LexusLover's Avatar
What's my point? Originally Posted by WombRaider
I see you really don't have one relative to the thread topic.

Mine is a matter of priorities of the President, and his ignorance. Like yours.

He fiddles with doing his "victory" laps, while D.C. burns.

(Burns = figuratively speaking before you get all petty again.)

Try to stay on topic and quit wasting your time trying to prove someone else wrong in order to neutralize what they post, since you have nothing to contribute. You call me "transparent" ... you're thin air. Emphasis on the "thin"!

I like this picture of the "Professor" ...

Probably thinking: "Those meanie police!"
I see you really don't have one relative to the thread topic.

Mine is a matter of priorities of the President, and his ignorance. Like yours.

He fiddles with doing his "victory" laps, while D.C. burns.

(Burns = figuratively speaking before you get all petty again.)

Try to stay on topic and quit wasting your time trying to prove someone else wrong in order to neutralize what they post, since you have nothing to contribute. You call me "transparent" ... you're thin air. Emphasis on the "thin"!

I like this picture of the "Professor" ...

Probably thinking: "Those meanie police!" Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're error is in thinking, like you, that Obama can only do one thing at a time. Are you fucking kidding me? What victory laps? You're obsessed with this black man. You're fueled by hatred to the point where you aren't even making sense anymore. And why do you put professor in quotes as if to demean him? He's a distinguished professor who has won countless awards for his excellence in the field. Who the fuck are you to demean that?

How would you like it if you were trying to get in your own goddamn house and someone called the police on you because of it? Would you be happy? I don't think so. Go fuck yourself.
  • shanm
  • 04-16-2015, 11:25 AM

I like this picture of the "Professor" ...

Probably thinking: "Those meanie police!" Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wow LLDipshit, you've sunk to a new low with this picture. If anyone didn't understand before why you hate President Obama, well....its fucking obvious now, isn't it?

Thank you for proving BT right all along. Go get your white hood on, I'm sure the Klan errr...clan is waiting.
Stop being a troll and hijacking threads, this one isn't about the fatwa; go to the Fatwa thread if you want to make your stupid demands. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Honor your stated commitments you fucking piece of shit. Send me my money douchebag.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you suggesting that Whore-LIE-turd could possibly be without integrity?
Kinda funny how all the RWingNutz seem to think Obama is some kinda god that can stop all the evil in the world... but he's not.

Wake TFU losers... gonna be funny as heck when he's gone to see which politician you beat off to next.... too funny.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... seem to think Obama is some kinda god that can stop all the evil in the world... but he's not. Originally Posted by BillyC
Have you explained that to him, yet? That he's not! Someone needs too.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Too what, LLIDIOT?

Posting at 5:37? What did you do, shit the bed again?
Have you explained that to him, yet? That he's not! Someone needs too. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So if he tries, he's an asshole. If he doesn't try, he's an asshole. Can't win with you dickwads. It's actually a little frightening how much fox and rush and hannity have twisted your little mind right around their finger. You just eat that shit up, don't you? You don't like that the black man won... twice. So you've just made up your mind to be a cunt about it. Regardless of whether it makes sense or makes you look like a fucking loon. You're just that upset that a black man is sleeping in the white house. Just fucking eats at you, doesn't it?
Too what, LLIDIOT?

Posting at 5:37? What did you do, shit the bed again? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You know he starts his day early with a pants-shitting. It's just routine.
  • shanm
  • 04-17-2015, 09:37 AM
So if he tries, he's an asshole. If he doesn't try, he's an asshole. Can't win with you dickwads. It's actually a little frightening how much fox and rush and hannity have twisted your little mind right around their finger. You just eat that shit up, don't you? You don't like that the black man won... twice. So you've just made up your mind to be a cunt about it. Regardless of whether it makes sense or makes you look like a fucking loon. You're just that upset that a black man is sleeping in the white house. Just fucking eats at you, doesn't it? Originally Posted by WombRaider
"It's the WHITE house God'darn it. Ain't no Ni**er house" *spits in dip-cup*
"It's the WHITE house God'darn it. Ain't no Ni**er house" *spits in dip-cup* Originally Posted by shanm
Pretty much. I don't know if he honestly even recognizes how overtly racist and cunty he is. Probably not.
LexusLover's Avatar
So if he tries, he's an asshole. If he doesn't try, he's an asshole. Can't win.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Sounds like you describing yourself. So why not just quit trying?

Sounds like you describing yourself. So why not just quit trying?

Originally Posted by LexusLover
And quit fucking with you? NEVAH!
LexusLover's Avatar
If anyone didn't understand before why you hate President Obama, well....its fucking obvious now, isn't it? Originally Posted by shanm
Actually it's obvious how intellectually devoid you are. Since you have no substantive counter point you resort to an unfounded accusation of race. You ignorance is revealed by suggesting that posting a picture of a Harvard professor being arrested with a Black supervising officer present reflects some "racial bias" demonstrates the depth of your dishonesty and your own bias.

When you make everything someone says or post an opportunity to call "racism," you are reflecting your own inner conflict. What "attitude" are you trying to conceal with lamely attempting to focus "the light" on others? That's actually a childhood tactic in an attempt to exonerate your own guilt or project it onto someone else.

Why didn't you marry your Black girlfriend you dated for 10 years?