Has anyone taken a second dose of Viagra in the same day?

brickmonster's Avatar
My doc gave me samples of Cialis, Levitra and Viagra to try. Viagra seemed to work the best without too much side effect, so that is why I chose it even though the others are supposed to last longer.

From what I can find on the web, the half-life of Viagra is 4 hours. So, if I took a half dose 4 hours after the initial dose, it seems that I would just be replenishing what wore off. Perhaps I'll give that a shot.

skirtchaser - what dosage did you double-up on?

Would still be interested to hear from others who have actually done it. Originally Posted by K2
You can count on one hell of a headache if your body does not really need it . I have taken it for recreaction reasons and you better have the Tylonal ready . If you have a medical condition that requires it you might be ok .
Cycle (look it up, guys...I can't do the research for ya) Tongkat Ali (Pasak Bumi) extract 1:200 / 300 mg (along with your favorite "vitamin": day of your session / mine Viagra/ extra strength). You'll f*ck like a Champ.
I don't sell it, I only endorse it (+ your workouts in the gym are more intense....Yee Haw!)

Good luck!
  • Deke
  • 02-19-2012, 10:46 AM
K2, Beware of other side effects by taking too much. Increased pulse right, blurry vision, headaches,etc. An erection lasting too long may be the least to worry about. I have 100mg viagra but have been cutting the pills in half. With this I have actually seen a provider in the morning, rested a while then, had a good satisfying time with another in the afternoon. And I'm not the youngest kid on the block. I would think that taking half a pill and then taking the other later the same day shouldn't hurt as that may be the originally prescribed amount anyway. Be careful you all!
Torito's Avatar
I have tried V and C. A dose of C gets me all the way through an overnighter with as many as 3 or 4 rounds in 12-16 hours. I love giving wakup calls. Not quite as strong as V, but I like the time.

Be extremely careful with dose timing. On rare occasion I had taken a second within the day and seemed OK. Had not done that for a long time and tried it again. I had started taking a blood pressure med and the extra C in combination almost stopped the pump. I just wanted to lie down and go to sleep, but I knew that I might not wake up. It was several scarey hours.

There is a reason for the dosage and warnings associated with prescription meds.

One Viagra usually has after effects on me hours later...mmmm morning sex!!!
brickmonster's Avatar
One Viagra usually has after effects on me hours later...mmmm morning sex!!! Originally Posted by aimhigh1973
Me too ! The next morning I am still getting awesome wood .
This Advice is ONLY for guy's that have been cleared by doctor to take V or C and don't take nitrates for chest pain.

In my experience, the younger guys (under 30-40) V & C lasts much longer and if a second dose was taken 8 hours apart, you will still feel the strength until morning on a weaker dose, like 25mg or 50mg. of V and C comes in a different dose, (i haven't taken C in so long i forgot the dosage) and no harm in taking another dose 8-12 hours apart.

(over 40 guys) most likely take 100mg and same thing applies to them. If you take another dose before 8-12 hours, what will happen is, you will be more flush, and might not be able to cum. you will be able to spin your wheels until you get bored. I have taken 2-100mg together and thats what happened to me, got more flushed in the face, minor headache, you might be able to fuck for hours w/o cumming until V wears down alittle bit (Maybe 2 hours) and you could feel that V was still there in the morning. thats it. so if you take a pill in AM, just wait until night time and you should be good to go for another 1. I have also expermented with 1-V & 1-C together, V over-ruled the C and it was like i never took the C

Side note: if you took 2 pills and experienced the same thing as i stated above, to weaken the strong dose, just eat greasy food and have several drinks, within an hour, your system will be at a regular level again. Greasy food and alcahol weakens the power of V or C

The danger of priapism, guys, is gangreen.