Harry Reid stands up to Whitehouse...

lustylad's Avatar
Why are we responsible for the mess in the Middle East...? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
We're not, but the Middle East will get a whole lot uglier if people think like you and don't give a shit about nuclear proliferation. So you're cool with a nuclear Iran? How about nukes for Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey too? How will that make it easier to clean up after the next war? Will you sleep ok at night while lots of nukes float around the Mideast waiting to fall into al qaeda's hands?

...why should we stop slaughter around the world if God allows it to happen? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
You are truly the world's biggest dumbfuck to write something as stupid as that. When the bombs fell on Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona sank, would you have shrugged it off because God let it happen? Same with 9/11? I am thankful our country is made of stronger fiber than your cowardly ass. Are you sure you're not a fucking Muzzie? Everytime someone gets fucked, you say Inshallah.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
OK, let's say you are right. Why make an enemy of people willing to die and kill you? Let Russia and Europe worry about them, and quit pricking them with the needle of the drone. The Muslims here appear to be non violent and interested in capitalism, not religious extremism. By the way, they define an infidel as an unbeliever. As a Christian, I get a pass - as do religious Jews, believe it or not. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
People of the book...in the 1940s you might have been right but not now. Now, the west is the great Satan and the Jews are his servants or visa versa. I guess it depends on what side of the bed you wake up on.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You solution is continuous war - not so preferable to the idea of peace with someone who wants to kill you but is limited in their ability to do so. We haven't had anymore 9-11's since the implementation of stricter security - probably a billion passengers have flown since then. Drunk white drivers kill more people in a couple of months than the terrorists who flew into the twin towers did. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Can you show us that they have not been trying? I don't think you can. If we had just sat back like you advise then we would have had bombings in Times Square, New York tunnels under the Hudson river, LAX airport, Wichita airport, flights over the ocean, etc.
I B Hankering's Avatar
When did I say surrender? We either kill them or they kill us, is that your viewpoint, implied though not explicitly stated? You people will use any excuse to keep the war machine running. Why are we responsible for the mess in the Middle East, and why should we stop slaughter around the world if God allows it to happen? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Your ignorance of history is profound, BJ. The U.S. has been involved in the affairs of that region since at least WWII because the Germans and Italians declared war on the U.S., BJ, and it was necessary to defeat both Germany and the Italians in North Africa and in the Middle East, as well as in Europe, BJ. The U.S. stayed involved in that region to deny the Soviets hegemony in that region. Now you ignorantly propose to let Russia have its way in that region as if that wouldn't have any impact on the U.S. economy. Another small thing you ignorantly ignore, BJ, is that the stated goals and objectives of militant Islam is to eliminate the influence of Western culture, BJ, and there's only one way that can happen: the West has to "surrender".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Iran is much closer to a western society than people think. A large number of Iranians love the US, and want to be like us. The reason there is so much friction between our two countries is that we refuse to leave them alone. We toppled their democratically elected leader when he was about to take over the oil supply. What an obnoxious bastard! Actually thinking that Iran should get the benefit of having oil, rather than the oil companies. [That was sarcasm.]

Then we imposed a despot, who was "friendly" to US interests. [oil]

They finally overthrew him, and we wonder why their official policy is anti-US. Now we won't let them have a nuke. You know they are using this nuke BS to stir up anti-US sentiment in their own country and the region. Why would they want a nuke, except to piss us off? They wouldn't use it if they got it. We have military bases surrounding Iran. How far would their missile get? And if a missile did break through the shield, how long until Tehran is a sea of glass? No, the nuke issue is simply being used by the Iranian government to maintain political control. Kind of like how the "war on terror" is being used in the US to prop up the defense industry.

Iran is not going to do anything. Leave them alone.
You solution is continuous war - not so preferable to the idea of peace with someone who wants to kill you but is limited in their ability to do so. We haven't had anymore 9-11's since the implementation of stricter security - probably a billion passengers have flown since then. Drunk white drivers kill more people in a couple of months than the terrorists who flew into the twin towers did. Originally Posted by Bert Jones

Jesus fucking christ Bert. Not only are you a naive pussy lefty, but you are a racist also. "Drunk white drivers kill more people in a couple of months than the terrorists who flew into the twin towers did." - Really? Do non-whites not drink and drive? You're a fucking idiot.
lustylad's Avatar
The reason there is so much friction between our two countries is that we refuse to leave them alone.

Why would they want a nuke... They wouldn't use it if they got it.... And if a missile did break through the shield, how long until Tehran is a sea of glass?

Iran is not going to do anything. Leave them alone. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Hey Old Fart, did you defend the Iranians when they seized our embassy and held our diplomats hostage back in 1979? The whole thing was our fault, wasn't it? Now we have a POTUS who runs around in the Middle East apologizing to everyone - how is that working out for us? Has the apology approach made us more or less popular in the Middle East?

You're prolly too stupid to notice, but you contradict yourself. First you say the Iranians wouldn't use a nuke if they got one; then you say if one of their missiles breaks through, we will reduce Tehran to "a sea of glass". Which is it? I've got a better idea, asshole. Why don't we save future US Presidents from ever having to face the problem? Stop the Iranian nuke program now.

You say "Iran is not going to do anything". Just like they didn't do anything at Khobar Towers in 1996? Just like they didn't do anything at the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1994? Why don't you go talk to the Saudis and the Israelis about your confidence in Iran's good intentions? You might learn something, dumbfuck.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2013, 09:39 AM
Iran is much closer to a western society than people think. A large number of Iranians love the US, and want to be like us. The reason there is so much friction between our two countries is that we refuse to leave them alone. We toppled their democratically elected leader when he was about to take over the oil supply. What an obnoxious bastard! Actually thinking that Iran should get the benefit of having oil, rather than the oil companies. [That was sarcasm.]

Then we imposed a despot, who was "friendly" to US interests. [oil]

They finally overthrew him, and we wonder why their official policy is anti-US. Now we won't let them have a nuke. You know they are using this nuke BS to stir up anti-US sentiment in their own country and the region. Why would they want a nuke, except to piss us off? They wouldn't use it if they got it. We have military bases surrounding Iran. How far would their missile get? And if a missile did break through the shield, how long until Tehran is a sea of glass? No, the nuke issue is simply being used by the Iranian government to maintain political control. Kind of like how the "war on terror" is being used in the US to prop up the defense industry.

Iran is not going to do anything. Leave them alone. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey Lusty. When will you understand that all of this is being done NOT to protect Americans, but to make it easier for oil companies and defense contractors? To think this is about national security is ridiculous.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2013, 09:54 AM
Hey Lusty. When will you understand that all of this is being done NOT to protect Americans, but to make it easier for oil companies and defense contractors? To think this is about national security is ridiculous. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
lustylad's Avatar
Hey Lusty. When will you understand that all of this is being done NOT to protect Americans, but to make it easier for oil companies and defense contractors? To think this is about national security is ridiculous. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh yes, the last refuge of a moron who is losing an argument because he knows nothing about history or foreign policy is to say it's all being manipulated by and for greedy oil companies and/or defense contractors.

Who was behind 9/11, you dumbfuck? Oil companies? Did our defense contractors conspire to attack the Pentagon and the Twin Towers? Is that what you believe?

You say it's "ridiculous" to view nuclear proliferation in the Middle East as a national security problem? Let me get this straight. So letting nukes float around a region with civil wars raging and regimes collapsing where they can fall into the hands of terrorists like hezbollah and al qaeda with long proven track records of killing your fellow American citizens both here on US soil and abroad does NOT affect our national security?

Tell me, Mr. Foreign Policy Idiot, if this doesn't affect our national security, then what the fuck DOES affect it?

When will YOU understand that we're either going to have to take care of the problem now, or later at much greater cost?
lustylad's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF

Hey WTFagboy - Everyone knows you have nothing intelligent to add to the discussion. Is this how you racked up your 15k posts? By posting smilies?

15k posts and you still don't know what the "Like" button is for, dumbfuck?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-22-2013, 01:44 PM
Can you show us that they have not been trying? I don't think you can. If we had just sat back like you advise then we would have had bombings in Times Square, New York tunnels under the Hudson river, LAX airport, Wichita airport, flights over the ocean, etc. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, I agree with our domestic security and its results, although I hate the inconvenience of going through the Lincoln tunnel from time to time when I drive to Manhattan. I'm saying we need more domestic security because we have harassed the Iranians, as well as the other Muslims who hate us. We leave them alone, they might leave us alone. BTW - if they build a nuke, let's just drone strike it and say we will do it again if they build another.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-22-2013, 02:18 PM
We're not, but the Middle East will get a whole lot uglier if people think like you and don't give a shit about nuclear proliferation. So you're cool with a nuclear Iran? How about nukes for Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey too? How will that make it easier to clean up after the next war? Will you sleep ok at night while lots of nukes float around the Mideast waiting to fall into al qaeda's hands?

You are truly the world's biggest dumbfuck to write something as stupid as that. When the bombs fell on Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona sank, would you have shrugged it off because God let it happen? Same with 9/11? I am thankful our country is made of stronger fiber than your cowardly ass. Are you sure you're not a fucking Muzzie? Everytime someone gets fucked, you say Inshallah. Originally Posted by lustylad
We have the right to defend ourselves, but not to take up another's offense, you warmongering tool of the military-industrial complex and most of all, a useful idiot for their stockholders. As for nukes, let's accurately drone strike their facilities after they are almost set up, costing them billions and making it all an exercise in futility.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-22-2013, 02:22 PM
Iran is much closer to a western society than people think. A large number of Iranians love the US, and want to be like us. The reason there is so much friction between our two countries is that we refuse to leave them alone. We toppled their democratically elected leader when he was about to take over the oil supply. What an obnoxious bastard! Actually thinking that Iran should get the benefit of having oil, rather than the oil companies. [That was sarcasm.]

Then we imposed a despot, who was "friendly" to US interests. [oil]

They finally overthrew him, and we wonder why their official policy is anti-US. Now we won't let them have a nuke. You know they are using this nuke BS to stir up anti-US sentiment in their own country and the region. Why would they want a nuke, except to piss us off? They wouldn't use it if they got it. We have military bases surrounding Iran. How far would their missile get? And if a missile did break through the shield, how long until Tehran is a sea of glass? No, the nuke issue is simply being used by the Iranian government to maintain political control. Kind of like how the "war on terror" is being used in the US to prop up the defense industry.

Iran is not going to do anything. Leave them alone. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well said, but I would take out the nukes just to be safe.