Maya Angelou - the prostitue and brothel manager

Chung Tran's Avatar
little known fact:

her autobiography was originally titled, "I know why the caged girl fucks"..
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I was forced to read her poetry in school many, many years ago. I wasn't impressed by it at all. If anything, I blame it for making me oppose affirmative action, because reading shitty writing by people of color is just another quota, when you think about it.
I'm impressed she was a hooker and a madam, though, and I'm delighted she is open about it. There is nothing wrong with being a hooker or madam. They are much higher up than nurses or doctors in the healing arts.
Additionally, though not original to her, she correctly stated people prostitute themselves in many ways. Did Hillary not marry Bill to get somewhere in life?
Her activities as a left-wing political hack and fan of Castro put me off and I could never make myself read or listen to her work.
gimme_that, your avatar is HILARIOUS!
She was also a pimp. That's the part no one likes to talk about. But she wrote some damn good poetry.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
She was also a lesbian!
pmdelites's Avatar
these days, there is so much info available about anything and anyone. just search and you can learn tons of stuff.

there was a segment on NPR last week about her. she was also molested as a child.
her poetry was a way to work thru all the shit she had seen and had been thru.

some people, when reading about experiences like that, say it's bullshit, socialist, agenda filled, etc. just like anything that anyone else has written starting w/ the cave paintings and continuing up to today.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
YEAH....fuckin' PINKO CAVE PAINTERS!!! ...with their equal distribution of food....and PAINT....and shit LOL

I enjoyed Maya Angelou quotes/passages, when I'd see or hear them. Very profound, and the kind of depth you don't run across just anywhere. She seemed like a very genuine and caring person to me.
these days, there is so much info available about anything and anyone. just search and you can learn tons of stuff.

there was a segment on NPR last week about her. she was also molested as a child.
her poetry was a way to work thru all the shit she had seen and had been thru.

some people, when reading about experiences like that, say it's bullshit, socialist, agenda filled, etc. just like anything that anyone else has written starting w/ the cave paintings and continuing up to today. Originally Posted by pmdelites
She wrote about her experiences as a prostitute and her childhood rape in her biography.
You'd think rabidly negative conservative bullshit would find a home somewhere besides a ho board. Miles Davis didn't have to be a junkie or a pimp or any of that shit, either. His Dad was a Dentist and his Mom was a music teacher for cryin out loud. Is his music, along with that of his white, black, jewish, gay and/or junked up band members over the years more of that shitty affirmative action or was that stuff just part of a culture finding a voice in the mainstream before the civil rights act?

Oh, now I get it. If it's different or speaks of, or to, a culture beyond one's scope of experience it's shitty. Good call. You listen to programmed radio, too?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Look on the bright side, we all don't have to appreciate Fox. Consequently, there will always be hope for the human race.

But, back to the actual topic of the thread,,,,, you know, it's pretty hard to dig out the profound in a life that is essentially average where nothing all that traumatic happens. Though it can be done, it probably means the most to the digger.
Jessica Jade's Avatar
Wow I never would've guessed she was a hooker. Good for her not being ashamed of it and her respect for us women in the industry. I've got to get this book. (Jules and Ze, where do I sign up for your book club )