone could do to stop that.

Remember it’s in the states interest to count their votes as there are also local races at issue and stopping vote counting effects more than the federal elections. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Not just deficient but legal ballots from a legal voter who is alive and it is the only vote that they have cast anywhere in the country. One vote for every living American citizen.
Not just deficient but legal ballots from a legal voter who is alive and it is the only vote that they have cast anywhere in the country. One vote for every living American citizen. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Zero proof of the rampant fraud ever. If that’s what Trumpys are hoping for, power to ya.
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2020, 02:13 PM
obo- when proof is videotaped - as it is of Pensylvania fraud yesterday - DPST's dismiss as 'not confirmed" - just as with biden's corruption and China crimes.

DPST's have cheated, lied and committed voter fraud since even before Tammany hall - something obo does not know about - because 'history is racist" and must be destroyed.

JFK, LBJ, chicago - all flagrant examples of DPST voter fraud and corruption - and it is still an accepted part of DPST dirty tricks.

You are a hypocrite blinded by hate of Trump- and willing to ignore and deny the crimes of the biden crime family, and sell the POTUS office to Comrade Xi to suit your hatred and ideology Uber alles!
Oeb-again, more dogma. Please substantiate with verifiable facts.
And please try to stay on topic of thread.
He can’t. He’s the chief Idiot so expecting cogent thought or communication from him is too high a bar. As you’ll notice, there is never any proof from the members of the idiot crew. Not a single court case to support their position. Just shit the read on redstate or heard from a Fox commentator or some other garbage.
More drivel, looking for cogent thought.
HedonistForever's Avatar
More drivel, looking for cogent thought. Originally Posted by reddog1951

Man, did you come to the wrong place!

Sorry, couldn't resist!
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2020, 05:52 PM
My, My - DPST's spewing about cogent and constructive debate
My, My - when DPST's Debate with on issues with cogent and constructive points - The DPST's will nominate Trump for POTUS!
True hypocrisy!

Not Sorry!
LexusLover's Avatar

the mail in ballot needs to have feature like the anti-counterfeiting devices embedded in the dollar currencies to prevent mass duplication of ballots. notarization won't be needed. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The "integrity" of the ballot and verification of the voter doesn't matter if the person handling the ballot and counting the vote either tosses the ballot for their opponent or counts the ballot for their preference in the candidates.

When I voted I was required to present my registration and a legitimate (government issued) and current photo ID, which was scanned into a computer using the actual ID coding.

There is counting ongoing as we post that (by law) don't even require the signatures to match much less PROOF the person can vote there in that state, can legally vote, ARE EVEN ALIVE, is registered to vote, and/or hasn't already voted in another election in another state.

How many "mail-in" ballots have been discovered discarded and/or destroyed AND HOW MANY HAVE NOT BEEN FOUND YET?

"EVERY VOTE" should NOT be counted .... "one man (person), one vote" and that person should be QUALIFIED to vote and vote in the election for which the ballot is presented!

AND ... one has FOUR FUCKING YEARS to get registered and get to a voting booth/location to vote BEFORE voting locations CLOSE!
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 07:36 AM
One qualifier - LL - voting is a right of Citizens - and that right will be thrown away with the Vote for anyone that wants to vote in american elections by the radical DPST terrorist party.

Only Citizens have the right to Vote - I also encourage all Citizens to Vote.

all non-citizens who vote illegally should get 5 years in prison - as is the law in TEXAS!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Looks like you HAVE “Lawyered Up,” Dr. JLOTY!
