Texas TEXAS wildlife needs a few seconds of your time.

sue_nami's Avatar
I agree about antibiotics GG, see us tree hugging dirt worshiping Austin hippies are not totally unreasonable.
mrhamm's Avatar
I have a problem with the government telling me that I need to pay someone else to do work around my house. It seems to me this legislation would make it illegal for me to roach bomb my own house. I'm behind the idea of the bill, but think they need to tweak it further.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 12-26-2013, 09:36 AM
SO ARE USING DEER FEEDERS!!! Originally Posted by Daddyslilslut
Agreed! One day I was out on my property, no feeder, just me perched behind some bush gazing through my binoculars when all of the sudden a deer head engulfs my binocs. I pull them down to see a fawn no more than 20 feet away totally oblivious to me. As I sit still, watching this baby is getting closer and closer. In fact at one point I could have reached out and slapped it on the snout. (Scent cover-up was working well). Being the hunter that I am, I "know" mama is not far away, watching everything. So finally I very softly say, "BOOO" and baby fawn jumps about too feet in the air, little legs running before they hit the ground. And like I thought, mama was behind me about 20-30 yards with a keen eye on things. She snorted and took of running, while I just about fell off my stool laughing.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I'm not sure I'd be willing to regulate it, but I do get something of a laugh (or cry) out of the guys with feeders thinking the they're the "great white hunter." Or the guys going to the deer ranch guided hunt places.

I've thought of starting a place where I take cows and let people "hunt" the cattle. I'd have various levels of difficulty and "hype." One level would require you to hunt the cow out in a wooded area. Then in an open field. For an extra charge, I tie antlers to the horns. Extra charge for more points on your buck. Higher rates for smaller and smaller enclosures that the cow is in. Then we'll have the cow restrained and have a rifle in a bench already sighted in for a quick kill. Top level will be hunting the cow over the internet.
thisguy23's Avatar
Texas wildlife needs a few seconds of your time.

Shockingly, it is currently legal for "hunters" to pump gasoline or other noxious fumes into borrows, dens, and other confined spaces where Texas wildlife seeks shelter. This is commonly done by contestants in rattlesnake roundups. The process drives out and/or kills pretty much anything in the gassed areas. Collateral damage includes tortoises, turtles, small mammals, lizards, toads, frogs, and non-venomous snakes. Many of the critters that are inadvertently displaced or killed are threatened or endangered species.

Texas Parks and Wildlife is FINALLY considering prohibiting this method of "hunting". They are soliciting public opinion before making a final ruling.

Please take ten seconds to cast your vote in favor of Texas wildlife

Could you list for me some of these threatened or endangered species that are being killed or displaced?

TPWD: Public Comment: Means and Methods for the Take of Nongame Wildlife

Originally Posted by sue_nami
SO ARE USING DEER FEEDERS!!! Originally Posted by Daddyslilslut
Do you feel the same way about deer being hunted on a corn or wheat field?
universalenergy's Avatar
How about use smoke instead of gasoline. But It would only stunt their growth for a little while.
Certainly we want to protect our children. But if you have rattle snakes living in a hole under your house, is the best solution to safeguarding children to fill that hole with a toxic, carcinogenic, highly flammable liquid?
GneissGuy's Avatar
Certainly we want to protect our children. But if you have rattle snakes living in a hole under your house, is the best solution to safeguarding children to fill that hole with a toxic, carcinogenic, highly flammable liquid? Originally Posted by chuckles
Come on now, we're talking about gasoline, not radioactive waste or phosgene gas.

If gasoline was that dangerous, we'd be dead already. Who hasn't spilled gas on their hands, around their lawnmower, etc.?

However, you should be careful about the fire risk pouring gas into a hole actually under a house or even close to a house. A little bit of gasoline goes a long way in terms of starting a fire. The vapors also crawl along the ground quite some distance and can spread fire on a fairly wide area outside where you've actually poured it.

If you've ever poured gas on something and set fire to it, it is quite staggeringly dangerous in terms of how far it spreads, etc. BTW, don't try it, the fire spreads WAY outside the area where you actually poured gasoline.

I think you only pour a small amount of gas in a snake hole, not half a gallon. You're relying on the vapors to do the dirty work, not trying to drown the snake. Unless you're a professional snake hunter or some such, you probably only use a gallon or two in your whole lifetime. I'm sure most of us spill a lot more than that over time in various ways.

I wonder if you could use something like isopropyl alcohol instead of gasoline.
Do you feel the same way about deer being hunted on a corn or wheat field? Originally Posted by thisguy23
No that is nature ....however setting up a deer feeder is just like the police entrapment!
Entrapment - It's illegal for police and it should be illegal for hunters!

Just my take hunting with the deer feeder isn't as much fun and it's cheating - as taking your rifle on your shoulder and walking off into the woods IMHO real hunter
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 12-27-2013, 10:55 AM
While it's nice to try and maintain a "stewardship" of the environment it sometimes is difficult to "reason" with wild creatures and insects. The bill seems pointed towards snakes but how would you relocate carpenter ants, brown recluse spiders and the like. If enacted I think it should apply only to those businesses involved in "Pest Control" when engaged by a home/property owner. If the owner chooses to act on their own they would be subject to any existing environmental protection acts.

Bottom line is that anything that poses a threat to your property or family should be dealt with by the homeowner. It's up to them to act responsibly.
thisguy23's Avatar
No that is nature ....however setting up a deer feeder is just like the police entrapment!
Entrapment - It's illegal for police and it should be illegal for hunters!

Just my take hunting with the deer feeder isn't as much fun and it's cheating - as taking your rifle on your shoulder and walking off into the woods IMHO real hunter Originally Posted by Daddyslilslut
I would say that I have been out in ''nature'' more than most people, and I have never seen a naturally occurring wheat or cornfield. So what your saying is its ok for a guy who owns a thousand acres of land to place something man made to attract deer but not for a guy who owns 5 acres to put out some corn. Makes no sense to me.
Personally I don't like to hunt over a corn feeder, but I will stand up for other hunters who I think have the right to do it. Its a great way to get kids interested in hunting letting them see the turkey, quail, deer, and other animals that come in. Having a camera on your feeder lets you determine the health of your local herd and decide which animals, and how many need to be taken. I could keep going on the good things that feeders do for the deer and for us.

And when it comes to pest control, before you decide what you would do in this snake situation call your local pest control guy and tell him you have a snake den under your house and ask him what the cost to remove it would be. You might be shocked.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Actually, I don't have any problem with using feeders to lure in the deer. Just be honest and admit you're doing it for the meat or whatever.

Deer are fucking pests. They're like big, cute rats that eat peoples gardens and landscape, wreck cars, etc. Since we wiped out their natural predators, there's way too many of them.

Just don't act like you're some sort of great hunter because you've shot a semi-domesticated deer that's coming to get its regular ration of food that you set out. That's sort of like shooting a cow when it comes to the feeder.
thisguy23's Avatar
[QUOTE=GneissGuy;1054757676]Actually, I don't have any problem with using feeders to lure in the deer. Just be honest and admit you're doing it for the meat or whatever. It would be a lot cheaper to buy meat than go hunting, its not about the meat, the meat is just a bonus. Its about spending time with friends and family.

Deer are fucking pests. They're like big, cute rats that eat peoples gardens and landscape, wreck cars, etc. Since we wiped out their natural predators, there's way too many of them. I agree.

Just don't act like you're some sort of great hunter because you've shot a semi-domesticated deer that's coming to get its regular ration of food that you set out. That's sort of like shooting a cow when it comes to the feeder, or a wheat - cornfield, or apple tree