
Wakeup's Avatar
Babe Ruth...Reggie Jackson...and Albert Pujols...

Even the most die hard of you Cardinals haters have to respect what he did tonight. He truely is the best hitter in the world...
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 10-23-2011, 08:37 AM
You are so right, Wakeup. That is a man amongst boys. Wow, what a performance!
TheDon's Avatar
Mavs lost games 1 and 3 but still went on to win the Championship in 6.

Hopefully the Rangers can do the same.
I have a hard time cheering for an American League team, pitchers need to hit. There is so much that having the pitcher hit brings to the game....sac bunts, double switches etc. Its been an exciting series, I'm hoping for 7 games, I'm not ready for basball to end.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 10-25-2011, 12:46 PM
wow. game 5 turned into a nail biter last night. one more win to go baby!!

thanks to all the fans out there that cheered on the Rangers and made the Cards' brains rattle so hard they couldn't hear themselves think, much less hear LaRussa in the bullpen. bwahahaha!!

Jack Flash's Avatar
Rain out? Play in the fucking rain.. pussies
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 10-27-2011, 11:30 PM
holy hell game 6 was even more nerve wracking. I feel like I just ran a race and all I did was sit my ass on a couch drinking coke n stuffing my face

TheDon's Avatar
Rangers blew it.
macksback's Avatar
Faggot ass Cardinals blew it. What good is winning if you don't cover the point spread?
proper's Avatar
was on a jetblue flight last night and so pleased that they have Direct TV. What a game?
Wakeup must have been having an orgasm even without a redhead.

So any opinions on who is going to win this.
Jack Flash's Avatar
I just knew the Rangers were about to win (twice they were one strike away). I want Nolan to get his title.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 10-28-2011, 01:03 PM
(twice they were one strike away) Originally Posted by Jack Flash
Unbelievable. Just fucking unbelievable!!!
Wakeup's Avatar
This team couldn't possibly give us any more than they gave this year. 11 in 2011 defined what the best in baseball could ever be...

EDIT: I apologize, in the heat if the moment I forgot something. Rangers fans, I want to congratulate you on a feat that not many teams can claim. Your team is loaded with talent, as evinced by your rare back-to-back appearances in the Fall Classic. There's absolutely no doubt that you'll be competing for a third trip next year, so don't hang your heads, your team is something to be incredibly proud of. Your time to shine is still ahead of you. Well done.
TheDon's Avatar
Congrats Cardinal fans.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 10-29-2011, 05:25 AM
Wow wow wow! Just.. WOW!! Much respect and congrats to the Cardinals for coming out on top.... again.

Both teams this year played amazing ball and neither "stole" a game from the other. I generally don't get so worked up over sporting events but this series truly had me on the edge of my seat the whole way. Even had to get up and walk away a few times to let the anxiety die down.

Sad that the Rangers couldn't pull it off in the end but I realize the next best thing to winning the World Series is losing the World Series. To be in either spot is phenomenal. Hope next year can be just as incredible as this year seemed to be.