interesting article on how the recession has affected the escort biz

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-05-2014, 10:30 AM
It could be much worse. Originally Posted by SAangel27
Absolutely true M'Lady. If he is the worst we have to endure on here--and I think he is far from that--then we are doing just fine.
If he is the worst we have to endure on here--and I think he is far from that--then we are doing just fine. Originally Posted by Old-T

If you want to see worse -- far worse! -- just check out the political forum.

A small number of spammers and insult-hurlers, mostly ignoramuses who never manage to offer a cogent argument on any topic, seem hell-bent on turning the place into a cesspool.
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm getting misty...a single tear rolls down my cheek...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-05-2014, 11:53 AM

If you want to see worse -- far worse! -- just check out the political forum.

A small number of spammers and insult-hurlers, mostly ignoramuses who never manage to offer a cogent argument on any topic, seem hell-bent on turning the place into a cesspool. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Why would you wish that upon anyone here? Actually, the whole purpose of that place is to keep the permanent denizens of that place out of the forums where sane people inhabit. When I take a peek there I put on four layers of biohazrd protection and still worry what I will catch!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-05-2014, 11:54 AM
I'm getting misty...a single tear rolls down my cheek... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Of the crocodile variety?
Wakeup's Avatar
Is there any other kind here???
Why would you wish that upon anyone here? Actually, the whole purpose of that place is to keep the permanent denizens of that place out of the forums where sane people inhabit. When I take a peek there I put on four layers of biohazrd protection and still worry what I will catch! Originally Posted by Old-T
Well, I suppose I should offer my apologies to the readership. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone! These days, I only take a peek now and then to see if anyone is actually having an interesting or informative discussion. It rarely happens.

I'm getting misty...a single tear rolls down my cheek... Originally Posted by Wakeup
A tear? How sweet!

But please be careful, now, if you cozy up to the lady pictured in your avatar.

You wouldn't want a few tears to fuck up any of that heavily caked-on mascara!
Getting back to the subject of the thread. It appears that the donation to the ladies has not kept up with inflation. I know that I have been grand fathered into prices for several ladies. I am meeting with some different ladies to enlarge my "stable" of near by ladies.
Getting back to the subject of the thread. It appears that the donation to the ladies has not kept up with inflation. Originally Posted by tucson
It's certainly the case that changes occurring over the last ten years have exerted significant downward pressure on pricing, at least in many geographical areas.

Effective barriers to entry are lower, as providers have much more information on how to stay safe while offering a visible online presence.

And clients, too, have access to much better information -- so at the same time, "high quality" (however you choose to define it) is readily available.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-05-2014, 12:50 PM
I agree that there are plenty of places where prices are steady or have dropped--and holding steady over 10 years is essentially a drop. Unfortunately some of the places I spend a lot of time--DC among them--have bucked the trend and have moved upwards. There used to be a lot of very nice ladies at (or below) $250 in DC. Established, high reputation, high reliability, top quality ladies. Now anything under $350 is perceived as "a bargain". There are exceptions--some post on here--but the number of those have dropped quite a lot.
Wakeup's Avatar
A tear? How sweet!

But please be careful, now, if you cozy up to the lady pictured in your avatar.

You wouldn't want a few tears to fuck up any of that heavily caked-on mascara! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
You don't know my know my wife very well...if her mascara isn't running, she's not doing something right...and she'll take steps to correct it!
john_deere's Avatar
You still mad about that other thread bro? Originally Posted by Wakeup
other thread....wait, what?

people actually get mad about this stuff??
john_deere's Avatar
oh...almost forgot...while reading this article, which i'd never seen, i also noticed this one:

note in particular the reference to laws changing in canada...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-05-2014, 02:09 PM
To me, one of the more interesting lines is this one:

" Vanessa, a part-time escort in southern England, finds that weeks can go by without her phone ringing. Men see buying sex as a luxury, she says, and with the price of necessities rising it is one they are cutting back on."

That is very consistent with what I hear from many of the ladies I stay in touch with. Volume is down, and dropping their prices beyond where they have already dropped them makes it fiscally impractical.

That is why I just shake my head (OK, sometimes I also post) when I see so many guys do back of the envelope math and claim a "typical" lady sees 6 guys a day, 6 days a week, and makes "conservatively" $250,000 a year--tax free of course because all the ladies are too foolish to pay taxes.

Some obvious slips in the statistical analysis, but overall one of the better articles. Too bad it is so difficult to have a sane discussion on the topic (I mean in the "real world", not here).
john_deere's Avatar
i wonder if volume is down because the market overall is thicker.

and no, wakeup, that does not mean more bbw.