
Lol, if a dude or a chick has a sore on the mouth, no bueno on me getting in your face.

If I see sores on the nether regions that look atrocious, I am hopping the hell up and saying see ya!
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EVERYONE HAS HERPES???? Am I reading that right? Well, if everyone has it, there's no need in anyone tring NOT to get it. WOW. I've never heard that before. But guys I got news for yall. If yall think yall are gonna get one over on Seasonedmuse, u can think again. She'll shove your foot up your ass, pull it out, and shove it down your throat. I know. I'm still tasting shit and leather from my last convo on here. She's a pro at convo. Not to mention the fact, she is stunningly beautiful and in love with me.
Lol! Guitar, I am glad you have humor, which I have a soft spot for!
Guys, just play careful and never put yourself in a compromising situation.
I do not know how to paste and copy links on my phone. There is an article say "over 90% of the population has HSV-1" that is oral herpes, and they do not know because they never show symptoms. It is at thestdproject.com , lol. Crazy stupid shit out there about all STDs hust scare tactics and still teenagers fuck, lol.
If you reach the end of puberty, it is a repeating pattern. Doesn't matter the age, the fact is someone is always trying to fuck.
Sometimes the little head takes the lead in matters of hormones