Russia rules out talks.

/thumbs up/ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That's how Hanoi Cog's "Sweet Ass" IIFFY's do it... keep on, keepin' on!
That's how you Hanoi Cog's "Sweet Ass" IIFFY's do it... keep on, keepin' on! Originally Posted by bigtex

Sheeples have fantasies... sheepon sheepen on... is that all you have to say?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have a problem with mutton, DROOLY ANDREWS?
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
The "power play" bit you referenced, Isn't that a lot like how WWII began?
Not all the people want EU membership. It's mostly western Ukraine that wants to join. Not so much with the east. Not surprising since many eastern Ukrainians are ethnic Russians. Crimea didn't want membership either. In fact, they overwhelmingly voted to go with Russia. The whole Ukraine mess is the result of an EU power play. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
LexusLover's Avatar
The "power play" bit you referenced, Isn't that a lot like how WWII began? Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
I suspect we would make a "power play" if our history were the same as Europe's with regard to the fact one might want to revisit the "beginnings" of the interstate highway system in this country as it relates to military strategy ..... modeled after the Pre-WWII German concept.