Pimp vs. "Management"

Remember, a pimp is only as good as his product. Product is women. Now, you got to go out there and you’ve got to get the best ones you could find and you got to work them broads like nobody’s ever worked ‘em before. and never forget anybody can control the woman’s body but the key is to control the mind. You see..., pimpin’s big business and it’s been going on since the beginning of time, and it’s gonna go ahead ’til somebody up there turns off the lights on this small planet.

Can you dig it?
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Pimpin ain't easy. Ya dig?
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Pimpin' ain't easy. Ya dig?
TinMan's Avatar
While I sympathize with the OP's point in bringing up this topic, I've come to the conclusion that trying to distinguish among Pimp vs. Manager vs. Screener is futile. How many women are going to 'fess up to having a pimp, and how else will you know what the person's role is? Hell, we have two girls in the Alerts section right now slinging the "Pimp!" word at each other, and each one is denying it. As someone posted in one of those threads: "It's the new BBFS".

In recent months, I've encountered more than my usual share of new girls that have assistance of some kind. I've been doing this a long time, and even I can't tell the difference in most cases.
Plain and simple..sadly.. people have trouble getting a stigma out of there head..

GUY OR GIRL.. if someone is handling a girl who sells pussy business side of things.. and is paid for it.. she/he is a pimp and/or manager.. they are pimping that girl by doing her ads, taking her calls and basically supplying her with the clients she will fuck..

an true indy has NO HELP.. you don't talk to anyone other then the girl you will actually PAY and see.. all monies paid to the girl you fuck are HERS.. she doesn't owe anyone whether "pimp", "manager" or some girl she hired to run the business.. I am certain some will argue "wording" and that so and so type jobs have help or secretaries etc.. but this is SEX..its P4P..AND if you have someone helping you then your not independent.. that person that helps you may not have HIRED YOU..obviously its the reverse..you hired them to answer phones etc.. but they are still being paid off the ass you sell..which is no different then what a pimp or manager gets.. a pimp or manager having a fucking dick doen't make him any different then what the girl is doing for the provider.. a girl gets to sit there and mooch off some poor provider selling her self.. no different then a pimp or manager(apparently here viewed as only a guy thing)
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Actually, there is another variant of the so called "manager". There have been a few guys in the hobby (still a few) who help the new gals get established by schooling them on the boards, posting reviews, bumping reviews, and in my opinion "promoting" the gal as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Maybe he doesn't get any of her money, but often gets sessions, and/or extended time with the gals. Is this by definition a "manager"? Well, he is assisting her in managing the direction of her career and getting her established.

Don't say it doesn't happen....
PODarkness's Avatar
Pimp is to manager
shyster is to attorney

It's a subjective assessment.