What are your thoughts on Obama's Speech?

boardman's Avatar
Calling out SCOTUS was the defining moment for me and the absolute height of his arrogance. You could just see Alito wanting to yell "YOU LIE".
How about Sheila Jackson Lee. A guy commented on the radio this morning that she looked like the Kool Aid man. The whole room had a red glow to it.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The Mooncalf appears to have morphed from Benito Mussolini into Willy Loman.
LittleSpike's Avatar
Bush was terrible, Obama is worse. A pox on both their houses.

LittleSpike's Avatar
She looked pissed off when he kissed congresswomen on the cheeks.

Half way through I switched over to some TV series involving gay mormons, mormon politicians and indians who were neither mormon nor gay nor politicians. It was very boring but not as boring as the speech.

I can't believe he brought up health care. I guess te voters of Massachussets don't speak as loud as Teddy Kennedy, for his thick ears.

His job creation claim is pure mendacity: they give humongous sums of money to companies who then hire a small number of people, whether they need them or not; this is no better than to hire new bureaucrats when there is no need for more. You don't create jobs by subsidizing jobs, you do so by stimulating investment and demand.

I thought Joe Biden was unstately, looking like a clown, instead of looking serious, and therefore glum.

Sure enough, he once again blamed Bush. Now, I did not vote for Bush in 2000 (I did not vote at all), and I voted against him in 2004. The fact remains, Obama did not inherit a collapsing economy & financial structure; he inherited a recovering economy and financial system, thanks to the swift decisions of Paulson and Bernanke; Bush deserves credit for suporting them, his unpreparedness for that office notwistanding.

(Besides, Obama was not prepared either. There is a problem with a political system that allows second fiddles and second rates like Dukakis, Clinton, Quayle, Bush II and Obama the former social worker, to run for high office. And I have not gotten on Sarah Palin's case yet). Originally Posted by Raphael
Anybody who thinks Paulson and Bernanke did good needs to change what he's smoking. The Fed is crooked, and Paulson is one of the biggest crooks

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Okay, let's overlook the foolish remarks for a minute,
I think a primary thing that has happened that Obama stated in SOU speech.
It has to do with the supreme court decision to allow corporations to donate "AS MUCH" as they wish to US elections?

Don't you think that maybe it's that just plain wrong?

Corporations are already heavily influencing corporations, but now the court says that in effect, the corporations can now buy all the politicians that they want?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Don't you think that maybe it's that just plain wrong?
[/COLOR] Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
There are lots of things anyone can disagree with the SC from both sides.

However....those Judges are not required what so ever to even appear to a State of the Union address. They do so only out of respect to the other branches of Government. ...And for BOzo to call them out on something that he disagees with while they are sitting there and able to speak to defend themselves was unbelievably tacky and rude.
Wayward's Avatar
The seven wise souls are appointed for life, so that they will be above the political fray. Do we want to court to be doing over night polling? Or seeking the best answer that their exceptional minds can provide? Barry Obama claims to be a constitutional scholar, lets assume that he knows all that and decided to do an FDR and snipe at the court anyway.

It shows a lack of respect for Barry's office, the Constitution and the Supreme Court. That the party of Pelosi thought this poor behavior worthy of another standing ovation, shouldn't surprise me but it did.
I thought SOU was an address to both houses of the Senate and not the Supreme Court. What do these judges have to do with anything? President Obama contradicted himself so many times in his speech,,,, uuuhmmmmmm, address,,,, I turned the channel after 10 minutes because it is obvious he is still on the campaign trail...

Any questions?
I could only stand about 15 minutes of it
70 minute speach and he said "I" 96 times. The man is so full of himself it is unreal.
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
Why dont you guys just call him 'UPPITY' ? That is the traditional adjective.
The seven wise souls are appointed for life, so that they will be above the political fray. Do we want to court to be doing over night polling? Or seeking the best answer that their exceptional minds can provide? Barry Obama claims to be a constitutional scholar, lets assume that he knows all that and decided to do an FDR and snipe at the court anyway.

It shows a lack of respect for Barry's office, the Constitution and the Supreme Court. That the party of Pelosi thought this poor behavior worthy of another standing ovation, shouldn't surprise me but it did. Originally Posted by Wayward
I beg (1) to differ, and also (2) to agree whole heartedly.

(1) "The seven wise souls are appointed for life"

At least one of the souls on the SCOTUS is not so wise, having openly stated that 'the perspective of a Latina matriarch (my interpretation) would be superior to anyone man's' is racist and self-congratulatory. There is no wisdom in making that statement, only arrogance, the lack of humility which should be a requisite character strength of every person nominated for that highest judicial office. Yet she was confirmed by the Demo-dominated US Senate, showing a lack of wisdom in that inaugust body also.

(2) "It shows a lack of respect for (the President's) office, the Constitution and the Supreme Court. That the party of Pelosi (and Biden and Reid) thought this poor behavior worthy of another standing ovation, shouldn't surprise me but it did."

From what I have heard, OBAMA's comments re: SCOTUS were factually wrong, which prompted Justice Alito to shake his head and mouth the words, "Not true." All this intra-governmental drama being played out in a SOU Address is unprecedented. OBAMA would be KING if he could, in fact if not in name, another AA cultural tradition from the Continent which is played out in virtually every AA church where the pastor is Tribal Chief / King / Boss / Arbiter of all business and disputes.

Consider the arrogance which tempts the mind of any such powerful unprincipled figure: for example "BISHOP" (self-styled) James Dixon, whose arrogance has destroyed his own home and fragmented his family, leading to his vicious assault on his wife this week at her home ([U}her[/U]home because they are separated). There are a good many excellent pastors in all cultures and traditions; and a terrible number of tyrants.

In bho we see embodied the axiom, Power corrupts.

On another note, given Michelle's cold stares and cold shoulder given with some frequency to bho in public in the last year, there is more drama in the making in their household, sadly so for the kids and the country.



(348 words -- does that suit the haters who requested < 500 words? LOL)
uncle buck 50's Avatar
He speaks so much, yet says so little....and we hear even less.
He speaks so much, yet says so little....and we hear even less. Originally Posted by uncle buck 50

And a female civilian (non-journalist) commentator said the same thing on ABC's Good Morning America!
