Pelosi Denounces GOP Lack of Recognition of Kwanzaa

You have to hand it to Christians, Jews and Muslims; at least their holidays are centered around people/events of significance. As opposed to a seven day excuse to honor what should be honored everyday - mere ideas of solidarity that were codified as a holiday just a few years ago. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Stated like a true Christian. Non-judgmental, kind and understanding.
markroxny's Avatar
Now, that is even more amusing....the man with 15,000 posts on a whore board making judgments about the quality of someone else's existence. Originally Posted by timpage
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
See? It entertains you. Just like I said. And KarlMarxRoxny, too! Feel better now?
MarxNoSmarts is one of the most prolific posters here. He does 11.61 posts per day. An astosihing amount of what he calls bullshit.

Far more than myself, Joe, JD, and others. And not too far behind COG.

MarxNoSmarts is a phony - a black pot calling the kettle black.

And Marxy's posts are a true waste of time; no facts, no links, no substance. Just empty rhetoric and his lover Obama.

markroxny's Avatar
MarxNoSmarts is one of the most prolific posters here. He does 11.61 posts per day. An astosihing amount of what he calls bullshit.

Far more than myself, Joe, JD, and others. And not too far behind COG.

MarxNoSmarts is a phony - a black pot calling the kettle black. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What dribble are you talking now? Isn't it time for you or COF to start another Obama/liberal hater thread?
11.61 posts a day and nothing of substance is what I am talking about. Your life is a waste.
markroxny's Avatar
11.61 posts a day and nothing of substance is what I am talking about. Your life is a waste. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So if I started 5 or 6 threads a day quoting anti-Obama/Liberal articles like you do that would give my life worth?

joe bloe's Avatar
What dribble are you talking now? Isn't it time for you or COF to start another Obama/liberal hater thread? Originally Posted by markroxny
It's always a good time for an Obama/liberal hater thread!

You can never have too many. That's like being too rich.
You mock COG for his prolific posting but you are one of the worse offenders at 11.61 posts a day.

COG's posts are full of content, facts, links, logic. Your own not.

As COG notes below; you put the Sandbox down; but you are one of it's most prolific posters. That says a lot about your own laughable self loathing state.

You think you are morally superior because you post less? In reality you are one of the most prolific posters in the Sandbox.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, I think my average is higher than KarlMarxRoxny's. But I have always said I like this board, and I don't disrespect the owners, or the purpose of this board. If one is going to put down this place, calling it whore board, and then feel morally superior to someone who posts more than them is truly pathetic. They have identified their self-loathing. Exactly how many posts does it take for a person to be considered a loser? (I know some of the morons here will look at my post count and use that, fine.)

I like this place. I enjoy watching the liberals come unglued when confronted with the truth, whether by me or others. All they can come up with is YOU HATE HIM! YOU HATE HIM! YOU HATE HIM! LOL! That's funny! They ignore the facts, and either wish their opponents dead, or call them haters. They almost NEVER address the issue.

So you think you are morally superior to me because you post less, that is truly pathetic, and very funny.

Have at it!
All holidays are "made up". Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25, that was the day of a Pagan "holiday" that some Roman emperor decided to merge with his Christian subjects core belief, so now we have "Christmas".

Kwanzaa is the only "holiday" that celebrates and teaches African cultural principles.

Of course the GOP will dismiss it. They still haven't learned the lessons of the 2012 elections. Originally Posted by markroxny
True. All holidays are made up. But some are more made up than others.

I think Orwell said that.

Do you really need a holiday to teach and celebrate "principles", as opposed to events or famous people?

And when you look at the definitions, are those really "African" principles? They look pretty generic to me.

Take Ujamaa, for example: "Cooperative economics emphasizes our collective economic strength and encourages us to meet common needs through mutual support."

That isn't really African. That's warmed over Marxism.

Which makes sense considering who Ron Karenga was - a 60s radical. He was basically substituting secular economic ideas for religious beliefs he didn't share. And he tried to sell it by wrapping it in African garb to sell it in the black community. It's more of a Trojan horse than it is a religious or cultural celebration.

I think black Christians of all people ought to be insulted by it and oppose it for leading young folks away from Christianity (to the extent that it actually does). And I say this as someone who is borderline atheist.

The rest of the world isn't obligated to put on blinders and pretend Kwanzaa is real. I think Mormonism is a bunch of hoodoo espoused by a con man, Joseph Smith. If I can say that about Mormonism, I should be able to say the same thing about Kwanzaa and Ron Karenga without having anyone insinuate that it is racism.

To put it another way, if CoG started a new "holiday celebration" based on individualism, self-reliance, and limited government principles and called it "Libertaria" and pitched it as a celebration of Anglican Protestant "principles", would you laugh at it or treat it seriously?

If Hallmark used Libertaria as an excuse to sell more holiday cards, would that make Libertaria any less of a phony manufactured holiday?
joe bloe's Avatar
Well, I think my average is higher than KarlMarxRoxny's. But I have always said I like this board, and I don't disrespect the owners, or the purpose of this board. If one is going to put down this place, calling it whore board, and then feel morally superior to someone who posts more than them is truly pathetic. They have identified their self-loathing. Exactly how many posts does it take for a person to be considered a loser? (I know some of the morons here will look at my post count and use that, fine.)

I like this place. I enjoy watching the liberals come unglued when confronted with the truth, whether by me or others. All they can come up with is YOU HATE HIM! YOU HATE HIM! YOU HATE HIM! LOL! That's funny! They ignore the facts, and either wish their opponents dead, or call them haters. They almost NEVER address the issue.

So you think you are morally superior to me because you post less, that is truly pathetic, and very funny.

Have at it! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I have a semi-serious question. You've stated repeatedly that you don't hate Obama. At what point, if ever, do you think it would be appropriate to hate him?

Do you think it's a mistake for any people to ever hate their leader? Was it a mistake for the Germans to hate Hitler, for the Russians to hate Stalin, for the Cubans to hate Castro, for the Cambodians to hate Pol Pot?
Do you think it's a mistake for any people to hate their leader? Was it a mistake for the Germans to hate Hitler, for the Russians to hate Stalin, for the Cubans to hate Castro, for the Cambodians to hate Pol Pot? Originally Posted by joe bloe

The subject is hating Obama and you use those guys as a yard stick. Are you really putting Obama in the same category as mass-murdering dictators?

I don't care for Obama's politics, but I don't worry about him turning genocidal. That's a ludicrous comparison.
Excellent analysis ENYer.....

Can't wait to read the responses to your points.

True. All holidays are made up. But some are more made up than others.

I think Orwell said that.

Do you really need a holiday to teach and celebrate "principles", as opposed to events or famous people?

And when you look at the definitions, are those really "African" principles? They look pretty generic to me.

Take Ujamaa, for example: "Cooperative economics emphasizes our collective economic strength and encourages us to meet common needs through mutual support."

That isn't really African. That's warmed over Marxism.

Which makes sense considering who Ron Karenga was - a 60s radical. He was basically substituting secular economic ideas for religious beliefs he didn't share. And he tried to sell it by wrapping it in African garb to sell it in the black community. It's more of a Trojan horse than it is a religious or cultural celebration.

I think black Christians of all people ought to be insulted by it and oppose it for leading young folks away from Christianity (to the extent that it actually does). And I say this as someone who is borderline atheist.

The rest of the world isn't obligated to put on blinders and pretend Kwanzaa is real. I think Mormonism is a bunch of hoodoo espoused by a con man, Joseph Smith. If I can say that about Mormonism, I should be able to say the same thing about Kwanzaa and Ron Karenga without having anyone insinuate that it is racism.

To put it another way, if CoG started a new "holiday celebration" based on individualism, self-reliance, and limited government principles and called it "Libertaria" and pitched it as a celebration of Anglican Protestant "principles", would you laugh at it or treat it seriously?

If Hallmark used Libertaria as an excuse to sell more holiday cards, would that make Libertaria any less of a phony manufactured holiday? Originally Posted by ExNYer
joe bloe's Avatar

The subject is hating Obama and you use those guys as a yard stick. Are you really putting Obama in the same category as mass-murdering dictators?

I don't care for Obama's politics, but I don't worry about him turning genocidal. That's a ludicrous comparison. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I'm using them as a "yard stick" in order to show that there are times when it is clearly appropriate for people to hate their leader. I'm not saying Obama is as bad as Hitler. I'm asking a hypothetical question. Is there anything Obama could do that would make hatred an appropriate response?

How many times does he have to violate the Constitution? How many times does he have to betray our allies and play footsy with our enemies? How many times does he have to take actions that get innocent Americans killed and then cover it up (Fast and Furious and Benghazi).