Keep reading. She brings some new perspectives and insights after she gives up the drugs. The nature of it all is depressing, albeit understandable.....but maybe she'll bring us to an epiphany. Haven't finished the book yet.
Sophie Bella...where are your comments??? You started all this!!!
Originally Posted by jsparrow
I'm being rather negligent with finishing the book as well. One of the reasons why I believe the book is like wading through mud for me to finish, is I'm IN this business and so a lot of it is familiar. I would imagine if someone is reading it and they haven't had any experience with it, then the interest level would skyrocket.
Also, "technically" we're not allowed to discuss drugs or drug use on this board. BUT, her drug addiction is really a pivotal point of the story. So, I believe that we can bend that rule slightly so if there are points to be taken with her addictions and with the relevance to the book, and it's important to discuss, then let's go there.
Personally, I'm looking forward to getting past that to see if she has any moments of gut-wrenching clarity. My last paragraph that I read this weekend was she was taking her last shot of heroin. So it's my hope that the rest of the book starts opening up a bit more with regard to the personal changes in her life, etc.
Any more ideas or thoughts from the folks still reading?