Weight Loss and Labido

Two things: first, a nutritionist put me on a 1800 cal and I was gaining, she reduced it through 1500, 1200 and finally at 1000 I began to loose. I did fine on it for nine months loosing about 65 lbs. She increased me to 1200 and then to 1500, her goal being 2000 per day. At 1500 I began to gain weight again. I was moderately active, jogging 3 to 5 miles a day four or 5 times a week. As we get older we require less calories.

The t theoapy is good, however it does have a draw back. As we age we are more pron to cancer. Many types of cancer grow best in a high testastrone environment. There for for older males t becomes risky.

All of that said, we each make choices every day. Hopefully we make informed choces.
years back I had let myself gain weight, my libido did not decrease in the slightest...

yet when I lost all the weight I had gained, I was only able to be more physical sexually with the partners I had...

because at some level sex (for the man) is a physical act and requires a certain level of fitness to do certain things...things I was limited in while I was overweight and out of shape...
Still Looking's Avatar
Two things: first, a nutritionist put me on a 1800 cal and I was gaining, she reduced it through 1500, 1200 and finally at 1000 I began to loose. I did fine on it for nine months loosing about 65 lbs. She increased me to 1200 and then to 1500, her goal being 2000 per day. At 1500 I began to gain weight again. I was moderately active, jogging 3 to 5 miles a day four or 5 times a week. As we get older we require less calories. Originally Posted by Bull149
Well I guess that takes care of the calorie in take issue!
Dragon7769's Avatar
I lost 40 lbs a while back really fast with diet change, before that I lost 30 lbs with excercise alone, with the diet change I noticed a small drop in libido but once my body stabilized it returned with a vengeance, when excersiseing to lose weight i lost a tiny bit of libido but that was more from muscle soreness and fatigue than "want to", it also returned to normal once I slowed down on the workouts
JohnMacnab's Avatar
My caloric intake is not exactly 1,000 per day. It is around 1,000 a day. I am not starving. I have plenty of energy to work out, walk, then go to work for 10 hours. I have not seen any symptoms of over training. Having been a fitness addict in my 30s and 40s, I am very in tune with what my body is doing and telling me. I have no sypmtoms of starvation, such as muscle loss, hair loss, fatigue, lethargy.

The 1,000 - 1,400 calorie intake was not a huge drop from what I was normally eating. I have always been under 2,000 calories a day of healthy food. You would have to put a gun to my head to make me eat anything from McDonald.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
True John!! A big mac from Mickee Ds is over 1500 calories. You can eat all day long on healthy foods and still stay in your 1000 or so range. Its all about which foods you choose.
JohnMacnab's Avatar
Side note, I met Ronald McDonald when he was making a public appearance. He was just getting out of his van with his handler. Ronald needed a shave, smelled like booze and cigarettes, and was not a very nice person. You should not trust him to feed your kids!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Side note, I met Ronald McDonald when he was making a public appearance. He was just getting out of his van with his handler. Ronald needed a shave, smelled like booze and cigarettes, and was not a very nice person. You should not trust him to feed your kids! Originally Posted by JohnMacnab
I think I met the same one, never went back on the playground again