Yeah, I'm bragging, but I'm not necessarily recommending. The women that like this kind of thing are often batshit crazy, and I never worried about getting caught nekkid so much as I did about getting stabbed by a bitch in a meth-induced rage. One left me without any warning or regret solely because she met a guy with a ten-inch cock that could make her asshole hurt; to her that was a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
yeah man I hear ya. imo most women are crazy in general, and in my experience , the hotter they are the crazier. but thanks for sharing your escapades as they make for a good read. and as far as my adrenaline filled conquests, they are not done to one up anyone. they are simply for my own personal reflection. I like to try and live parts of my life as if it were a book/movie, which someone else is reading/watching. So, that being said...lets keep it interesting.