I hate the word, "bitch"

Torito's Avatar
I strongly dislike the bitch thing and all other disrepectful terms.

With that said, my #1 sweetie doesn't seem to be upset when I say, "Good morning, Sweet Pants."

She knows it is truly a term of endearment. LOL

pyramider's Avatar
The term Bitch can be demeaning . . . But in some cases the term is earned, then its appropriate.
Lauren Lane's Avatar
The term "baby" when we are first meeting or emailing or whatever really sends me over the edge. If you drop once or twice no biggie, but over and over and over. You don't have to remember my name, but it's not baby and don't put this baby in the corner. Because "Nobody puts Baby in the corner" LOL
Pyramider, I agree, some people DO earn it. Using it to mean any and all females is primarily a younger, more immature thing.
CUNT i hate it I would rather be spit on
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-23-2011, 07:43 PM
I actually love the word CUNT.... but oddly, I really dislike cunny... *shrug*.. I guess it's the sounds.. not the words that make me cringe.
CenterLock's Avatar
I personally can't think of any word I dislike. They enable subtle nuances to be expressed in incredible ways.

What I dislike is that fewer and fewer people use words to express more than a guttural understanding of communication. But that's just me...
Some of my Favorite Cunts are Bitches.....

Nope... Not a big fan of the "C" word... Throw that one out and you can expect something thrown back.. and most times it has a point.... I hate dodging pointy things thrown at me..

Bitch.. Not so much... It is like Fuck... It has too many meanings...
Aint that a Bitch... Yo Bitch... Bitchen... You Fucking Bitch... Dat Bitch Be Fine...The list goes on... Depending on Context it can complement...
~Z~ has Bitchen Tits... Or degrade... My First wife was a Bitch..
Guess like so many words.. It's how they are used..
daty/o's Avatar
Go ahead, get it out of your system.

Really hate these two words: whore and slut. Goddamn hate 'em for the supposed meaning they have...in my opinion they are right up there with the "N" word. Always felt bad for the girl who "acquired" that name in school and college, just because she loved sex with different guys who were admired as "studs".

We have lovely, beautiful, talented ladies, girls, women, escorts, courtesans, providers, etc. on this site.

Never have met a "whore" or "slut" in my time in the hobby.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I double dog dare you to call me a bitch! If you do, I'll bitch slap you into tomorrow!
berkleigh's Avatar
Lmao...this is funny because in my circle of friends we all call eachother bitches!
Its kind of a term of enderment persay but we are just speaking speaking to one another. Had this convo the other nightwith a few providers friends I went out with...it wasn't the ghetto that came out just us girls and our potty mouths. We love eachother if we can say whatever and be comfortable not to be offended. Now cunt was something I was called by my ex when I did not pay attention to his lame ass. He was corrected with a shiny black eye and can say it all he wants under his breath but better believe I do not put up with disrespect fron anyone. Iits uncalled for....
Quite common, AA have used the "N" word within there community for a long time, it has the effect of reducing the sting, but only with friends. Italian Americans have long called each other Dago and Wop. Some of you know I kindda grew up around the hobby, my Dad and Uncles were gamblers and in those days you gambled in the back of Strip clubs. NEVER heard them disrespect a dancer/working girl. In fact working girl was about as graphic as it got. NEVER the "W" word, NEVER the "C" word and the only time I ever heard Bitch it was about some especially irritating civilian. I used to think they had that attitude because they had been through the Depression and WWII and knew what you had to do to survive. That is true but now I know Providers are just more interesting than civilians, after all as SGM Scagliotti used to say "You do not walk into the shit and come out the same" Civilians women bore me to tears.

OH my wife, she is the Succubus.

Lana given your softball swing I think you could Bitch Slap someone into next week!

Lmao...this is funny because in my circle of friends we all call eachother bitches!
Its kind of a term of enderment persay but we are just speaking speaking to one another. Had this convo the other nightwith a few providers friends I went out with...it wasn't the ghetto that came out just us girls and our potty mouths. We love eachother if we can say whatever and be comfortable not to be offended. Now cunt was something I was called by my ex when I did not pay attention to his lame ass. He was corrected with a shiny black eye and can say it all he wants under his breath but better believe I do not put up with disrespect fron anyone. Iits uncalled for.... Originally Posted by berkleigh
You can call me anything you like, as long as, your slapping my ass and pulling my hair from behind!!

I can be a bitch, slut, hoe..you name it...but I'll be a DAMN GOOD ONE - you better believe it!!

he he he

CenterLock's Avatar
You can call me anything you like, as long as, your slapping my ass and pulling my hair from behind!!

I can be a bitch, slut, hoe..you name it...but I'll be a DAMN GOOD ONE - you better believe it!!

he he he

ItalianaPrincess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Awwwwwwwwwww damnnnnnnnnnnn