Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - The stupidest of the stupid.

One really frightening thing about Ocasio-Cortez is she is dumb as a Post and doesn't realize it.
The frightening part is she is going to be a United States Representative.
.... stupid the orange moran..... . Very amusing moran Originally Posted by Tsmokies
to take liberty with a quote from a tennessean in john wayne's the Alamo:

do moran mean what I think it do?
themystic's Avatar
The reasons you dislike President Trump is the reasons I like him.

As for the Democrats ding so well in 2018. One word. Senate. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie you like the way Trump demeans people, mocks the handicapped, belittles ex POWs, calls women fat pigs, etc., etc., etc. and habitually lies? The people I personally know who like and voted for Trump, ( and that's a lot of people) don't like nor do they defend that aspect of Trump. They tell me they like his policy's not his personality and wish he didn't act that way. I'm surprised you like that about him. I appreciate you sharing that. It gives me insight as to your belief system
  • oeb11
  • 12-12-2018, 06:23 PM
You are not allowed to be a Libertarian WTF. If you oppose or criticize Trump you are considered a liberal or even worse a socialist by the Trump supporters. A remember when Trump actually said he would negotiate a better deal on our debt. In Trump speak that means not pay it Originally Posted by themystic

TM- You are not one who defines what Trump supporters Think.
You are not one who defines who can or cannot be a Libertarian.
That is egomaniacal hubris on your part - but just part of DPST business as usual.
And the DPST looked unto the Heavens - and saw himself making God in his own image.
Jackie you like the way Trump demeans people, mocks the handicapped, belittles ex POWs, calls women fat pigs, etc., etc., etc. and habitually lies? The people I personally know who like and voted for Trump, ( and that's a lot of people) don't like nor do they defend that aspect of Trump. They tell me they like his policy's not his personality and wish he didn't act that way. I'm surprised you like that about him. I appreciate you sharing that. It gives me insight as to your belief system Originally Posted by themystic
First, you have to actually believe all of the tripe you just stated.

I don't.
themystic's Avatar
First, you have to actually believe all of the tripe you just stated.

I don't. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I didn't think you did that's why I was surprised when you replied to the post saying the things the poster didn't like about Trump were the things you did like. Thanks for clarifing
themystic's Avatar
TM- You are not one who defines what Trump supporters Think.
You are not one who defines who can or cannot be a Libertarian.
That is egomaniacal hubris on your part - but just part of DPST business as usual.
And the DPST looked unto the Heavens - and saw himself making God in his own image. Originally Posted by oeb11
Couple of things brother. What the fuck is DPST? Is that some secret "deep state" talk?

Making God in mans image? Well yeah. Haven't you ever read the Bible?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-13-2018, 09:02 AM

On the other hand - hope she keeps speaking out - Trump will be elected in a landslide victory. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
To early to call if Trump will be reelected, we do not even know if he is running or if he is, who he is running against.

I highly doubt it will be a landslide in rither direction.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
To early to call if Trump will be reelected, we do not even know if he is running or if he is, who he is running against.

I highly doubt it will be a landslide in rither direction. Originally Posted by WTF
I've said it several times before.

Trump won in 2016 due to unexpected victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Margins of victory were .3%, 1.0%, and 1.2%. He won Florida by 1.3%. In the recent mid-term elections, Democrats won the Senate seat and governorship in Michigan easily. Same results in Wisconsin, although the race for governor was fairly close. Same results in Pennsylvania.

So were the 2016 results favoring Trump in those 3 states a fluke, or is Trump the presidential candidate able to win over voters who in 2018 went Democratic?

Like WTF said, no idea at this time who will run for the Democrats. Too early to make any predictions.
I saw on the news this morning - it's Beto over everyone else. Yes!! Go Beto go!!
Honestly, I think it's too early but there it is!
Only Rosie O'donnell.

Jackie you like the way Trump demeans people, mocks the handicapped, belittles ex POWs, calls women fat pigs, etc., etc., etc. and habitually lies? The people I personally know who like and voted for Trump, ( and that's a lot of people) don't like nor do they defend that aspect of Trump. They tell me they like his policy's not his personality and wish he didn't act that way. I'm surprised you like that about him. I appreciate you sharing that. It gives me insight as to your belief system Originally Posted by themystic
themystic's Avatar
I saw on the news this morning - it's Beto over everyone else. Yes!! Go Beto go!!
Honestly, I think it's too early but there it is! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I saw a poll that if Republican women's husbands let them vote, he has a real chance of winning.

I saw a poll that if Republican women's husbands let them vote, he has a real chance of winning. Originally Posted by themystic
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I saw on the news this morning - it's Beto over everyone else. Yes!! Go Beto go!!
Honestly, I think it's too early but there it is! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And I remember you stating that Hillary would be the Democratic nominee in 2020.