
Way TOO funny Mrhamm.....although I have met some guys I would swear have both
i said you must be younger than 40 because about then Doctors start doing prostate exams and he said no i am 48. STUNNED a man of that age does not know this. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Up until a few years ago it was universal, but now:

the Choosing Wisely campaign and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) have included not only PSA testing, but also digital rectal exams as procedures that are usually unnecessary. Their advice to physicians is very clear:

Don’t routinely screen for prostate cancer using a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test or digital rectal exam. Originally Posted by
Not all physicians' groups agree, so I assume many docs still do it. But many don't. I got the finger up the butt several times during regular physicals after I turned 40, but the last two, nope. During the most recent one a few months ago I asked "why no prostate exam? not that I'm complaining" and she said it's no longer routine.

Now you, on the other hand, are welcome to "check" mine any time... ;-)